America's Road To Fame

Chapter 537: sorry, william

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When Rick Walton arrived at William Chen\'s estate at the top of Hollywood\'s Beverly Hills, he had just sent the "Hermione" lady away.

I have to say that this British actor, who became famous at a young age and has always been labeled as "a scholarly talented woman" and "feminist fighter", really has an unknown side in private.

Well, in terms of enjoyment alone, last night wasn\'t a waste of time - just a taste of it.

Rick Walton was still so well-dressed and his hair meticulous.

Chen William couldn\'t help but think that when he first saw him, he lingered in the flowers with Roger. At that time, William Chen thought he was a playboy, but he didn\'t expect that this guy was an infatuation among their prodigal sons.

After marrying Delphine, the eldest lady of the LVMH group, she has always behaved well.

"William, I have something to tell you first."

Seeing the slightly serious expression on Rick Walton\'s face, William Chen asked in confusion:

"What? Something about Zoo capital?"

At present, Zoo company is in the process of A round of financing before the IPO, so after hearing Rick Walton\'s words, the first thing that William Chen thought of was this aspect.

"That\'s not true. Uncle Rob met me specifically yesterday, and he told me something."

Rick Walton sat on the sofa in front of William Chen and said to him:

"He wants me to return to the Wal-Mart Group and has promised to hand over the Waltons to me when he retires."

This matter is somewhat beyond Chen William\'s expectations, but it is reasonable to think about it carefully.

Originally, Rick Walton\'s performance in the Zoo company has fully proved his ability, and now the Walmart Group is also facing competition from Amazon and Zoo in the e-commerce field.

Well, that\'s a really good move for Rob Walton.

Since there is no hope of acquiring Zoo, if Rick Walton can return to Wal-Mart, it is possible to merge the Zoo of Wal-Mart.

Even if it doesn\'t, it\'s clear that Rick Walton has demonstrated his ability in e-commerce, and his experience can be used to counter the competition of emerging e-commerce companies to Wal-Mart Group.

It has to be said that the opportunity to be in charge of such a retail giant as Wal-Mart is very tempting for most people.

However, based on Chen William\'s understanding of Rick Walton and his performance at this time, he could generally guess the opponent\'s choice, so he was not very nervous at this time.

"So how did you decide? Rick, I don\'t think you\'re here to tell me today that you\'re going to resign from the zoo department?"

William Chen looked at Rick Walton with a smile, and said to him slightly relaxed.

"I\'m sorry, William. If you expected me to leave zoo, I\'m afraid you will be disappointed."

Having said that, Rick Walton couldn\'t help but smile and said:

"I rejected Uncle Rob. After all, I think zoo is more suitable for me."

Although he had expected it, William Chen was still very happy to hear Rick Walton\'s words. He made the right choice, which was also his most hopeful choice.

So, this incident became a small episode before the conversation between the two.

Next, Rick Walton told William Chen about the current financing situation of Zoo company.

At the very beginning, when they decided to raise the Series A before the IPO, the two decided that they would raise this round at a pre-money valuation of $50 billion.

At present, in the United States, in the field of e-commerce, Amazon is mainly competing with Zoo, and other e-commerce companies, including eBay, have been squeezed by these two leading companies. , the result is that the third child died...

As far as the current situation is concerned, Amazon and Zoo have exchanges and mutual advantages.

In the North American market, Amazon still occupies the top spot, and its market share is still nearly 10 percentage points higher than that of Zoo.

but in overseas markets

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In the field, Zoo has made some progress. In the European market, Amazon is actually restricted by local countries, while Zoo relies on the contacts of the family of Miss Delphine, the wife of Rick Walton, to overtake Amazon in the competition in the European market, with a slight share of upper hand.

In the Russian and Indian markets, Zoo also has a slight advantage over Amazon because of its successful mergers and acquisitions.

In the surrounding markets of Australia, Amazon has the advantage of entering earlier and is still ahead of Zoo. However, because of the geographical location of Atlanta, the goal of the next Zoo is to use this as a springboard to compete with Amazon around Australia. The company is encircling.

As for the Asian market, China has an e-commerce giant Ali, so Zoo is wise not to enter rashly, but it also has development plans in Japan, South Korea and Southeast Asia.

However, the Arnault family\'s help to Zoo in Europe is not just out of friendship. In this A round of financing, their family will also join some old European investment funds to join in and get a part of the total amount of 5.5 billion US dollars. share.

As for the other part of the share, it is reserved for the local capital of the United States.

In addition to raising funds to continue to expand the market and compete with Amazon, the purpose of this time Zoo\'s financing before its IPO is to draw more forces into its own camp, so as to obtain better development conditions.

According to the original agreement, in the Zoo company, William Chen owns 60% of the shares, while Rick Walton owns 40% of the shares.

But the voting rights of the two are just So the entire Zoo company is controlled by Rick Walton.

Chen William himself has no intention of grabbing the control of the Zoo company. Facts have proved that Rick Walton is very important to the development of the Zoo company, and he does not need to spend more energy on this company. It is enough to maintain a certain influence.

Therefore, he has promised Rick Walton before that he will support the use of AB shares in the company\'s shareholding structure when Zoo is listed in the IPO, and William Chen and Rick Walton will hold shares at that time. There are Class B shares with higher voting rights, of which most of the Class B shares will be handed over to Rick Walton.

This commitment is, no doubt, the reason why Rick Walton is willing to give up the temptation to take charge of the Walton family, so he firmly chooses to stay in the Zoo company.

Therefore, many things have their own causes and effects. Planting melons reaps melons, and sowing beans reaps beans. In terms of business, William Chen will only focus on the areas he has designated himself, while other areas are more willing to be handed over to more suitable ones. people do it.

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