America's Road To Fame

Chapter 539: First All-Star Carnival

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Until November 15, the world\'s attention once again focused on the island of Atlanta.

On this day, the 55 most popular stars in the world gathered here, and countless cameras were aimed at them.

Yes, the long-prepared Atlanta All-Star Carnival finally opened from this day.

This time at the Atlanta All-Star Carnival, the lineup of cooperative brands is extremely luxurious, almost including the most well-known fashion, sports, technology and other brands.

And most of the 55 star guests invited to participate in the competition are in the top 100 of the Atlanta star popularity list. Even if they are below the top 100, they are all within the top 50 of the list in their respective regions.

This includes sports stars, such as NBA stars Kobe, LeBron; football stars Messi, Ronaldo, Suarez - of course, Suarez can participate, there is a big reason for him to be a Manchester United star, but after the Manchester United brand management company Operation, his popularity is not low.

Others include various sports stars, such as tennis star Maria Sharapova, F1 driver Hamilton, etc...

In fact, in terms of popularity in the sports world, William Chen is naturally one of the highest among them. With his miracle 9 gold medals surpassing Phelps in the London Olympics, his global popularity is unmatched.

You must know that in the past life, in the new century sports influence ranking, Phelps has always been a frequent visitor to the top position, and Chen William\'s popularity in other fields, coupled with his more defiant sports performance, will naturally surpass the Philippines. lps.

It\'s just that with William Chen\'s current status, and the fact that he is the organizer of the Atlanta All-Star Carnival, it is naturally impossible to participate in it.

Other star guests include actors, singers, hosts, writers and more.

Lopez, Rihanna, Bieber, Ladygaga, Britney, Taylor, Simon Cowell, Beyonce…

Each of these names can cause bursts of screams, and at this time, they all gather on the Liberty Square where the carnival opening in Atlanta is located.

Among them, the stars who have appeared on behalf of China are Milk Tea Week, International Chapter and Fan Bingbing.

At this time, the popularity of Milk Tea Week is really strong, and it is not surprising to be selected. The international chapter is mainly well-known overseas, and she herself has some friendship with Ivanta through Deng Wendi, so she can participate in it. Not surprisingly.

As for Fan Bingbing, she is one of the top actresses in China at this time, but because of her previous pregnancy, she temporarily left the public eye for more than half a year. Now, she has generally recovered, so she also participates To this carnival, enhance their popularity.

Originally, this All-Star Carnival had reserved a spot for Yang Mi, but because she was just pregnant, she gave up this opportunity. In fact, now she is focusing more on business investment. There have been very few film and television dramas in the past, and even after the pregnancy, even variety shows have been rejected, so there is not so much enthusiasm about whether to show up at this All-Star Carnival.

This time, a total of 55 popular stars from various industries were invited, but unlike the original plan, the All-Star Carnival will last for one month, but in this first session, the time was shortened to half a month, which is 15 God, this is also because the preparations for the first session are not so sufficient, and it has nothing to do with the schedules of many stars.

In fact, there are also some very popular stars who are interested in participating, but because the 15-day schedule is not available, they can only temporarily miss this All-Star Carnival.

After all, the more popular the star, the busier the work, and the schedule is already full. It is not easy to find these 15 sky files, let alone a month.

This is also because the current All-Star Carnival is still the first time. Although the significance and benefits of participating in this event can be speculated to some extent, it has not been fully proved, so there is such a result.

If this carnival becomes the most important fashion gathering of celebrities of the year and attracts a lot of attention, then for the sake of exposure, those celebrities will deliberately leave schedule gaps for it.

So that is to say, the situation of the subsequent star carnivals is also very critical.

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In addition to the publicity of the organizer and various partners, the guests who participated in this All-Star Carnival are also looking forward to stand out and win a lot of money.

As a very important part of the entertainment business in Atlanta, Chen William will naturally not be stingy about this All-Star Carnival. Among the 55 star guests this year, the final champion will win as much as 50 million. The ultimate jackpot in dollars.

There is no doubt that this bonus is a huge temptation for stars. You must know that not many stars can achieve this annual income. In this All-Star Carnival, you only need to win the championship within half a month.

An example can be illustrated. In the global star list released last year, the annual income of Lopez at the top of the list is 52 million US dollars, which is already the top of the global star income, so it can be seen that it is 50 million US dollars in half a month. The bonus, what a temptation!

Not only that, in addition to the champion\'s bonus, the star guests whose points can reach the top ten can also get different bonuses, and these bonuses, compared to their usual half-month income from participating in the event, are only high. Low.

This time, the All-Star Carnival was jointly broadcast by the Netflix streaming platform and the Live live broadcast platform.

The multi-line live broadcast of the carnival process will be carried out on the Live platform, and the Netflix channel will release the edited version after preliminary editing.

After all the star guests gathered at the starting point of Liberty Square, this time the star carnival officially started.

First of all, under the gaze of all the star guests, Ivanta made a grand debut as the host of this All-Star Carnival. After she greeted everyone, she began to introduce the rules of this Atlanta All-Star Carnival:

On the big screen in Liberty Square, a map of the entire Atlanta Island is displayed, and this time the All-Star Carnival will take place in a part of the area north of the Central Mountains.

In this part of the area, it will be divided in the form of a With her introduction, in the large screen display, a chessboard composed of virtual lines appears in the entire competition area, and free The square, located in the center of the chessboard.

In the first round of competition, all 55 star guests will be randomly assigned to 11 teams, that is to say, each team will be composed of 5 people.

Just when Ivanta finished speaking, a random result was displayed on the screen, ranging from 1 to 55 numbers, divided into three colors: blue, orange and green. The allocation results of 11 teams have been displayed. But this result is just a number.

Next, 55 star guests will be divided into three categories: sports, brain power and beauty according to their professional specialties, corresponding to the three-color lottery box of blue, orange and green, and take turns to draw their own numbers.

Obviously, sports stars correspond to the blue lottery box representing sports, celebrities such as hosts and writers correspond to the orange lottery box representing brain power, and occupations such as actors and singers correspond to the green lottery box representing beauty.

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