Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 600: 602 Alice? Estes?

Chapter 600 Chapter 602 Alice? Estes?

The moment Alice spit out these five words, Lin Tianyao felt something was wrong. He suddenly felt his body stiffen. It's as if the whole body's blood has been frozen and solidified.

Immediately afterwards, white powder appeared in the surrounding space. The powder appeared like snowflakes floating in the space.

In just a moment, those snowflakes solidified.

It happened too suddenly. In a blink of an eye, the surrounding area of ​​a hundred meters was as if frozen by ice, forming a huge rectangular ice block.

Lin Tianyao was frozen in it.

"No, I can withstand this cold, but Chelsea can't!"

Lin Tianyao thought of Chelsea for the first time. He shouted, and the blood of Jinwu in his body boiled instantly. The frozen power was also dissolved.

He reached out and punched the ice with a fierce punch. The internal force formed a cannon-like blast in his hand. A channel directly popped out.

He reached out and threw Chelsea out, and just wanted to pull himself away, when the time came, there was a cold wind from behind him!

"not good!"

Lin Tianyao backhanded, and Chi Xiao appeared instantly, resting on his back.

Alice's Ice Sword also instantly chopped on his Chixiao.

"You're miscalculated!"

Alice sneered behind him, and a short dagger appeared on the other hand. The dagger swept fiercely towards Lin Tianyao's waist.

"Am I miscalculated? Don't be too conceited to be a man!"

Lin Tianyao laughed. Immediately afterwards, his body disappeared into the ice.

Unlike others, Alice saw very clearly. Although a light flashed directly at that time, she could see clearly with her observation power that Lin Tianyao rushed out at a very fast speed!

However, Lin Tianyao's speed of launching Flying Thor was a little late, and Alice's dagger still touched his clothes.

At the next moment, Lin Tianyao's body had appeared outside the ice that was 100 meters away. He picked up Chelsea on the ground and turned to smile at Alice: "In fact, I don't want to kill you, just someone is monitoring, I have to act! It's not as good as I imagined to be an official in the Imperial City? "

After talking, Lin Tianyao didn't turn his head back, hugged Chelsea toward the distance and ran away.

Alice stared blankly at Lin Tianyao's dashing back, and the expression on her face became confused.

"Did he... beat me to help me?"

Alice smiled suddenly, she smiled happily. On that cold face, such a smile appeared, just like the snowflakes on the icebergs of the 10,000 years after being exposed to sunlight.

The ice around that, with her smile, slowly began to dissipate.

"It seems that I am in your heart, and it does not exist at all!"

Alice reached out and touched her heart, and the pain in that palm had completely disappeared at this moment. She could clearly feel that the internal organs were not affected. Lin Tianyao's palm seemed to only urge the blood in her body and spewed out of her mouth, which is the same as bleeding from wounds!

Alice stood up and the ice sword dissipated. She turned around, just about to leave. Suddenly, something was found in the corner of her eye.

"this is?"

Alice squatted down and picked up the white thing on the ground, and her body began to tremble slightly.

That white thing is exactly the business card that Lin Tianyao is going to attend the Estes blind date conference!

A soft smile appeared on the corner of Alice's mouth. A light suddenly appeared in her eyes.

Looking at the business card in her hand, she muttered to herself: "God seems to favor us! Lin Tianyao, it seems that we really have a destiny between us!"

Alice held the business card in her hand tightly, and then slowly pressed it to her heart.

"You can't escape my palm, and you won't see me soon!"

"General, are you okay?"

The old man and young man who had previously stood on the rooftop also rushed over at the moment. They were unable to understand what kind of strong enemy the general had encountered, and even used the Moko Bowl!

You must know that with the strength of the general, you can only make Moko Bowl Momo once a day. Moreover, since Alice became general, they have never used this stunt, they just heard about it!

Alice carefully hid the business card in her pocket, and then smiled slightly at the old man and the young man: "Do you think that the name Alice is better than Estes?"

The two froze at the same time, and the general smiled! Such a smile will appear on the cold general's face all year round!

When the young man was stunned, he stretched his hand and scratched his head: "General, no matter what the name is, is not as beautiful as you!"

The old man reached out and patted him on the head, scolding: "What the **** are you kidding? Are you talking to the general?"

Estes waved at the old man with a sad look in his eyes: "Yeah, the people of the imperial city, I think I am a beauty! But there are always people who are not interested in my beauty!"

After saying this, Estes took a step and walked slowly towards the palace.

The two hurried to keep up, and the old man asked Estes: "General, don't you want to go to the palace! Why..."

"I used to hate that blind date conference, so I would delay the time, and wait until after the conference to go to the palace to report my job!" Estes said with a sip: "But I have changed my mind now. I want to hold a blind date conference. It’s beautiful!"

The old man and the young man glanced at each other, and their eyes showed inexplicable colors.

In their minds, there is only one idea at this moment: ‘Officials are weirdos, and generals are weirdos among weirdos! "


Estes suddenly stopped, her face suddenly became cold, and returned to her former appearance: "You have to investigate me carefully, who is monitoring me!"...