Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 604: 606 spike

Episode 604

Lin Tianyao reached for the porcelain bowl and dipped it in the mouth of the undried medicine.

After the medicine liquid was imported, Lin Tianyao put the package into the body with internal force, as expected, after the medicine liquid was absorbed, a toxin of black paint appeared in it!

The power of the flames in Jinwu's blood almost rushed towards the toxin at the same time, burning it out instantly.

"Chelsea, you lie down, this little toxin, I haven't paid attention!"

The flames of Jin Wu in Lin Tianyao are almost the nemesis of all the poisonous things. How can the rare toxins fall over him?

He reached out and pressed against Chelsea's heart, a pure internal force was transmitted through her body into her heart.

The invasion of toxins is carried through the body's blood circulation to carry the body. The heart is the central point of blood flow, as long as it expels those toxins along the way, it will naturally come naturally!

Lin Tianyao held his heart, and Chelsea's painful face flashed a little red. The fool knows what is in the girl's chest. Anyone feels shy when a big man reaches for it.

Lin Tianyao didn't feel anything wrong. He was now devoted to Chelsea, and he had no other thoughts.

When the inner body entered Chelsea, the flames of Jinwu wrapped in the inner force also erupted.

At this moment, Lin Tianyao's internal force is like a locust crossing, and the toxins are crops and plants, and nothing left is directly burned.

After the toxins were burned, the pain on Chelsea's face gradually disappeared, and the expression on his face suddenly became satisfied, as if extremely comfortable.

After tea time, Lin Tianyao finally cleaned her body of toxins.

It was only when he was about to close his hand that this discovered the problem. In his palm, the soft touch like cotton candy was extremely comfortable.

"Chelsea's face is satisfied, could it be because I feel comfortable?"

Lin Tianyao thought for a while, he was already a veteran of the woman. Heterosexual body touches, the soothing feeling, like the effect of force, are all mutual.


A loud noise suddenly came out from outside. Even the surrounding stone walls began to vibrate. Muds of mud fell like snowflakes in winter from the top of the head.

"Damn, I'm still going to settle accounts with you, you have come to your door!"

Lin Tianyao reached out and waved, a barrier formed by internal force appeared above the two people's heads, blocking the falling dust.

The stronghold of the Revolutionary Army was poisoned, which must be what the inner ghost called. In this case, it must be that all the emperors came over!

"Want to be poisoned and make me lose combat power, and then take advantage of the siege?"

Seeing through the enemy's scheme, Lin Tianyao's mouth flashed a sneer. The person taking the medicine is Chelsea, but not him! Besides, how can that kind of toxin hurt him?

"Since you deliberately seek death, then I am sympathetic to you, but it seems that I am too kind!" Lin Tianyao stood up with a cold face on his face, then turned and walked towards the door.

Chelsea grabbed his arm and said, "Brother Tianyao, we have ghosts here. It must be dangerous outside now, you can't go out!"

Lin Tianyao comfortably patted on her little hand and said softly: "If I can't even protect my own woman, then what other face do I have to go out to meet people? Rest assured, everything is under control!"

Let Chelsea rest in bed, Lin Tianyao opened the door and went out.

The scene in front of me happened so quickly that the revolutionary soldiers in the stronghold were killed on the spot by the imperial infantry who entered.

Looking at the corpses and blood on the floor, Lin Tianyao found a familiar figure in the crowd. The man was the revolutionary soldier who had led him before and then delivered the medicine. Oh no, it should be said to be a traitor now!

"The former companion died on the spot because of his own death. How do you feel in your heart now?"

Lin Tianyao pointed to the traitor, and his voice was cold as if to freeze the surrounding space.

The traitor shrank his head and panicked: "No, it wasn't me who killed them! The empire's strength is so powerful that it's not something we can contend with. I also do justice to this!"


Lin Tianyao punched the wall with a punch, pulled a brick out of it, and reached out with a fierce throw.

The brick formed a straight line and directly hit the head of the traitor, smashing his sinful head to a crush!


A crisp and loud applause rang from behind the infantry, and I saw a man with a smile on his face, patted his slap and walked out of it.

"It's you?"

After seeing the face of the man, Lin Tianyao's tone became strange. This man is exactly the person he met in Iokal's palace!

"Introduce yourself, my name is Shira, the son of Minister Ernest!"

Sheila walked to the front, understanding Lin Tianyao with a gentlemanly manner, and said slowly.

Lin Tianyao snorted: "Boy, there are people who are acting in front of me, there are not a thousand or eight hundred! They have different purposes, but the results are the same, they are all together to line up under the ground to report! You think there are many people, Is it safe to win?"

"No, no!" Sheila shook her head, with a playful smile on her face: "I'm not just winning the game, I'm catching the turtle in the urn!"

Before he finished speaking, he saw a light flash in front of his eyes, and Lin Tianyao's figure had appeared in front of him.

Chi Xiao crossed a golden arc and flashed in front of Shira!

Shira's eyes widened and she tried her best to open her mouth. But no matter how he opened his mouth, he couldn't say a word.


A bright red blood squirted from his neck, and a long **** mouth appeared in his throat!

Lin Tianyao stood beside him, gently reached out and patted his shoulder and said: "Miscellaneous fish, I just want to increase the fun, I will show mercy everywhere! If I don’t want to see what tricks you play, you take me Can you really escape from me last time?"...