Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 576: 578 Ice Beauty

Chapter 576: 578 Ice Beauty

After Lin Tianyao's assassination of Iokal, a wonderful change also appeared in the imperial capital.

A young man appeared in a small house in a nice house in the center of the imperial capital.

This man was no one else, it was Lin Tianyao who met on the top of the Iokar's palace.

In front of this young man, a fat middle-aged man with a big belly and silver hair was standing. The middle-aged man was holding a barbeque in his hand and was tearing hard. As if that piece of meat was the enemy he hated the most!

This middle-aged man with a big belly is the biggest cancer in the empire today, like the traitor of Cao Cao in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Today's emperor, still young, was supported by the minister in his hand. It is also true that the emperor's trust made the minister unscrupulous.

The entire emperor, now outsiders can't see inside the palace, and inside the palace can't see outside either. All this came to the Huss with a mouthful of ministers.

The young man said to the minister: "Father, are you important to recall me from the outside in such a hurry? Is there anything important. My practice can't be disturbed casually!"

When the young man spoke, he looked at the minister without the son's respect for his father, but rather strangely. It seemed that the Minister could not give him a reasonable explanation, and he was about to prepare for the outbreak.

The minister bit the roast in his mouth, the lips shining with oil, and said one piece: "Child, you have not been married until now. You are not looking down on the young and beautiful rich girls in the emperor. So when you are worried for your father, give Did you find a candidate?"

"Oh?" The young man heard the words and his tone rose. The Minister knew his spouse selection criteria, and since he came for this matter this time, the looking beauty must have met his taste.

The minister laughed out loud: "Do you remember our empire, there is a powerful, but beautiful beauty general?"


Cried the young man silently. He couldn’t believe it anyway, the minister even introduced the tigress to him. The woman in the imperial capital is a devilish legend.

Estes is a typical war madman, she does not need any reason. All she wants is war. It is her greatest hobby to torture others and torture others. Not only that, her strength is the number one person on the list of the entire Empire! Such a woman can't be conquered by ordinary people.

The young man's mouth could not help spitting out of the beauty of Estes's graceful figure and his brilliant face. Which man doesn’t like that kind of beauty?

As he thought back, he asked the minister: "Father, a woman like Estes, don't you say it's me, it's you, also salivating? Why are you willing to give her to me?"

The minister put the roast in his mouth and chewed it. The horizontal flesh on the face also shivered: "Damn, don't look at the old man too old, the little girl of Estes can't escape my palm! But this time she comes back, there are important tasks. I have many places He can be used, so forcing her to go to bed is not appropriate!"

"Mission?" The young man frowned, thinking for a moment, and suddenly realized: "So, do you want Estes to come back to deal with the night raids? It is said that Najta and Estes are a rival. !"

The minister nodded and said, "That night I attacked a little boy, but it hurts me. The following courtiers report the matter of the Revolutionary Army with His Majesty every day. But it took me a lot of effort to conceal His Majesty. The more fierce it is, the more embarrassing the emperor is, the more embarrassing people will be.

The young man waved his hand, disdainful: "What are you talking about so much nonsense? What are you doing to deceive the little emperor? I am concerned now that you said let Esdes be the woman in my arms, how do you do it? ?"

Speaking of Estes, the minister also had a flesh of pain on his face. Such a beauty, he thinks almost day and night. However, in order to retain power, something must be sacrificed. He really had no way to slow down, so he threw this fat to his son.

Although the relationship between them is very strange, they are all family after all. Fatty water does not flow outside the field, this minister is still convinced.

In this regard, he explained: "Esdez came back this time and he mentioned one thing in the letter with His Majesty. She said that in the middle of the age, there were countless men who were captives, but none of them looked at her. When I come back this time, I want to find Ruyi Langjun in the imperial capital!"

As the minister said, Harazi was about to flow out. Two eyes shining: "This woman is cold all day, I thought she was a stone. Unexpectedly, even this season began to think of spring. If it wasn't for night raids, those nasty guys disrupted my plan, I Definitely take the opportunity to bring Estes back to the bedroom!"

"Enough!" The young man felt a sulky chest whenever he saw the minister's obscene thoughts about Estes. In his heart, Estes was already in his pocket. His father was so illusory that it made him sick.

He scolded: "My father, Estes is my woman, please pay attention to your attitude! Also, what are the criteria for her spouse selection?"

Speaking of the spouse selection criteria, the minister's face became serious. He said: "Esdez's strength, you have taught her. To get her heart, she must have enough strength. So she chose the spouse this time, using the oldest method-a blind date!"

"Compete in a blind date?" The young man froze for a moment, then laughed abruptly: "It's God's help, who is my opponent, who dares to **** a woman with me? Estes, this little fresh meat finally wants Eaten by me!"

Seeing his son so excited, the minister secretly wiped tears from the side and said: "Boy, are you really in love with Estes? If it is just for fun, can you give it to me after using it?"...