America's Road To Fame

Chapter 68: Paris is in trouble

"Siri rejected them because they had just completed a Series B round of financing and were not short of money."

Nielsen said worriedly: "But I believe that since Jobs has taken a fancy to this company, he will not give up easily, and will continue to find them and ask for an acquisition."

"Then we have to speed up. We must get ahead of Apple and take them down as quickly as possible." William Chen realized the danger, but he didn\'t expect Apple to have taken a fancy to this company so early.

While it\'s not going to be easy to compete with Apple, especially now that Steve Jobs, the acclaimed tech maniac is still in the company, he still wants to fight for it.

So William Chen asked Nielsen to contact Siri immediately to test their conditions.

William Chen will also go there, but after Nielsen has made initial contact, according to his judgment, he will communicate with the founders of Siri.

Next, William Chen was thinking about the chat app he and Ivanta proposed.

Originally, he hoped that Ivanta would manage the company, so that he and Ivanta would have a common cause and be able to tie their interests together.

Now it seems that although Ivanta is somewhat interested in this matter, she still can\'t make up her mind to give up her position in the family company, so Ivanta seems to have to find another way.

Now the thing he needs to consider is whether he wants to continue to use this chat app. Now he hopes to discover the WhatsApp software in his previous life, so that he only needs to invest, and the daily management of the company can be handed over to the original team.

Unfortunately, so far, he has not found any clues about this software, so it seems very likely that the world has changed here, and the founder of this software has not done it.

So now William Chen wants to find someone to make this chat app, or continue to wait to see if anyone else will make a similar software?

In the end, William Chen decided to find someone to do it himself!

If he finds that a similar app appears later, he can investigate whether the other party\'s team is reliable, and then decide whether to acquire the other party\'s company and hand it over to them to operate.

So William Chen came to Twitter and found CEO Williams.

He first paid attention to the recent development of Twitter. Since William Chen acquired Twitter and injected 50 million US dollars into the company, the development of Twitter is still very smooth, and the number of users is still growing rapidly.

And Williams told him that Twitter is currently interested in several small startups and intends to make acquisitions to improve their own technology accumulation.

For these things, William Chen expressed his support. Finally, he asked Williams to help him recruit some people, including technicians who are good at instant messaging and APP production.

Originally, there are a lot of technical personnel in these areas in Silicon Valley, so Williams happily agreed, telling him that he would help pay attention to talents in this area.

When William Chen returned to the hotel in the evening, he was about to talk to Nelson about his contact with Siri.

As a result, after receiving a call, he immediately left Silicon Valley with a bodyguard and went to Los Angeles overnight.

Fortunately, it was still early, and there was still a flight to Los Angeles, so two hours later, William Chen had already arrived at Los Angeles Airport.

After hurriedly arriving at the Hilton Hotel, William Chen found that there were many reporters around the door. When he appeared, the reporters frantically gathered around him, and all kinds of questions were thrown at him.

William Chen didn\'t answer any questions. Fortunately, he brought all four bodyguards this time, and walked straight into the hotel under the **** of the bodyguards.

Taking the special elevator, William Chen went directly to the presidential suite, where he met Paris.

Seeing what she looked like at this time, William Chen was speechless for a while. He tried his best to hold back his smile and asked Ka Daishan next to him, "Why is this happening? Did you go to the hospital? Are you alright."

It can be seen that Paris\'s entire face is now swollen in a circle. After she saw Chen William, she covered her face and cried and said, "William, don\'t look at me, I must be ugly now."

William Chen hugged Paris in the past, patted her back lightly, and said to her, "You have a good rest now, Paris, I\'ll go out and talk to them."

"Then you will come in with me later, William." Paris said pitifully.

But the way she is now is really too funny, so Chen William tried his best not to look at her in order to hold back his laughter. He turned around and took Kim Kardashian and the others to the living room outside. left alone in the bedroom.

Through the conversation with them, William Chen finally understood the whole process of the matter——

Because Kadaishan just broke up with her boyfriend, she asked Paris to come out for a drink. As a result, when Paris left after drinking, she drove her car directly up the steps in front of the bar in the parking lot of the bar and hit the pillar.

In addition to Paris\'s $500,000 Mercedes-Benz SLR, which needs to be repaired at the factory, Kadaishan expects to receive a bar bill soon.

But this is not the most troublesome thing, because many reporters were present and filmed the whole accident of Paris, so when Paris went to the hospital, the police also took blood to test the alcohol content.

It turned out that Paris\'s blood alcohol test concentration was 0.8%, which just reached the minimum legal limit for drinking and driving in California, so the police took her back to the police station at that time.

Paris was released only after Kadaishan brought her lawyer and paid the bail. Later, though, Paris is sure to face charges from local prosecutors for driving under the influence of alcohol.

This is also the reason why so many reporters are gathered downstairs in the hotel.

As for Paris herself, fortunately she knew she was wearing a seat belt when the car crashed, so she was hit in the face by the pop-up airbag, which was fine, but the doctor said that her swollen face would last at least a month. recover.

Being hit in the face by the airbag... William Chen felt pain just thinking about it, he frowned and asked the lawyer invited by Paris next to him, "How will Paris be sentenced for the crime of drunk driving? "

"If the court convicts, the maximum is six months in prison and a fine of $1,000. But Miss Paris is a first-time offender, and she didn\'t hit the road, it just happened in the parking lot, so it won\'t be so severe, it should be mainly based on fines. Money, probation, driver\'s license revocation and mandatory alcohol counselling classes."

Paris\' lawyer, who was in his 40s and 50s, replied: "The specific sentence depends on the judge\'s sentencing scale. Of course, Miss Paris\' performance is also very important. If she is sincere, she will definitely She will be sentenced lightly, after all, her plot this time is not serious."

Hearing this, William Chen finally calmed down a little bit, as long as he didn\'t go to jail, otherwise, with Paris\' character, it wouldn\'t be like going to hell.

However, thinking of her behavior William Chen is still full of anger. She has just been frightened, and it is not easy to say anything to her, but she will definitely let her remember the lesson this time. .

This is also because Paris is tired of fame. She is always accompanied by various paparazzi reporters, and the whole process is filmed. If you were an ordinary person, you just hit a car in the parking lot once, as long as you don\'t report to the police, don\'t report the insurance, and pay to solve the problem, it won\'t be like this.

But no matter what, this time was also an education for her. Fortunately, there were no major consequences, and she also remembered that drinking and driving are not allowed in the future.

After thinking about it for a while, William Chen asked the lawyer, "Is there any way to better reflect Paris\' repentance? It can make the judge take a lenient sentence in the judgment. After all, according to what you said, Paris This time there is little harm in the behavior.”

"There are still many ways, such as public apology, expressing repentance with other practical actions, such as donating money to relevant charities, and carrying out warning publicity, all of which will be beneficial to her lenient sentence. The most important thing is that during this period, , Don\'t drive again, don\'t have too high-profile behaviors that are likely to cause public disgust, and don\'t be photographed drunk again."

"Okay, I understand. I hope you can help me contact relevant charities. I will donate one million dollars in Paris\' name. I will also restrain her behavior in the future." William Chen A decision has been made.

"If this is the case, it is likely to get the lightest sentence. At most, the driving limit is restricted for a period of time, plus a fine, so there is no need to be detained." The lawyer is still very satisfied with Chen William\'s statement. What he is afraid of is that With Paris\' character, she would do something out of the ordinary during this time, making the prosecution think she flouted the law, and she would definitely be punished heavily.