Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 607: 609 head to the palace

607 609 Going to the Royal Palace

The spy saw Lin Tianyao angry, fearing that he had said something wrong. He hurriedly explained: "I just sent a message to the minister. Is his secret known to me and his little ones? The minister told me to monitor General Estes, just to pay attention to her movements. According to my guess, he might want to Take advantage of the blind date to win General Estes!"

After talking for a long time, there is finally an important piece of news.

The Minister wants to win over Estes, and Lin Tianyao is almost certain!

The forces of the imperial capital are divided into two factions, the ministerial one and the bude one. As for Estes, the strength of the other two is extremely daunting, but she does not care about rights, but loves war and killing!

Because of this, the other two of the three strong men can maintain balance. Once Esdes joins any other party, the Libra of the Imperial Capital will be tilted one-sided. By that time, there must have been a dominance of the family.

If this is the case, then not only is the empire in trouble, but there will also be a big mess on the side of the revolutionary army.

Once the minister was in full power, Esztera was brought over to deal with the Revolutionary Army, and those who attacked at night would not necessarily be their opponents.

If it was not restricted by the mission, what difficulty did Lin Tianyao go directly to the emperor to destroy all of them?

Now, the problem is completely in front of you!

After spying out what he knew, he saw Lin Tianyao's expression becoming uncertain, and the fear in his heart became more serious. After being walked away from the ghost gate, he now becomes more afraid of death!

"Go away!"

Lin Tianyao waved his hand and said: "Go back and tell you the minister, his son died in my hands, and his head will be taken into my pocket sooner or later!"

The soldiers listened to Lin Tianyao let them go, suddenly exclaimed, and rushed towards the door with a swarm of bees.

Lin Tianyao didn't want to kill them, but there was no need to do it. When these little slaves go back, the minister will naturally pick them up.

Now got the conspiracy of the minister, what Lin Tianyao cares about is Estes. The woman does not seem to be a lunatic who only knows to kill people, as the rumors say.

On the contrary, he could vaguely see that there was a kind of sadness in Estes's eyes.

After the little chateau had left, Lin Tianyao returned to Chelsea's house. At this moment Chelsea had dressed up and stood up in front of the bed.

Seeing Lin Tianyao coming in, she hurriedly greeted her, groped around him, and eagerly said: "Brother Tianyao, are you okay, have you been injured?"

Lin Tianyao embraced her in her arms and kissed her pink mouth: "How can those miscellaneous fish hurt me? It's you who hasn't got a fever, how can it get up?"

Chelsea put his head on his heart and said: "Other people are not worried about you! But my high fever has gone, and the herbal medicine of the Revolutionary Army is extremely effective!"

"Are you well?"

Lin Tianyao reached out and touched her forehead, and her temperature had indeed returned to normal.

With a thought in his mind, he said to Chelsea: "Since you are well, it is not too late. You must leave your time and go to the night raid camp!"

Chelsea nodded: "It's already exposed here. It's really unsafe to stay here!"

Seeing Lin Tianyao doing nothing, she was a bit strange: "Brother Tianyao, are you not going to leave?"

Lin Tianyao shook his head and said: "I have more important things!"

"I will go with you!"

Chelsea waited for the big eyes, his face stubborn!

Lin Tianyao reached out and touched her little face and said, "Now it is not wayward, I will go to the palace next. It is too dangerous. It is inconvenient for me to take you!"

Chelsea is worried about Lin Tianyao, but she is not a fool. Lin Tianyao's skill is clear in her heart. It is natural to be able to play with Esdes equally. She was also burdensome to keep up.

Thinking, she tipped her little toes and kissed Lin Tianyao's face. His face was ashamed and said in red: "Brother Tianyao, you must return safely, I will be waiting for you at the night raid camp!"

"Do not worry!"

Lin Tianyao patted on her head, the two did not hesitate, directly out of the stronghold, one out of the city, one rushed towards the palace.

The location chosen by the imperial capital is also quite classic. It was originally a high mountain. At the foot of the mountain is the wall of the imperial capital. At the top of the mountain, it was cut off by manpower and the palace was built.

The entire location looks like the palace is high above the sky, while the residents below are looking up. When you look out of the palace, you can see the wide area of ​​a hundred miles.

This kind of building structure also highlights the imperial height. At a glance, glance at the world.

Outside the palace, there are a total of eight walls. From top to bottom, divide the imperial area into nine grades. Each class represents a class of people.

Of course, these walls are in the eyes of Lin Tianyao.

With the help of flying thunder god, Lin Tianyao's body was like a ghost in the night. After only a few flashes, he blatantly lowered his eyes from the guard and entered the palace.

Looking at an opportunity, Lin Tianyao grabbed a maid, and after pulling out Esdes's palace from her mouth, Lin Tianyao reached out and twisted her neck.

In such a place, he will never be soft-hearted. Once the news of the invasion is spread, the action will be more troublesome.

The palace of Estes is located in the northern part of the top of the Royal Capital. According to the description of the maid, she wants to suppress the northern aliens and pay attention to their movements. Even if the original imperial capital, they have to look at them here!

The shape of this collar palace is somewhat rudimentary, which forms a sharp contrast with the gorgeous decoration of other nobles.

Lin Tianyao had just turned to the roof of the collar palace and saw a lonely figure in the distance.

Estes sitting on the roof, holding an ice crystal lotus in his hand, seemed to be thinking about something.

Suddenly, with a move in her hand, an ice cone flew over, and the target was Lin Tianyao hiding in the dark!

"Since it's here, why hide?"...