America's Road To Fame

Chapter 69: PR

After reaching an agreement with Paris\' lawyer, William Chen thanked Ka Daishan again, saying that it was very late, he would accompany Paris and let them go back to rest first and talk about it tomorrow.

Seeing William Chen\'s performance just now, Ka Daishan spoke highly of him in her heart. At this time, after saying goodbye to Paris and William Chen, she left the room.

When Ka Daishan left, a gloomy expression appeared on William Chen\'s face. At this time, he was somewhat dissatisfied with this woman. This time, Paris must have made a big mistake, but Kadaishan, as her best friend, when she was drinking and driving, she knew that there were reporters outside, so she didn\'t stop her. All have big hearts.

When William Chen walked into the bedroom, Paris was still sitting on the bed, leaning against the head of the bed. Seeing him come in with a cold face, he immediately looked pitiful again.

This time, William Chen won\'t let her pass the test so easily. He must teach her a profound lesson. So he went over to the bed and said to Paris, "Do you know what was wrong this time?"

"Understood." Paris whispered.

But what she did next almost broke William Chen\'s work. I saw that she turned around consciously and lifted her **** up...

Uh, you are addicted, right? Chen William laughed angrily.



After giving Paris a lesson for one night, William Chen saw that the news of her drink-driving yesterday was overwhelming.

There are also quite a few reports mentioning him, accompanied by a photo of himself walking into the Hilton Hotel under the **** of bodyguards.

"After Paris was drunk and crashed into a car and was taken away by the police, he was released on bail and returned to the Hilton Hotel. That night, William Chen, who had a close relationship with her and had many scandals, rushed to Los Angeles overnight, entered the hotel to visit, and stayed there all night. Reappears. It is said that William Chen has just completed two large investments in Silicon Valley. The exact amount is unknown, but the investment in Netflix alone is as high as 200 million US dollars..."

Other reports are also similar. The news of William Chen’s previous investments in Silicon Valley has already been spread, but most of them have appeared in economic and financial pages before.

The amount and details of its investment in Tesla have not been announced, but in order to stabilize the stock price, Netflix has disclosed some of its investment, including the amount and the method of additional stock issuance. After all, as a listed company, it is disclosed. obligations of this information.

William Chen is also speeding up public relations. Paris\' lawyer found a local organization in Los Angeles called the "Anti-Drinking and Driving Association" for William Chen, and then William Chen donated to this charity in Paris\' name $1 million for anti-drink-driving advocacy and relief for victims.

Although it costs 1 million US dollars, if it can make a difference, save Paris from prison, and then reduce other punishments, and get the lightest punishment, it is worth it.

After getting the donation certificate, William Chen asked Paris to post a tweet on Twitter, admitting his mistake, and expressing that he regretted the wrong example he made as a public figure, so I sincerely apologize to everyone here. And in order to restore this negative influence and prevent others from imitating, he specially donated 1 million US dollars to the "Anti-Drinking and Driving Association" for anti-drinking and driving publicity and victim assistance.

Below the tweet is a photo of Paris\' donation certificate.

At the same time, the paper and electronic versions of the New York Observer published the full text of Paris\' apology letter, as well as interviews with relevant persons from the "Anti-Drink and Driving Association".

The other party said that earlier today, it received a donation of $1 million from Ms. Paris and designated it for anti-drinking and driving publicity and rescue victims. She also said that although Paris\' drink-driving behavior yesterday was a wrong move, she sincerely repented and promoted anti-drink-driving publicity with practical actions, which has a positive demonstration effect.

Next, William Chen called his uncle John Drey and hired two female bodyguards for Paris. In the next time, the two of them will take turns following Paris and assume the role of driver, and Paris is strictly prohibited from driving again.

Soon after facing the prosecution\'s accusation, Paris did not need to appear in court in person, so Chen William took Paris directly from the hotel\'s underground parking lot, avoided the reporters\' pursuit, went directly to the airport, and returned to the airport. Silicon Valley.

It is expected that he will travel between Silicon Valley and New York frequently for a long time to come, so William Chen entrusted Nielsen to find a real estate agent to rent a place for himself in Silicon Valley.

Of course, he can definitely afford to buy a house, but the subprime mortgage crisis is about to break out. He buys a house now, and it is purely a burnout. After the crisis breaks out, houses that are in default can be found at low prices.

The final choice was a single-family villa on Atherton Street in Silicon Valley. This is the most upscale residential area in Silicon Valley. Many super-rich, including the bosses of big companies such as Microsoft and Google, live here, and the security level is very high.

This villa is larger than William Chen\'s residence in New York. It has two master bedrooms, three guest rooms, two study rooms, gym, sauna, swimming pool and tennis court. It is said that the current price is as high as 14 million. Dollar.

The price of Silicon Valley is definitely not comparable to William Chen\'s villa in the Upper East Side of New York, after all, it can be said to be the most expensive place in the world. But this house, it is estimated that after a year, I am afraid that 10 million US dollars is enough to win.

After reading it, William Chen and Paris were both satisfied with this place, so they settled down.

Paris\' Mercedes-Benz SLR sports car was damaged and had to be overhauled, so William Chen bought two more Bentley elegant 728 sedan. The other one was left on the Silicon Valley side, along with the other Chevrolet SUVs, to be used when William Chen came here.

When Paris saw the brand-new Bentley car parked in front of her, she circled the car with excitement, and then asked in surprise: "Dear, is this car really for me? "

"Of course, one of them will be used by you in the future, but you have to remember that you should not drive during this time. Just let the bodyguard drive for you when you go out."

Paris happily hugged William Chen and offered a sweet kiss. It\'s just that she has to be more careful when doing these actions now, because she has to be careful that the swelling on her face will be touched and cause pain. Thinking of how she looks can\'t show up until the swelling disappears, she becomes a little depressed again.

But the Bentley still made her feel better. After all, this is a luxury car with more than 1 million US dollars. It is often only used by the super-rich and managers of big companies as a car. She imagined being surrounded by reporters. Going down, wearing the most fashionable clothes, stepping down from this brand-new car with style, he couldn\'t help but smile.

At this time, William Chen was thinking about the reason why Paris always hangs out with those best friends and causes trouble everywhere, or because she is too busy now, and she is still in the mood to be jealous all day long, so she needs to be busy.

I remember that in the past life, after Paris\'s personal career was successful, those bad things were obviously a lot less, and there were few nightclubs, news of hangovers and jokes appeared, and the clothes on her body were no longer. It\'s all those weird and revealing styles all day, more wearing professional women\'s clothing.

Yes, it is like that. So William Chen decided to have a good talk with Paris.

It can be seen that the personal business lines of those celebrities in the United States are often similar to gain popularity, and then create brands named after themselves, or authorize large companies to use their names as brands, often focusing on jewelry and cosmetics. , perfumes, clothing and other fashion brands.

To put it bluntly, it is similar to the traffic realization of those Internet celebrities in the previous life, such as Ivanta, Paris, Kardashian, etc., generally follow this path.

In this way, Paris can be said to be one of the most successful people, so now William Chen has decided to support her in this direction.

"Are you saying you\'re going to give me money? My dear." Paris asked in disbelief after hearing William Chen\'s words.