Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 578: 580 head to the imperial capital

Chapter 578: 580 Going to the Imperial Capital

"Esdes wants to blind date?"

Najta almost blow out the smoke in her mouth. She shouted: "This is impossible, that crazy woman, how do you think a set is a set?"

Aside from Lubbock, there was a small star in his eyes, and Harazi said in his mouth: "Najieta, you are as old as Estes. She is getting married. Should you also consider it?"

"shut up!"

Najieta directly hit Lubbock with a punch. Instantly he lost the ability to speak and fell to the ground with the chair.

The news of her blind date is even more shocking than when Estes came back. When Hill finished speaking, everyone began to become silent.

For Estes, they all know. How could such a brutal and cold-beauty beauty ran back from the north because of a blind date? In their impression, Estes should have returned for the night attack!

"Aren't these chicks really spring?"

Looking out of the window, the spring that was about to end, Najieta was confused for a while. This day, it is really late!

Under no circumstance, Najieta turned her eyes to Lin Tianyao. This assassination of Iokal, his commanding ability and mind, has been thoroughly recognized by everyone. At this time, his suggestions often have unexpected effects.

Compared with the fear in the hearts of the night raids, Lin Tianyao's heart was full of excitement. The main task is clearly introduced, this Estes, is to be his woman's existence. This is not like it or not, but a mandatory task stipulated by the system.

As the so-called tramp iron shoes have nowhere to find, it takes no effort to come. He didn't have to spend time looking for it. The beauty named Estes had already delivered it to his door.

He didn't hear Najieta's cry when he wanted to be in trouble. When everyone followed Najieta to look at him, he saw his smirk and lustful look.

This time, even Tazmi on the side was embarrassed. Whether it’s a man or a woman, it’s understandable. But making such a move on a serious occasion like a meeting is to make people feel too embarrassed.

Tazmi quietly reached out and pinched Lin Tianyao's thigh, which made him return to reality.

Faced with the general murderous gaze of everyone, he had to stretch his hands and scratch his head, embarrassed: "You are not what you think, I haven't heard of Esdes, so I just thought After a long time, I don't know how to deal with him!"

After telling the truth, Najieta and others did not continue to embarrass Lin Tianyao. But the red pupil beside him suddenly asked, "Lin Tianyao, where are you from? Why haven't you even heard the name of Esdes?"

This question was considered to be thrown to Tazmi. Lin Tianyao took him out as a shield and said: "You ask him!"

Tazmi rolled his eyes and answered them one by one.

Najieta seemed reluctant, but she had no choice but to tell Lin Tianyao some of Esdes' history.

When she said that Estes was the first strongman in the imperial capital, a tingling sensation came from Lin Tianyao's back. This is a symptom only when you sweat.

This system task is really unusual. He has not yet figured out the specific strength of this copy. Moreover, most of his skills have been sealed. A strong man who can be called first-class, if he hurries to do it, it will have the opposite effect.

Of course, the character of Esdes described by Najta made Lin Tianyao feel bigger for a while. Such a woman is clearly a female man, or a queen-level existence. If you want to capture the heart of such a woman, enough strength is on the one hand, and on the other hand, you must completely use your strong man's breath to suppress her female breath to the extreme.

In my heart, I have thought about it thousands of times, and I can't see it in person. The more difficult this woman is, the more Lin Tianyao has a desire to conquer.

He didn't wait for Najieta to finish talking, so he said first: "BOSS, I decided, I'm going to the Imperial Capital. Isn't this Esdez going to match each other, then I'll go to the contest!"


Everyone's eyes widened. They couldn't understand. Lin Tianyao, who had always been calm, would say such impulsive words. The members of the night raid went to the contest of matchmaking in Estes.

Faced with the questioning and puzzled eyes of everyone, Lin Tianyao explained: "What are you all worried about? If I can marry Estes, why don't we have to be so troublesome? Moreover, we can still get Such a big help!"


"There is no medicine to save!"

"Read more novels?"

"Hey, wash and sleep!"

Everyone left a word to Lin Tianyao, and then they were about to turn around and leave the meeting.

Lin Tianyao greeted them, and when they saw that they no longer took care of them, they turned to Najieta for help.

What makes him feel helpless and isolated is that Najetta has also got up and left to act. But she still left a sentence: "Lin Tianyao, if you can really marry Ades, then I sincerely congratulate you. Unfortunately, I will not let others take such a big risk with you! "

The risk in Najta’s mouth is, of course, the danger of being exposed to Emperor Capital. As a killer, every move is not too natural compared with normal people. If you are stared at by someone with heart, in the imperial capital, it is someone else's territory, and there is absolutely no hope of escaping!

Lin Tianyao could only look at the ceiling and sighed again and again because he didn't understand so much.

Miracles often appear at the most difficult moments. At this time, a hand suddenly stretched out from the side and grabbed his arm and said: "Tianyao, I will accompany you!"

Lin Tianyao turned his head and saw Tazmina's sincere eyes!

"My God, if you go with me, I have to work hard to protect you, why not go!"

Lin Tianyao reached out and patted his forehead, crying with a sad face! ....