Ancestor of Demons

Chapter 230

"What a tiger!"

Emperor Shi Tian gave a loud praise without stinginess. The tiger soul in his hand is no less than a thousand kilograms. It is naturally difficult for ordinary people to control, but it is just right for him. He is a demon family and takes the road of ancient demon cultivation. With each step of promotion, his demon body will continue to strengthen.

His own strength is also growing. Now his simple strength can forcefully pull up the ancient trees growing on the ground. The strength and the weight of the tiger can match. Moreover, after the tiger soul grows again in the future, its weight will increase.

Joy is naturally joy. However, he still has some doubts about the formation of the tiger spirit. Moreover, the quality of the formed tiger spirit is also among the best magic weapons. As long as he condenses the internal alchemy, he can break through into magic weapons.

In fact, he doesn\'t know. The formation of tiger spirit can also be said to be due to chance or providence.

It turned out that at that time, the blood refining array was finally unable to support and exploded in the constant collision between the soul devouring stone and the spine. I think this blood refining array itself is a great strange array between heaven and earth. It can be imagined that the explosive destructive force can completely annihilate everything in this range.

But magic is also magic. In this place, the power of the big array explosion is too terrible. Whether it\'s soul eating stone or spine, although their origin is not simple and can be called treasures, they should bear the brunt of this destructive blow. Even if they won\'t be destroyed, they will be seriously injured.

The soul devouring stone is a strange stone bred after thousands of years, and the backbone is the immortal bone of the divine tiger. Moreover, both of them are permeated with the blood essence of emperor Shitian. The soul devouring stone swallowed the blood flame, and there is also blood essence. At this critical juncture, they instinctively want to preserve themselves. And they all have the same connecting button of blood essence.

For a moment, following emperor Shitian\'s last thought before fainting, he abandoned hostility and integrated with each other to jointly resist the terrible destructive power outside.

It\'s like an ancient family. In the family, it\'s tolerable to compete for power and profit. But if the family is at a critical juncture of life and death, these actions of competing for power and profit will naturally be put down together, rely on each other and form a group. Consistent with the outside world, because no matter who loses or wins, it is their own people who benefit from the struggle in the family. Different from outsiders.

The soul devouring stone and spine are naturally united like brothers in distress.

Unexpectedly, this mutual integration followed the last thought of emperor Shitian, and the blood refining array absorbed the essence of emperor Shitian. For a time, it did not completely erupt, but instilled all the erupted power into the blood flame in the array. For a time, the blood flame was stronger than ever. Completely wrap the spine and soul devouring stone together and quickly start to form a tiger spirit.

Finally, when the power of the blood flame was exhausted, the tiger spirit was completed the moment before, which was what emperor Shitian saw when he woke up.

These things happened only after emperor Shitian fainted. No one knows how the tiger spirit was formed. I\'m afraid it will become an unsolvable doubt in his heart.


Insert the tiger soul backhand into the ground. Emperor Shi Tian\'s body flashed, and his body appeared in the twinkling of an eye. A huge Black Tiger stood in front of the tiger\'s soul. Get on the ground and close your tiger eyes. After swallowing a large mouthful of spirit wine, he began to operate the skill method and urged the demon yuan to circulate in the whole meridians. During the circulation, every time the demon yuan flows through a meridians, some demon yuan will merge into the surrounding blood and flesh along the meridians. Expand the body of the demon.

When the tiger spirit is refined, it is the time to shape the pulse.

It\'s important to shape demon veins. Don\'t be careless at all. Before shaping veins, you must completely raise your essence, Qi and spirit to the peak state and calm your mind. At that time, it is the best time to shape the pulse.

As time went by, more and more evil spirits permeated from emperor Shitian and continued to spread to the cave. Within a few days, the cave was covered by a layer of dark evil spirits. So that the outside world is not aware of any situation in the cave. It looks very strange.

He has already had an experience in shaping the demon vein. Once again, he is familiar with it and determines the demon vein to be shaped. Originally, I have shaped the sad pulse. If I reshape the seven feelings pulse, the happy pulse is the most appropriate. After all, happiness and sadness are two opposite desires and emotions.

In addition, he has been able to integrate with the sad pulse. With the help of the power of the sad pulse, he can suppress the boundless obsession of living in the happy pulse. In that way, it will be much easier to adapt to the integration. However, it is just easy. On the contrary, he can\'t mold the happy pulse, because he can finish this process