Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 231

Such a supreme array can appear here and lock the whole lake. It can be seen that what kind of terrorist demon is sealed in this lake.

According to the records handed down by the Qin family from ancient times, the fierce objects sealed in the lake have existed since ancient times. Moreover, the ancestors of the Qin family also participated in the seal. Therefore, the Qin family has the ancestral motto of the times to guard here, or a responsibility, because once the seal is broken, there will be a great disaster in heaven and earth, and the whole continent will be ruined.

And the Qin family\'s presence here is tantamount to sheltering the whole continent. Every generation has great merits and virtues, and the atmosphere is transported. The speed of practice is far faster than that of ordinary people. It may be difficult for others to cross all levels in practice, but it is extremely relaxed for the Qin family\'s own blood.

Why, this is actually a reward given by the Tao of heaven to the Qin family for guarding for generations. To be exact, it is blessed by heaven and earth. Only in this way can the zither family be handed down from generation to generation.

"Alas, daughter, daughter." Qin Xuan shook his head and sighed softly. His face was helpless and sighed: "Well, if you want to have a long relationship with your children, your father doesn\'t care. However, you must know that the road you choose must be extremely difficult, but you must keep in mind that you are a member of the zither family. As a child of the zither family, you can\'t shirk your responsibility. Besides, now lvqiqin has chosen you again. The" music of the voice of heaven subduing the devil "is one of the three divine songs handed down by our ancestors. However Only an ancient zither that reaches the Lingbao grade can play and bear its power. Therefore, only you can learn this divine music. Before you learn it, you must not be distracted. Otherwise, you will be a sinner of the zither family for thousands of years. You must remember it. "

Qin Xuan didn\'t understand the truth about his daughter. He knew that up to now, persuasion had no effect, so he had to try to forget it with time.

"I see, Dad!! my daughter will go back to practice the piano now!!"

Qin Xin Bing Xue is smart, nods slightly and salutes Qin Xuan, then turns around and walks back to Qinyin valley.

Looking at Qin Xin\'s back as he left, Qin Xuan looked up into the distance and saw where the imperial capital was. He thought a little: "What Does emperor Shitian know? Although he left, he left such a totem in China. Recently, I heard that the people all over China almost believe in totems. Does he really know how to use the power of faith? Strange, really strange."

Thinking secretly, what he remembered in his mind was Emperor Shitian. It turned out that although he had left Qinyin Valley, Qin Xuan did not completely forget him because of Qin heart. Instead, he paid more attention to all kinds of emperor Shitian\'s activities in China. He found that there was nothing else, but it was very difficult to establish a totem in China.

People always have a blind obedience mentality, especially because there are countless immortals in the world. There are all kinds of versions of the theory of immortals. In the personal words of Chinese emperor Hua Wenwu, he is the descendant of the holy beast black tiger and has the blood of the holy beast. He is the son of heaven.

The emperor is the descendant of the holy beast. The people of China are not the descendants of the holy beast. This honor naturally deeply aroused a sense of honor and nobility in the hearts of the people. With the tireless publicity, belief and belief of Chinese culture and martial arts, more and more people believe in totems, and they will be worshipped sooner or later.

Although there are not many people, the power of faith can be gathered, but it is an extremely huge number. All the power of faith is gathered in the sacred animal totem in the center of the imperial capital. The power of faith itself is the most wonderful and incredible power in heaven and earth. More and more people gather, which makes the totem statue gradually have something magical.

Not only is it more dignified. Moreover, on the totem, it also reveals a mysterious atmosphere that is superior and sacred and can not be profaned. At night, there is a faint white divine light flashing on the totem from time to time. Under the divine light, many people are tired for a day, and become refreshed and refreshed on the spot. Some minor injuries and illnesses are cured in an instant.

This kind of divinity makes another totem deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. It is worshipped and more pious. Everyone in China regards himself as a descendant of the holy beast. When communicating with the people of other countries, they naturally have a sense of superiority in their hearts. With faith in their hearts, their spiritual appearance can be described as a new look.

Everyone knows how to work hard. National strength changes every day, which can be said to be booming. The whole country is full of unspeakable vitality. Even if Qin Xuan doesn\'t notice such changes.

He doesn\'t care too much about the changes in the secular world. The only thing he cares about is the power of faith. According to legend, the magic can make a mortal become a God in an instant. Unfortunately, how to absorb it has long been lost in the long river of history. Who regrets it.

