Anti-Sky Game System

Chapter 575: 577 Mysterious Man

Chapter 575: Mysterious Man

After the young man finished speaking, his body also moved, and flew towards Lin Tianyao.

Lin Tianyao did not evade, Chi Xiao in his hand gently stroked in front of him.


With a crisp sound, Lin Tianyao struck the young man's leg with a flicker of Martian seeds.

The young man's legs seemed to be wrapped in metal, and Lin Tianyao's knife was also blocked, without cutting his thigh.

Being cut by Lin Tianyao, the young man's face was slightly surprised: "You guys, the speed is very fast! I thought you couldn't even catch my leg!"

He shrank back and continued to distance himself from Lin Tianyao. Then said: "It seems that I will fight with you close to me, I can't get any cheaper! In this case, I will show you something good!"

The young man smiled grimly, then his hand reached into the collar of the dress. When he took his hand out again, there was a round object in his hand.

"For the time being, those of your companions will also rush into the banquet hall! I will surprise you and send you in!"

With that, the young man's hand moved lightly, and the round object gave out a lilac light. Subsequently, a purple aperture appeared at the glass crown at the foot of Lin Tianyao.

As the aperture appeared, a hole appeared at the top of the treasure. Without the support of the glass, Lin Tianyao could not stand, and he was unstable, falling directly from the top of the treasure.

"Ah! Who is that!"

Lin Tianyao fell out of thin air, causing the nobles at the banquet to scream. The face of Iocar sitting in the chief also followed a burst of upheaval, and Rao was a fool who could guess that the character that appeared in this way was definitely not a good person.

Iokal threw the glass in his hand aside and shouted, "Guard, come guard, someone breaks in!"


His cry just came out, and the door of the banquet hall collapsed with a loud noise. As the door fell, a pedestrian stood at the door.

These people are not the guards in Iokal's mouth, but the people who attacked at night.

Although Lin Tianyao lost his balance in the air and fell down, he directly operated the technique of flying thunder **** in midair, and his body disappeared out of thin air and landed on a table.

"Hey, I haven't found it before. You guy likes to be so handsome!" Maine sneered, looking contemptuous.

"Less nonsense, quickly carry out the task!"

Lin Tianyao didn't have time to talk to them at this time, his eyes looked at the top of Baoding from beginning to end. In the place where he had fallen down previously, the glass structure was intact, as if he had passed through the glass directly from the outside.

And the young man whose culprit is not visible anymore! Lin Tianyao pushed **** the table and flew into the air. I stepped on the wall for a few times, and my body had reached the glass of Baoding.

The sky in his hand slipped, and the glass was like a paper paste, and a large hole was cut out in an instant. His body also got out of the hole.

After seeing the body out, where can I see young people? It seems to have never appeared, and the four heads disappeared.

Looking around and looking for nothing, Lin Tianyao couldn't help but reached out and patted his forehead. He really didn't expect that guy to have such a skill just now.

If he notices a sign, he can climb back again. In that case, this silver-haired youth has no chance to escape!

Losing the trace of the man, Lin Tianyao had to give up. After all, the most important thing is to help Brand and others assassinate Iokal.

When he reappeared in the lobby, the mission seemed to have been completed. Not only Iokal, but the other nobles in the hall were all spared, and all were killed.

Brand shook his spear and asked Lin Tianyao: "Tianyao, what happened to you just now, why did you suddenly go outside Baoding?"

Leonai also asked: "Yes, that glass window was intact as before, how did you get in? Is there a hidden door on it?"

Lin Tianyao frowned, thought for a long time, and had no direction. He could only tell the truth: "I met someone outside!"


At this point, everyone was shocked. Lin Tianyao returned without success, and that person must have escaped. When the task is performed, there is a live mouth, which is a sign of the failure of the task!

Lin Tianyao shook his head and said, "I don't know. Moreover, that man killed the five guards of the Huangquan Temple for us! Even more terrifying is that he seems to have an emperor in his hand!"

"Emperor Gu Di!"

This statement shocked everyone. There is a difference between heaven and earth between ordinary people and emperors. The power of the emperor is almost divine.

"It was his emperor's tool that made me fall from the top of the treasure. Moreover, the ability of that emperor's tool seemed to allow people to pass through objects indiscriminately without harming the things themselves!"

Lin Tianyao said that his heart was shocked. This thing can be compared with his flying thunder. One is to move fast, the other is to pass through objects without obstacles.

If that guy is a caring person, he can go through the underground at any time, and then find the night raid camp, people can not find it.

What's even more frightening is that if he sneaked into the night raid camp privately and took the killer while the others were sleeping, it would be extremely unpredictable!

In response, Lin Tianyao asked other people, "That man has silver hair and a cross scar with deep bones on his face. Do you have any impression?"

Everyone looked at each other, and finally shook their heads.

Lin Tianyao sighed: "Since that's the case, let's leave quickly. This matter can only be tried from the mouth of BOSS. Can you ask!"

Such a successful and smooth task turned out to be a failure because of the sudden appearance of the silver-haired boy. This tone, no matter whether it was the night raids or Lin Tianyao, could not swallow!

Looking at the broken Baoding, Lin Tianyao clenched Chi Xiao in his hand and muttered to himself: "Boy, don't let me meet you in the future!...