Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 601: 603 Revolutionary Army Station

Chapter 601 603 Revolutionary Army Station

Taking Chelsea all the way to the residential area near the western wall of the Imperial City, Lin Tianyao stopped.

Recalling the previous Alice's method, he still felt a little throbbing vaguely in his heart.

In this copy, there are still such powerful characters. That Alice, I am afraid that the crowds who attacked at night add up, it is difficult to break the ice block, right?

Thinking of this, Lin Tianyao was a little puzzled. The system has sealed his skills, which makes him more difficult to perform tasks!

But none of this is the point. Who is that Alice? In the anime of chopping red eyes, there are no strong characters like her.

It was the Estes, the first fierce man in the Imperial Capital, who did not know how much it was different from Alice!

Thinking of these, Lin Tianyao had a headache again. If you let him destroy the palace, it would be a matter of words. The key is to assist those who attack at night, which is a bit of a headache.

If the person attacking the night hits Alice without his knowledge, he must lose a few lives.

In the main task, tens of thousands of function points must be deducted for killing someone at night!

More and more upset, Lin Tianyao sat on the ground, looked at the moon above his head, and threw away the ideas in his head one by one!

"Brother Tianyao..."

Chelsea also woke up at this time. It was cold in the middle of the night, and Lin Tianyao put her body around her arms in order to warm Chelsea, and then took off her coat to wrap her.

Smelling Lin Tianyao's thick body fragrance on the man's chest, Chelsea couldn't help but a hint of blush. She raised her head and reached out to touch Lin Tianyao's face: "Brother Tianyao, where are we now?"

Lin Tianyao saw that she woke up, and did not continue to think about others. He pointed to the wall and said: "It is now a residential area west of the imperial capital. This is a slum, and there are not many guards. We are safe!"

"Have you escaped?"

The look on Chelsea's small face was unobstructed. Once upon a time, she thought that Lin Tianyao was dead in that prison. Who would have thought that this time he escaped.

Imagine that the two will be sweet together in the future, and Chelsea's heart can't help but thump.

"Where is the stronghold of your revolutionary army? You are not feeling well now, let's hurry and let the doctor look at it!"

Lin Tianyao reached out and squeezed Chelsea's little nose, then reached out to hug her.

Leaning on Lin Tianyao's arms, Chelsea was extremely happy. Being protected by a man who loves himself is almost every girl's dream.

Chelsea said: "This is the stronghold of the Revolutionary Army. Brother Tianyao, you made a mistake and went in the wrong direction!"

"Is it?" Lin Tianyao couldn't help but smile, he is really a blind cat running into a dead mouse.

According to Chelsea's instructions, Lin Tianyao followed the street in seven turns, and after walking for about ten minutes, a stone platform appeared in front of his eyes.

Lin Tianyao walked over, stretched his foot and gently kicked on the stone platform, the stone platform moved away, and a dark channel appeared below.

Walking down the stairs for about twenty meters, a corridor appeared in front of me. From a distance, a dim light appeared in front of me.

Seeing this scene, Lin Tianyao was also amazed. In the Imperial City, such a large underground passage can be made. And looking at this scale, it seems that it has been dug out of the imperial capital from under the city wall!

Walking to the end of the corridor, it was an open hall. Among them were three revolutionary soldiers in coarse clothes.

When they saw Lin Tianyao coming over, the three men were startled, and then they pulled out the long swords from their waists and shouted at him: "Who are you, how did you find this place?"

Lin Tianyao nodded his chin and said, "Don't be excited, I'm a night attacker! Chelsea seems to have a fever. Do you have a doctor here?"

Hearing that they were night raids, the three revolutionary troops instantly let go of their vigilance.

One of them hurriedly greeted him and asked Lin Tianyao's concern: "It turned out to be a night raid sir, you come with me!"

He led the way and looked at Chelsea from time to time. He walked and said: "Oh, when Chelsea went out to perform the task, I didn't agree! She has had a cold for a few days!"

In the back of the hall, there are several small passages, and there are many rooms around. This is a small underground town!

"This is Chelsea's room!"

Revolutionary soldiers led Lin Tianyao to the door of a small room. Then he said, "You two go first, let me call the doctor!"

After the revolutionary soldiers left, Lin Tianyao reached out to push the door.

"Brother Tianyao, how did you open the door without the key?"

Chelsea chuckled and took out the key from his pocket and handed it to him.

This action could not help Lin Tianyao thinking.

Is this a house opening? Is this really taking the girl to open the room? It looks like the girl has opened the room and is waiting for him!

Lin Tianyao's thoughts appeared in his heart. Then the key in Chelsea's hand opened the door and went in.

As soon as I entered the room, I smelled a quiet direction. It's just that there is no lighting in the room, and it looks dark.

Chelsea judo said: "Brother Tianyao, the lampstand is on the right hand side, and the flint is also there!

Lin Tianyao raised his eyebrows and made a joke. What kind of flint does he want to light?

Knowing the direction of the lampstand, Lin Tianyao used his internal force, co-operating with the Jinwu blood vein, and then snapped his fingers. The internal force on his hand formed a small flame.

As soon as he lost it, the flame floated steadily towards the lampstand, and the room gradually became brighter.

Looking at the scene inside the house, Lin Tianyao almost couldn't help but spit out.

Where is this girl's boudoir, it is a large boutique exactly like the real world!

Seeing Lin Tianyao so surprised, Chelsea whispered: "Brother Tianyao, do you think I'm naive and there are so many rag dolls in the house?"...