Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 605: 607 exposed

Episode 605

Shira's eyes widened, and she couldn't even shift her head to look at Lin Tianyao, only staring at the front.

He clasped the neck of his main hand so that the wound could not collapse. Rao is so, the blood flowing between his fingers, still like the floodwaters that started, poured down and stained his chest.


Sheila knelt on the ground, his head lowered desperately, and her chin was about to squeeze through her collarbone.

The imperial soldiers who came back together did not respond at all. What happened in front of them. It was just before that breath, Shira had her throat cut off. The murderer seemed sparse and ordinary.

"Everyone is on the way, Mr. Shira has an accident, and the minister will certainly not spare us!"

One of the sergeants was terrified. Without thinking, he directly waved the big sword in his hand and cleaved towards Lin Tianyao.

"Earthworm shakes the tree!"

Lin Tianyao flicked his finger lightly and struck the big sword. The seemingly soft and weak blow was mixed with internal force and huge force. At the moment of the hit, the big sword began to shake madly.

The body of the soldier holding the big sword began to tremble violently with the big sword. A little effort, the fine iron sword, collapsed into countless fragments, and the soldier's body, the surrounding armor joints spurted blood, and the joints also came out with punctured skin.

With just one finger, one person and one sword were broken into pieces!

"Monster, he is a monster!"

Rao is a soldier who has been baptized with blood, and can't see through the scene in front of him. Rao is the dangerous species, and hitting an ordinary person with that huge finger is impossible to have such a terrible effect?

Fear now occupies everyone's heart. The lineup that was originally neat and tidy also began to get messy. The legs and feet of those soldiers couldn't stop shaking. Even the cloth at the crotch of some people has already appeared wet.


As soon as Lin Tianyao lifted his foot, his thigh was like an iron whip, and he threw it on Shira's head. The huge impact force directly kicked Shira's head off the neck. The flying head, like the football on the green field, flew away.

The hall was not big. Lin Tianyao kicked Sylla's head and hit the wall directly.

Shira's head, instead of being crushed like a watermelon, was directly embedded in the stone wall. Those eyes were still staring at the boss, and at the moment of death, he seemed unable to understand. What the **** is going on!

After solving Shira, Lin Tianyao reached out and grabbed a small captain.

The captain of the squad was caught by Lin Tianyao, and his face was horrified. In the eyes occupied by fear, there was a gray of death. Lin Tianyao grabbed the armor on his chest and lifted him straight up. Then asked: "I just heard that Shira is the son of Minister Osnet, why can he know that I am here?"

If Lin Tianyao asked so before, maybe someone else would treat him like a fool. After all, there is an inner ghost here. Does anyone know his whereabouts?

It's just that he came to this revolutionary army stronghold, but it was just a meal. If the inner ghost passed the news, he went nonstop, and then brought Shira and others over. This journey is simply not enough for a round trip!

Moreover, if Shira did not know that he had come here early. With a small stronghold, would he use a character like him?

After listening to Lin Tianyao's question, the squad leader suddenly heard the sound of "Gurong" in his throat.

After a while, his eyes suddenly protruded, as if to stare out. Then, his neck crooked, and there was no more vitality. At the corner of his mouth, a slight dark green liquid slowly flowed out!

Seeing this, Lin Tian shook his head gently and said, "How dare you become a soldier because you are so timid?"

He threw it away and left the squad leader who was frightened to the ground.

Suddenly, Lin Tianyao felt something was wrong. He could clearly feel that although there was more commotion in the crowd, there was a figure that could still remain calm. His footsteps began to move slightly, as if he wanted to escape.

Feeling this situation, Lin Tianyao's mouth flashed a sneer.

"Since it's here, why should we go?"

He moved directly into the crowd.

The soldiers were still able to keep moving, and when Lin Tianyao rushed over, almost in an instant, they flew towards both sides and gave way.

In front of Lin Tianyao, a small passage appeared in an instant. At the end of the passage, someone was bowing, ready to escape!


Lin Tianyao stepped forward, grabbed his neck directly, and then pressed **** the ground. With huge force, this guy's helmet fell into the ground.

After controlling this guy, Lin Tianyao reached out and pulled the armor away.

After stripping off the armor, as expected, this guy was not wearing inner armor and cloth, but had a black night suit. People in night clothes are either assassins or spies!

In order to verify his identity, Lin Tianyao raised his body. While lifting it, a black tubular object fell off him. At a glance, it turned out to be a telescope!

With the spy still on the ground, stepping on one foot, Lin Tianyao reached out and picked up the telescope. Pulling off the stacking tube, he measured the length. According to the specifications of this telescope, the distance you can see is a full circle!

This spying, even among the sergeants, if he guessed well, it was certainly this guy who had discovered that he had come to this stronghold! After all, only he can inform Osnet in time after observing the situation, and then send people here!

Thinking of this, a picture flashed in Lin Tianyao's mind! ....