Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 599: 601 meet again

Episode 599

Seeing the figure approaching quickly, Lin Tianyao frowned. The man's goal was clear, and he came towards him.

Under the moonlight, that beautiful figure crossed an arc and fell accurately in front of Lin Tianyao.

In the moment she landed, Lin Tian Yao froze. He could not have imagined that this man was so familiar!

"Alice, why are you?"

Alice stood firm, with a hesitant expression on her face: "Why are you attacking the Imperial Capital Prison?"

"Are you an empire?"

Lin Tianyao didn't answer, but asked her instead.

Alice asked in a cold voice: "You answer me first, why are you trying to break into the Imperial Capital Prison?"

Lin Tianyao couldn't but her, and said with a curse: "See anyone in my arms? I'm here to save her!"

Alice looked at Lin Tianyao's hands, his face full of tired Chelsea, his eyebrows tightened uncontrollably. Her hands clenched into fists unconsciously.

"In the middle of the night, you risked your life and went to prison to save this woman?"

Alice's voice was cold. There was a trace of ice crystals glowing white in her palm!

Lin Tianyao looked at the ice crystal in her hand and raised a brow. This woman is really cold, even her hands are frozen!

He replied, "Yes, how about breaking into a prison for my woman? Even the palace, I can go in!"

"Your woman?"

Alice's face was even darker. She gritted her teeth and said, "Do you believe me or kill her now?"

"You can try!"

Lin Tianyao's eyes narrowed, and a sneer flashed across his mouth.

He was only a little interested in Alice, and he was not able to rise to the relationship of the couple. Someone dared to say in front of her that he would kill his woman.


A sour voice sounded from Alice's side. In her hand, an ice sword appeared out of thin air.

Without hesitation, Alice lifted her sword and stabs towards Chelsea in Lin Tianyao's arms.

"You really do it?"

Lin Tianyao's pupils shrank, just like the bar time, Alice shot, with no signs, completely based on her own ideas, do whatever you want!

Lin Tianyao's body moved, his feet flew, his body jumped towards the back quickly. Avoiding the ice sword of Alice.

While pulling away, he put Chelsea's body down and put his arms around her waist in a fighting pose. The freed hand summoned Chi Xiao out of thin air.

Seeing Lin Tianyao take out his weapon, Alice finally clenched her silver teeth and squeezed a sentence from the corner of her mouth, saying: "You even drew a sword for me for that woman?"

Lin Tianyao flipped his fingers and pointed Chi Xiao at Alice: "I said, for my woman, I can put Tian into the same hole, and nothing can be done by pulling a sword at you!"


A sharp sound of breaking the sky sounded, and Alice rushed towards Lin Tianyao, the blood flower flying above the ice sword in her hand, and in the cold, she was also chilling!

Seeing her such a sharp move, Lin Tianyao did not need to keep his hand. Chi Xiao cracked hard in his hand. A flame burst out of the knife!

Although when entering the copy, the system limits his True Flame skills. However, Lin Tianyao is of golden black origin, and he possesses flame ability.

This trick was realized by him at the time of the copy of Death, using the power of flame in the blood lineage, using the Demon Emperor Yantian Jue as a carrier to transform the internal force into flame, and then split it with Chixiao.

In the dark night, this golden flame was particularly dazzling. When Alice's ice sword collided with Lin Tianyao's Chi Xiao, the pale blue ice crystals were directly swallowed up by the flames.

And when the ice sword touched Chi Xiao, it began to melt slowly.


A clear sound came out, and the ice sword in Alice's hand appeared a crack, and then the crack gradually expanded and shattered into pieces!

Lin Tianyao leaned on his body, and Chi Xiao in his hand was directly placed on Alice's neck.

After releasing the power of the flame, Chi Xiao in Lin Tianyao's hand has become an ordinary long knife, which has not caused damage to Alice.

At that moment, Alice closed her eyes, she seemed to accept her fate, waiting for Lin Tianyao's Chi Xiao to cut her throat.

However, the imaginary thing did not happen!

For a long time, Alice opened her eyes slowly, and Lin Tianyao was staring at him, with doubts flashing in her eyes.

"Why didn't you kill me?" Alice asked softly.

"Are you crying?"

Lin Tianyao tilted his head, and Chi Xiao took it away gently, and disappeared into his hand.

Alice reached out and gently touched her face: "You just said I was crying? Why did I ever shed tears?"

"You did not shed tears, but the ice crystal, I can see clearly!" Lin Tianyao said honestly: "Why don't you use all your strength?"

Alice froze, and she felt very surprised in her own heart. At the moment when I was fighting Lin Tianyao, if she continued to bless the power of ice, the ice sword would not break! However, she closed it, and she didn't know why she did it!

Lin Tianyao looked up at the distance, and in a tall building, he saw a flash of light passing by.

"Someone is monitoring?"

Seeing that light flashed, Lin Tianyao immediately understood what was in his mind. He turned his hand and patted directly on Alice's heart.

This palm is a bit big. After shooting Alice, let her spit blood directly and rub her back a few steps!

There was a painful expression on Alice's face. She reached out and covered her heart, her tone unbelievable: "You, why did you attack me?"

She couldn't believe it, how did Lin Tianyao, who had just shown his righteous words, suddenly changed his appearance.

"Take out your true skills, I don't need you to let me! If you don't do it, I will kill you directly!"

Lin Tianyao's tone was so cold that he didn't look like he was lying.

Alice saw a look of sorrow in her eyes. She reached out to Lin Tianyao and spit out five words gently in her mouth: "Mocobo Tuomo!"...