America's Road To Fame

Chapter 66: Investing in Tesla for the first time

William Chen\'s current investment time is not good, because there is no subprime mortgage crisis in this world.

So compared to the previous life, Tesla\'s situation at this time is better, even if it is still like a black hole, it needs to continuously invest money without any profit.

Also, just earlier this year, the American commander and others visited the Tesla factory, which allowed the company to obtain an interest-free loan of more than $450 million from the Department of Energy.

Finally, Tesla is already preparing to list on Nasdaq next year, so it is expected to raise a sum of money at that time.

Therefore, regarding Chen William\'s investment idea, although Musk also hopes to get more funds, he still insists that he will not release too many shares, which is also in Chen William\'s mind.

His investment this time was just to build initial trust with Tesla, and he didn\'t really want to get enough shares for himself at one time. After all, the subprime mortgage crisis is coming soon. Is Tesla going to go public next year? At that time, I am afraid it is very likely that this plan will be delayed. Even if it is not delayed and the listing is forced, the stock price will not be ideal.

So, that\'s the best time for him to increase his stake.

In the end, Musk agreed to Chen William paying $50 million to get 5% of Tesla\'s shares. This result is acceptable to both parties.

It seems that these people are all the same. After the successful cooperation, Musk has a better attitude towards William Chen, and has regarded him as a friend (fei) friend (yang). He enthusiastically said that he would hold the event at home in the evening. In a private party, William Chen was invited to bring Ivanta with him. He would entertain them with his girlfriend, and by the way, he could have a good chat about Tesla.

William Chen was also planning to wait for a while to increase his shareholding in Tesla, so he happily agreed to this invitation. Next, William Chen and Ivanta stayed here, while Nielsen\'s team continued to investigate and prepare for contact with Siri.

Alicia, on the other hand, went straight back to New York. She still has many things to deal with. After last night, she regained her radiant vitality again, and after saying goodbye to William Chen and Ivanta in a formulaic manner, she left.

In the evening, William Chen and Ivanta came to Elon Musk\'s house for an appointment. Musk and his girlfriend, Dalula Riley, whom he had just made a while ago, received only the two of them.

After Chen William met Musk\'s girlfriend, he immediately had an idea that Musk, a friend, could get along.

Although his girlfriend, Talulah Riley, is not well known in Hollywood. Most of the films she has acted in are supporting roles, but there is one thing to say, just in terms of appearance, she still fits William Chen\'s aesthetic.

In getting along with them, William Chen can feel that Elon Musk is also a relatively strong person in private, which can also be seen from the way he gets along with his girlfriend.

In Musk, you can see a very typical way of dealing with marriages of the rich in the United States.

Before that, Musk had a marriage to his college classmate—a woman with both talent and beauty.

Before getting married, Musk will sign a prenuptial and postnuptial property agreement with each other. So in the divorce, he can take the initiative.

His first wife gave up almost all her rights when she divorced him. I believe that if the actress in front of me can marry Musk, it will not take much advantage in this regard.

There are always more common topics between women and women. Musk\'s girlfriend and Ivanta have a hot chat on topics such as fashion and makeup.

And Elon Musk was talking to William Chen about his big toys. From Tesla\'s electric cars, all the way to SpaceX\'s rockets and spacecraft.

"You really should go there sometime, SpaceX is definitely a great company, we\'re exploring the future of humanity, and when you see those giant rockets and spaceships, you\'ll be proud of the wonder of our human ingenuity of."

Obviously, after Tesla received investment from Chen William, Musk immediately thought of investing in the huge SpaceX company, hoping that the friend (fei) in front of him (yang) would also be interested in that company.

Because Elon Musk has accumulated a certain amount of wealth in his previous ventures, but at the same time he needs to invest in the two giants, Tesla and SpaceX. Musk will also feel quite difficult.

In 2008, in William Chen\'s previous life, when the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, Musk invested almost all of his wealth in these two companies, and was on the verge of bankruptcy for a time.

Although the subprime mortgage crisis has not yet erupted in this world, his current situation is much better than when William Chen was in his previous life, but he still hopes to persuade more people to invest money in his projects.

Of course, the premise is that he cannot threaten his control of these companies, and William Chen in front of him is an investor he feels very comfortable with at this time - rich and no ambition to control the company, which is very important for Musk to come It\'s so perfect.

However, William Chen eventually declined the idea that Musk wanted him to invest in SpaceX, saying that he is currently not interested in Musk\'s space dream.

The reason for investing in Tesla is because he believes that in the future, with the continuous consumption of fossil energy, it is imperative to find an environmentally friendly driving tool that relies on new energy.

Therefore, he is very optimistic about the future development of Tesla. If there is an opportunity, he will continue to make financial investments in this company.

But this kind of thing about human immigration to Mars seems too far away and is not within the scope of his current investment.

Seeing this situation, Musk did not continue to persuade him, but instead chatted with him about the future prospects of Tesla\'s electric vehicles.

In his opinion, if Chen William is really just a financial investment, then investing in Tesla is the same. It will not affect his control over Tesla, but it can also save him money and use it more. at SpaceX.

In fact, William Chen is not completely uninterested in SpaceX.

He also knew that in his previous life, the future development of this company was still very amazing. But he has already invested in Tesla, so he hopes that after the subprime mortgage crisis in the future, Musk will still face a dilemma - prefer Tesla or SpaceX?

This will also help Chen William to get more Tesla shares in the future.

As for investing in SpaceX?

I believe that after he refused this time and expressed no interest, Musk would greatly reduce his vigilance. In this way, after completing the investment in Tesla, there will still be opportunities to invest in the company.

Both parties were very satisfied with this gathering, except that William Chen did not follow Musk\'s wishes and UUkanshu continued to invest in SpaceX.

At least through this exchange, Musk believes that he has understood Chen William\'s thoughts. He does not have very big ambitions for Tesla, so the threat is lifted.

For William Chen, through this investment, he has a relatively good personal relationship with Musk. Whether it is to continue to increase his investment in Tesla in the future, or to invest in SpaceX in the future, there are great benefits. .

On the way back to the hotel, Ivanta asked curiously, "William, how much money do you have?"

"I know you didn\'t sell your stake in 666, but after you bought The New York Observer and Twitter, you\'ve now invested in Netflix and Tesla. That\'s $500 million already. Yes, as far as I know, but you have to keep investing."

"So I don\'t know where you got so much money now."

For Ivanta\'s doubts, William Chen was well aware of it. He knew that such doubts would soon arise in many people.

For other people, he naturally doesn\'t need to explain, but now that Ivanta asks, he can still let them know a little about his strength.

"Didn\'t you watch the Oprah show I attended before? I said in it at the time that my investment paid off handsomely, but I didn\'t say the exact amount of profit at the time. I can tell you today. , I made $400 million that time."

Hearing William Chen\'s answer, Ivanta looked surprised, her eyes widened, she looked very cute.

"After that, I made some investments one after another, and they all received good returns, so I have the funds I am investing now."