Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 579: 581 Past Events

Chapter 579 581 Past Events

Lin Tianyao wanted to go to Estes’ blind date conference. The idea was that during the night raid, almost no one except Tazmi, an unconditional supporter, agreed.

Even Chi Tong, who has always been cold and maintains an indifferent attitude to anything, voted against it uncharacteristically.

This result gave Lin Tianyao a tendency to go crazy. At the moment, these people valued his overall view so much, why now, instead of sneering at such good advice?

If I can collect Esdes, Mo said that it is a big enemy and it is still a huge help.

Such a win-win idea, these people are also short-sighted!

Since others disagreed, Lin Tianyao was too lazy to convince them. After all, the facts are in front of everyone. In his mind, his success rate is almost zero. It is impossible for him to get support if he is allowed to wear his mouth. Instead, there will be a sneer.

Seeing Lin Tianyao so frustrated, Tazmi persuaded: "Tianyao, if this is the case, then you might as well give up! That General Estes, sounds like a female devil, You provoke her in such a hurry, and you will never be in danger!"

"Danger?" Lin Tianyao snorted: "As long as it is a woman, there is no one that Lin Tianyao can't catch. I tell you frankly, all women are white and tender little rabbits in my eyes, I am a hunter, a hunter with a gun!"

Tazmi listened to his words and suddenly laughed. For a moment, he couldn't hold back. The tone of his voice was full of smiles: "Tianyao, why don't you brag to make drafts? If you are so powerful, how was you getting hurt every day? Sha Yu chasing everywhere?"

Speaking of Shayou, Tazmi's smile suddenly stopped, a sorrow flashed in his eyes. Lin Tianyao naturally does not understand what Tazmi said. After all, what he said is all built by the system, and has nothing to do with Lin Tianyao himself.

But it can be seen from Tazmina's expression that the reason why he didn't want Lin Tianyao to go to the Imperial Capital was not not to believe him, but to worry about him. After all, the four people who came out of the village were now left with two of them.

Lin Tianyao stood up and patted on Tazmi’s shoulder: "Relax, I will do things naturally, there will be propositions. You should be able to see the first two battles. My life is My own, I cherish it more than others!"

This remark was undoubtedly a reassurance, and was pressed into Tazmi's belly. His worried look dissipated a lot.

Without waiting for him to speak, Lin Tianyao said: "I'm going to discuss with BOSS. This time I have to go to the imperial capital. I have to go. You must also practice more during this time to improve your strength. The days when we fight side by side are still in Behind!"

Tazmi emphasized and said: "Tianyao, let's work together, you can rest assured that when you come back, I will make you look at each other. Next time, I will definitely be one of the commandos!"

After separating from Tazmi, Lin Tianyao walked towards Najta's room. After knocking on the door, Najetta was sitting on the sofa smoking a cigarette, and on the table in front of her, a medal was placed. The medal has a lion's head carved on it. That pair of sharp fangs seems to tear the soul of man.

Seeing Lin Tianyao coming in, Najieta extinguished the cigarette in her hand at random, then stretched out his hand to him and motioned to sit down.

"BOSS, my intention..."

Lin Tianyao's body was just right, and he went straight to the subject. Najetta waved his hand at this moment, interrupting his words.

She whispered: "Lin Tianyao, your commanding ability, I am in the entire revolutionary army, it is difficult to find someone comparable to you. I have great expectations for you!"

Lin Tianyao said in a deep voice: "BOSS, I understand what you mean. But..."

"You don't need to say more, since you insist on going to the Imperial Capital, then I can't keep you. But you have to remember that the place is as dangerous as the gathering place of dangerous species. To be precise, it is even more dangerous. "Najta took a long breath, and then her body seemed to have lost support and fell to the couch, as if she were a gas-filled balloon.

She reached out and threw the medal on the table to Lin Tianyao: "How much do you know about Estes?"

Lin Tianyao reached out to take the medal, and he immediately felt a heavy feeling. I don't know what metal is made. Regarding Najetta's question, he denied: "I don't know Estes. For a person, relying on other people's dictation, contains personal prejudices. I can't rely on others to introduce it!"

"You are right!" Najieta smiled a little on her face. "Esdes, her nature is not bad. It was only because of external factors that it caused her to look like this. She used to work in the Imperial Capital. At the time, she and I were very close friends!"

With that said, she pointed to the medal in Lin Tianyao's hand and said, "This is the general's medal of the imperial capital. Both I and Esdes have one."

Lin Tianyao turned the medal in a circle in his hand, carefully looked at it for a moment, and then asked: "BOSS, do you think that I can make Estes?"

Najieta heard that, her face suddenly turned red slightly. She is also a woman, even a boss, a cold-faced leader. The kind of little woman's mind cannot be completely covered up.

Being asked by a man, this kind of almost hooliganism, Najieta could not calm down.

She squinted to Lin Tianyao and said, "If someone asks me this question, I will definitely knock down the teeth in his mouth! But, I will treat you as a mission now, not a rogue!"

Lin Tianyao pursed his lips and said, "BOSS, if I go to the Imperial Capital, do you have anything to explain to me?"

"Yes!" Najieta thought without thinking: "You go to the south of the imperial capital, where there is an underground bar. In that place, you may have an unexpected harvest!"

"Bar?" Lin Tianyao's eyes widened. ....