America's Road To Fame

Chapter 538: alpha dog

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In early November, Zero Intelligence officially released the intelligent robot dog Alpha in Atlanta.

This is the first robot dog product launched by zero that combines its artificial intelligence research results after acquiring the Sony Robotics team.

Launched at the same time as the robot dog Alpha, there is also the first generation of zero smart bracelets.

The shape of the Alpha dog has been optimized on the basis of the previous generation of Sony Aibo robot dog, making the function more perfect.

Through the built-in intelligent voice recognition, AlphaGo can identify the owner through voice, and accept simple commands through voice and give feedback.

After connecting with the zero bracelet, AlphaGo can monitor the owner\'s physical condition in real time and obtain basic physical data.

For example, in some critical situations, such as the owner\'s illness or injury, Alpha Dog can rescue and call medical institutions for help, and provide real-time location.

Therefore, whether it is to accompany children or to accompany patients and the elderly, Alpha Dog is a very good choice.

Of course, its price of $3,999 is more affordable than the $5,000 price of the previous Sony Aibo robot dog.

However, Alpha Dog can do much more than this. After the product was released, Zero Intelligence first received a large order from the Atlanta law enforcement agency. They will first customize 100 Alpha Dogs for the daily patrol of the police agency. and rescue.

In the near future, on the streets of Atlanta, there will be Alpha Dog "Patrol Police" painted with blue and white streamer paint with a police badge. Through the iFi network that has been basically completed in Atlanta, these Alpha dogs Dog Patrol will patrol the bustling area of ​​Atlanta 24 hours a day.

Especially for illegal parking, the Alpha Dog Patrol will deal with it in real time. For illegal parking in important areas, after video recording, it will send an electronic ticket to the owner directly through the license plate number.

On the secondary important road sections, after illegal parking is found, a notice to leave within a time limit will be sent to the owner.

There is no doubt that the emergence of a novelty such as a robot dog patrol police will also become a popular reporting target for local network anchors in Atlanta for a period of time, and it will also add material to the future of Atlanta.

At present, a robot automation factory dedicated to the production of Alpha dogs has been built in Atlanta, but many components still need to be imported.

Although the current output is not high, it is initially expected that the monthly output will be less than 1,000 robot dogs.

However, with the subsequent improvement of the supply chain and the increase in the yield rate, the output will continue to increase.

After William Chen returned to Atlanta, he continued to immerse himself in the Atlanta School.

This time he went to the United States, and he also brought back a few battery experts, of course, mainly young technical talents with more experience in the field of new battery research. As for those more prestigious experts, to be honest , William Chen does not need to spend so much effort to recruit at this time.

The laboratory for battery research and development is also under construction, and now William Chen is still more knowledgeable before conducting research experiments.

As the manager of the South Pacific Industrial Investment Company, Li Ying was still on Atlanta Island at this time. The South Pacific Industrial Building was located in the scientific research area of ​​Atlanta Island, not far from Atlanta University.

This 48-storey building, upon completion, will become the headquarters of South Pacific Industrial Investment Corporation, and many of its subsidiaries will also settle in this building.

In fact, Li Ying\'s feelings and thoughts towards him were not invisible to Chen William.

And after he woke up, Zhou Fan, who was pregnant, also told him that Li Ying was heartbroken during the period when Chen William lost contact.

Li Ying\'s identity at this time is also in a very important position in Chen William\'s business empire, and she herself is a rare beauty. It would be a lie to say that Chen William had no thoughts about her before.

But the reason why he has never attacked this capable general, in fact, the main reason, Chen William himself understands.

Li Ying

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, It is too much like his previous wife.

It\'s not to say how similar the two people look. In terms of appearance, the similarity between the two people is only four points at most.

But no matter in temperament, action or even character, the two are 90% alike.

In the past, the reason why Chen William didn\'t tell Li Ying that Qiu was innocent, at least he didn\'t want to take the initiative to provoke it, was the reason.

Although after crossing into this world, Chen William can be said to be a wave of flowers, and even many times, it can be called a wave-like corpse.

But deep in his heart, there was always one obsession that he couldn\'t let go, and that was his wife in his previous life.

For her, Chen William\'s feelings are very complicated. He hates her and blames her, and he can\'t get rid of the disappointment that stems from her feelings for her.

After all, there was always that shadow in his heart.

Like a scar, it seems to have healed, but at a certain moment, every time it is touched, it hurts into the bone marrow.

But now, in the last scene of the [Survivor] Easter Egg incident, I saw the woman and the little boy named Chen Nianchuan.

Whether it was real or a reflection somewhere in his heart, Chen William gradually felt relieved.

The so-called obsession, when you can really let go, or at least face it squarely, will you find out, in fact, that is nothing more than that.

The feelings in the familiar scene, the loss when I dreamed back at midnight, and the tiredness of running again and again...

It will gradually blur, and eventually disappear.

Just like now, in the bedroom of Li Ying\'s villa, the woman in William Chen\'s arms, he knew that the real person in front of him was not the woman who always lingered in his previous life, but Li Ying, she was just her .

This woman has been by his side from the very beginning, running around for his career and accompanying him silently.

"Have you made up your mind? By my you will lose a lot, but I promise, it will always be there."

Different from some other women who are recreational, Li Ying is still very important to William Chen and his career.

So he won\'t ignore others just because of the other person\'s beauty.

The more you pay attention, the more you will have concerns, and changes in the relationship will also bring risks.

Therefore, after a gentle kiss, William Chen said to her a little cautiously.

On the other hand, Li Ying, who had long hair and a shawl at this time, had a demure light in her black and white eyes.

It was just so quiet, looking at William Chen seriously.

"Want me."

She just said those two words.

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