America's Road To Fame

Chapter 67: rejected

Until arriving at the hotel, Ivanta had not recovered from the shock.

From Chen William\'s words, she was able to know that his current assets, excluding Building 666, were more than US$1 billion, and she couldn\'t help but be shocked.

$1 billion is not much for their family. After all, whether it is the Troup family where Ivanta is, the Kushner family in Gared, or the Hilton family in Paris, their family assets are in the billions of dollars, and the least is more than 3 billion dollars. .

But you must know that these family assets, accumulated over several generations, are incomparable to Chen William\'s assets of $1 billion in a short period of time. Therefore, the money, for them, is a dazzling and huge amount.

And unlike those young rich people in the technology field, they can have a fortune of more than one billion US dollars by virtue of company valuation or listing. Those are just valuations, market caps. As for William Chen, these are real cash!

Moreover, he is only 21 years old now. If his wealth is reported, he will properly become the youngest billionaire.

When the two walked out of the hotel elevator, William Chen took Ivanta\'s hand and said, "Wait a minute, Ivanta, I want to talk to you."

"William." Ivanta hesitated, "I told you yesterday..."

"Uh, I really have something to talk to you about this time, about work." Knowing that Ivanta had misunderstood what he meant, William Chen explained.

To be honest, Alicia last night was really the first strong opponent Chen William met. So when he spoke to Ivanta just now, he really had no other thoughts.

However, being misunderstood by Ivanta, he couldn\'t help but secretly look at Ivanta\'s bumpy figure. Well, he was really a little bit eager to move. What should I do?

"Okay then." Ivanta said after hesitating for a while, "Just chat for a while, I have to get up early tomorrow and go back to New York."

After entering the house, Ivanta felt a little thirsty, so she walked to the refrigerator, opened the door, and prepared to take out a bottle of water to drink. Unexpectedly, a hand reached out and took away the mineral water in her hand.

Just when Ivanta was shocked, William Chen took the bottle of ice water away, then picked up the same bottle of mineral water from the table and handed it to her, saying:

"Drink this bottle, Ivanta, you can\'t drink cold now."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Ivanta said strangely, "Why can\'t you drink it?"

"Didn\'t you say yesterday, that... is it inconvenient for you?"

Ivanta suddenly thought of what she said yesterday, and said suddenly, "I only heard this statement from Wendi before, but in America, we have always been like this."

It was only then that William Chen realized that in Meilijian, it was true that women could not drink cold water in those days when there was no inconvenience for women. He was still misled by his thinking habits in his previous life.

Because American girls didn\'t say that it was inconvenient to exercise and asked for leave even in those few days. Even if they felt uncomfortable, they were used to taking painkillers. Therefore, it is customary to be different from the girls in China.

As for which habit is healthier for the body, William Chen himself doesn\'t know, so he gave up the idea of ​​persuading Ivanta.

"Well, William, didn\'t you say you have something to talk about?"

After a moment of silence, Ivanta looked at William Chen and asked.

"Yes, Ivanta." William Chen sat next to Ivanta and said to her, "I think of a business project, I wonder if you are interested."

"Entrepreneurial project?"

Seeing Ivanta\'s puzzled expression, William Chen thought for a while and said, "Yes, a mobile APP for chatting, similar to..."

Chen William thought about what kind of chat software is there in the United States, and continued:

"MSN is only used on mobile phones. Users can register directly with their mobile phone numbers. When they are available, they can automatically read their mobile phone address book and add contacts in the address book as friends."

"You can send text messages, voice messages and even voice calls between friends. What do you think of such an app?"

Hearing William Chen\'s description, Ivanta imagined for a moment, then her eyes lit up and said, "Very interesting idea, William, if there is such a software, it will be much easier for us to communicate in peacetime. You are going to do this a project?"

"It\'s not me, it\'s you, Ivanta, how about you, are you interested in such a project? You can try to start a technology company from scratch." William Chen took her hand, held it, and then gently said she said.

"Me? Are you kidding me? William, I\'ve never done this before, I don\'t even know how to program." Ivanta said incredulously.

"Actually, it\'s very simple, Ivanta, it\'s not difficult at all, how would you know if you don\'t try it? Think about it, online social networking is a huge market, needless to say, if it has the scale of Facebook, even if it can reach It\'s one-fifth or even a quarter of the scale, and it allows you to prove yourself."

Just in this year\'s financing, Facebook\'s valuation has exceeded 10 billion US dollars, and it is still growing rapidly.

It can be seen that when William Chen said these words, a moving look appeared on Ivanta\'s face, but in the end she still shook her head and said:

"To be honest, William, your proposal does make me a little excited, but I\'m really too busy right now. Sometimes I only have four or five hours of sleep. I\'m afraid I won\'t have that much energy to manage another startup company. ."

William Chen also understands what Ivanta said. As far as he knows, Ivanta now not only serves as the vice president of the family company, but also has some personal careers.

For example, she has a brand named after her, whose products include ready-to-wear, jewelry, women\'s shoes, perfume, etc., and has also cooperated with food giant ConAgra to launch her own microwave fast food products.

Since this is the case, Chen William will not force her any more, he said to Ivanta: "You can think about it again, Ivanta, but no matter what, I hope that the work you do is what you like. I will also support you."

"I see, thank you William, but I still think your idea is really great, and it\'s worth trying it out."

At this time, William Chen was still holding Ivanta\'s hand. He saw the faint blush on Ivanta\'s face, and couldn\'t help but leaned closer to her lips.

This time, Ivanta didn\'t resist any more. She saw William Chen approaching her slowly and closed her eyes silently.

Chen William was greatly encouraged by Ivanta\'s reaction, he gently took Ivanta into his arms and kissed her bright red and seductive lips.

The sweet taste is like jelly. When William Chen was addicted to her taste, he felt that Ivanta also began to cater to his kiss.

At this moment, it seems that there are only two people in the world who are immersed in sweetness, and they can even feel each other\'s breath.

When William Chen was not satisfied with this and wanted to win another game, he was resolutely blocked by Ivanta.

"William." Ivanta opened her eyes and looked at William Chen, "I told you."

William Chen saw a trace of firmness in Ivanta\'s eyes, and he understood that he could only get here at most today.

So he continued to put his hand on Ivanta\'s back, and UU reading put her in his arms again. This time Ivanta did not stop him, and the two continued to fall into a passionate kiss.

This night, William Chen still slept alone. After the kiss, Ivanta said goodbye to him and returned to his room.

The next morning, after sending Ivanta to the airport and watching her get on the flight to New York, William Chen returned to the hotel and discussed with Nielsen about the Siri company.

"According to our findings, Siri\'s intelligent voice technology originated from a scientific study - CALO, the largest artificial intelligence project in American history. This project, funded by the Department of Defense, seeks to create a learning virtual Assistant, with "personality and cognitive ability", but mainly used in the military field. This research was handed over to a non-profit research institute SRI (Stanford Research Institute) to carry out."

“In five years, almost 500 people worked on the project. After the project ended, SRI researcher Adam Cheyer and other friends started a company to develop Siri. Although CALO and Siri are very different , but it still inspired a lot of Siri later."

"The prototype of Siri, they have already started research in the last century. After more than 10 years of improvement, in the first half of this year, the official commercial version of Siri was launched on the AppStore."

After Nielsen introduced this, he reminded William Chen: "I got the news that a month ago, someone from Apple found Siri, hoping to acquire them."

Hearing this news, Chen Ruilin\'s pupils condensed and asked, "What happened? Did they agree?"