Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 577: 579 Return of Hill

577 579 Hill returns

The minister's brazen words gave the young man the urge to kill him. He shook his head fiercely: "Father, you should still die as soon as possible. Estes is the woman I dreamed of, and I will not allow you to blaspheme him. If not, don't expect me to do it for you next time. what!"

The minister narrowed his neck, apparently a little surprised by his son's attitude. But more, there are some fears. After all, the child he cultivated at such a great price, once turned his face, it would be more than worth the loss.

Speaking of help, the minister remembered something. He asked his son: "I suddenly remembered, did you go to Iokal for the banquet last night? Why did you come back so quickly?"

The young man shrugged gently and smiled: "Iokal is dead, what other party am I attending? Staying there and smelling the blood of the dead man alone intoxicated?"

"Iokal is dead?" The minister screamed, holding his head in his hands and circling frantically. He finally shouted incredulously: "Impossible, how could Iokal die? He was heavily defended, how could he be killed by the killer? He couldn't die, he died, and the periphery of the imperial capital was completely condemned to the night attack. No, this is absolutely impossible!"

The minister shook his head desperately, while talking to fool himself. He let Iokal stay in the northwest of the imperial capital, just stuck a fortress. This location is an important location to the north of the Imperial City. As long as this position is maintained, the revolutionary army outside will not want to enter easily.

In order to help Iokal, he specially selected several well-trained teams. Unexpectedly, it didn't take long for the night raid to give Iokal to the pan.

Faced with such a crazy action by the minister, the young man waved his hand casually: "Master Father, you don't need to be so sorry. The guy Iokal is just a wine bag. I watched how the night attack broke through his defense. . Unfortunately, this guy is like a fool!"

The minister slammed his body and rushed over with one hand, grabbed the collar of his son, and shouted angrily: "Damn little boy, since you saw why you didn't help, let the night attack kill Iokal easily?"

The young man's face didn't matter: "I wouldn't waste my energy for that kind of rice bucket. Besides, the night raid recently showed a very strong master. If I hurriedly shot, I would not be able to help, not even myself. Off!"

"There is such a person?"

The expression on the minister's face became suspicious. He let go of his hand and asked the young man to stand on the ground again. Then he put his hand behind his back and squeezed his chin with one hand, and kept pace.

After thinking about it for a long time, the minister turned to the young man and asked: "You said that a newcomer has joined in the night raid, do you know his identity? Is it still clear?

The young man spread his hands and shrugged. "I don't know. At that time, it was too late. His appearance seemed to have been concealed. I looked very vague."

"Forget it!" the minister waved to him: "You go down first. I will naturally check these things!"


Compared with the minister, the night raid did not have much joy because of suicide Iokal, but instead was confused by the sudden appearance of the minister's son. After reporting the combat situation with Najieta, Lin Tianyao did not rush to receive the reward for the victory of the battle, but instead asked the identity of the mysterious person first.

According to Lin Tianyao’s description, Najieta shook his head after thinking for a long time: “I’ve never heard of this person. However, since it’s Emperor Gu, there will definitely be him over there from the headquarters. whereabouts!"

"But..." Najetta frowned slightly, and she said: "Now is not the time to trace this young man. Since such a person has appeared once, there will naturally be a second time. Instead of wasting time on him, worth it!"

Leonai seemed to hear what Najieta said, asking: "BOSS, do you mean, do we have more important tasks now?"

Najta nodded, then yelled out of the hall door: "Hill, you can come in!"

As the door was opened, a woman with a gentle face and square eyes walked in from the outside. The woman has long hair and a purple dress. At first glance it looks like the big sister next door.

Seeing the woman come in, everyone except Lin Tianyao and Tazmi cheered. It seems that the woman has known them for a long time.

"Hill, these two are Lin Tianyao and Tazmi, new members who joined us in the night raid!" Najieta introduced to Hill.

"Hello!" Hill came over and smiled slightly. The pair of big eyes blocked by the glasses narrowed into a slit. The gentle smile makes people look very comfortable.

After a brief acquaintance with each other, Najetta reached out and gestured towards Hill, letting everyone listen to her.

Hill stood up, and the smiling face suddenly became serious: "Everyone, I come back with bad news this time. General Estes, who is stationed in the northern part of the empire, will be coming back soon. Now!"


Everyone was shocked, and even Najieta couldn't sit still. She did not ask Hill in advance about the outcome of the search. So like everyone else, this is the first time I heard this news.

The return of Estes is both good news and bad news.

On the positive side, the revolutionary army and the aliens formed an alliance. Estes returned, then the northern aliens could take the opportunity to invade the empire.

On the bad side, Estes came back, with her belligerent character, and the hatred with Najta. Needless to say, we must fight the night raid.

This wide range of pressure was instantly reduced. But the narrowed concentration point, the power, made the night raid a bit breathless.

"Another message!"

Hill reached out and pushed the glass window on the bridge of his nose, with a trembling smile in his tone: "Esdes is about to date!"...