Standing on the hill for a moment, Qin Xuan also quietly left. Only the dark lake was constantly emitting the gas of black demons. Silence was restored around. It was as if the previous terrible turbulence had never happened. It was really weird.


Time passed one by one. After emperor Shitian refined into a tiger spirit, he closed the door again. For nine days, I just heard that there were sudden and terrible roars in his closed cave. The mountains where the cave was located trembled violently. The rocks on the mountain rolled down quickly.


A tiger roar followed from the cave. Shake the mountain.


Red fire was outside the cave, staring nervously at the stone gate of the cave, feeling the strong pressure emanating from the cave, and a faint expectation appeared in his heart: "This is Wang\'s voice. It seems that Wang\'s closure must have made great progress. It\'s really great. However, I should work harder. Otherwise, even Wang\'s affairs will not be able to share the worries in the future."

In his heart, he also secretly summoned up confidence and prepared to continue to practice hard and become a subordinate of the king who can help. Although he was in the ten thousand demon Valley, he could feel an urgent atmosphere every time he met with emperor Shitian. He faintly guessed that something big would happen in the southern barbarian soon.

"Bang bang!!"

At this time, in the cave, I saw a huge black tiger whose whole body completely filled all the space, and the purple King\'s pattern on his forehead glowed with bright purple light, which seemed extremely mysterious. At this time, his body was full of fifteen feet tall, but it didn\'t stop. It was constantly expanding violently. Sixteen feet... Seventeen feet

Every one foot high, the wall stones around the cave will be pressed outward, and the whole mountain will be pressed in, and the cave will be forced completely. Every one foot long, the cave will be forced to make a big circle. The roar is caused by his body squeezing and colliding with the rocks. This sharp growth trend did not stop until it was twenty feet long.

The demon body of emperor Shitian is twenty feet high, as tall as a hill.

With the sound of "Hua La", the huge demon body suddenly shrunk and instantly became an ordinary size. His body shook and turned into a human shape. This shape only saw that his body became taller than before, his whole body was red ~ naked, pieces of bronze muscles were coiled around his body, and his meridians swam on his arms like a Qiulong.

A head of black hair is windless and automatic, flying wildly behind his head. The purple King\'s pattern on his forehead is more breathtaking, which makes people dare not look at it easily. The fierce breath sweeps wildly around. A gust of wind blows in the flat land, like a sharp blade, bombards the stone wall and makes a crisp collision sound.

"Gollum, Gollum!!"

At this time, his eyes radiated a terrible light. He quickly stretched out his right hand and grabbed it at his waist. He grabbed the Jasper gourd in his hand, opened the mouth of the gourd and poured it into his mouth. In the gourd, a golden liquid fell into the inlet, the throat wriggled and swallowed it quickly.


Emperor Shi Tian spat out a word heavily. The whole person seemed to relax in an instant, and his expression became very comfortable.

"From now on, I\'m afraid I\'ll become a drunkard. It\'s not easy to shape each of these seven emotions and six desires. However, becoming a drunkard is much better than losing my mind. I don\'t have much else, just more wine." emperor Shitian sighed. Looking at the wine god gourd in his hand, he stroked it gently.

This time, it\'s all about shaping demon veins.

Once again, it can be said that the demon vein is familiar. The sad vein shaped last time connects the main demon vein starting from the demon house and running through the head to the tiger tail. This time, it divides a demon vein connected to the right tiger claw in front from the main demon vein to replace the previous ordinary meridians.

It\'s not difficult to shape it. It draws the power of desire from the seven sin demon piano and melts the "demon pulse of taste". At the moment of success, an infinite desire for all kinds of food naturally emerges in his mind. It seems that all the desires of all living beings in heaven and earth have been transferred to him.

Fortunately, he had experienced the test of sad pulse in those years, his concentration increased greatly, and he could restrain it for a short time.

Just after several mouthfuls of spirit wine, the appetite was strangely temporarily suppressed. However, the body was rapidly absorbing the magical power contained in the spirit wine. He had a feeling that as long as the spirit wine was absorbed, the appetite would rush up again.

"When drinking, use spirit wine to control the hidden dangers of shaping taste pulse. Instead, it can rely on practice to make cultivation grow rapidly. It can turn hidden dangers into power."

In the eyes of the emperor, the essence of the wine is shining. The spirit of wine contains great essence. The absorption of the essence of spirit is almost an unbelievable situation driven by the desire of the mouth. That is to say, the hidden danger of this appetite can be fully utilized to promote the result of quick training. (to be continued, please visit for more chapters and support the author and genuine reading!)