Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 232

It is a good thing to turn trouble into profit. As for spirit wine, it may be very rare for others, but it is very easy for him. It takes only two or three months to get a pool of monkey wine brewed by Yuan Tian in the valley. Even if estimated by the interval between the attacks of "taste desire", this pool can be drunk for at least the first half of the year to a year.

There are two or three pools of monkey wine in the gourd. In a short time, there is no need to pay too much attention to the hidden dangers brought by the "taste pulse". After a period of time, both the body and mind should be able to adapt to the integration of this demon pulse. No longer affected by it.

Think to yourself. Look at the situation in the cave. It has become a mess. Simply clean it up, sit up on the stone bed, close your eyes and immerse yourself.

Quickly into the demon house, I saw the demon house in the heart because