America's Road To Fame

Chapter 520: The birth of the top 4

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

So under such circumstances, after William Chen won the next two personal exemptions, the four-player alliance voted out Eric and Cui respectively, and the jury members increased to five.

In this way, only Chen William, Amanda, Will and Mike are left in the game.

On the 36th day of the game, the four came to the arena for the next individual exemption match.

After the host Jeff saw the four people, he said with a smile:

"Congratulations, the top four of this season\'s "Survivor". And today is the last full game of the game."

I am very satisfied to see everyone\'s surprised expressions, because they all thought that after a tribe member was eliminated today, there would be a game. In the end, two people accepted the vote to be the champion of this season, but they did not expect the progress of the game to be so fast. .

"The winner of today\'s game can choose one of the remaining three to enter the final clan election, and the remaining two need to have a fire match to determine the winner to enter the clan election. Therefore, this season of "Survivor" will have three people Proceed to the final tribal election, where six jury members vote to select the eventual champion to win the grand prize of $1 million."

"So today\'s game is very important, come on, guys. Today\'s game, you can see that everyone has a complex track in front of you, you need to take a ball every once in a while and put it in the top entrance, and then in When the ball reaches the exit of the track, the ball is accurately caught, and then continues to the top of the track."

"The further back, the more **** there are in the track, the greater the challenge you need to face. It should be noted that there will be a trap in the middle of the track. Whenever a ball passes by, the trap will be activated and the next trap will be activated. The ball is introduced into another track. Therefore, the track has two exits, left and right. When the ball rolls out of the track, it will always proceed in a left-right-left-right cycle. You need to keep your attention and not pick it in the wrong place."

"If anyone loses the ball, they will be out of the game immediately. The last remaining player wins the game and can choose a member to enter the election together. Well, everyone stand in front of their respective tracks, and we will start the game immediately."

After Jeff announced the rules of the game, Chen William quickly understood it clearly, and stood in front of his own track according to the drawing order.

As the game began, Jeff said, "Now, everyone put the first ball in the track."

The four people picked up a white ball from the side at the same time, put it into the entrance above the track, and the white ball slid down the track. The track has nearly ten laps from top to bottom, and it takes about a minute for the white ball to slide out of the exit each time.

When there is only one ball, it is still very easy to catch. It is nothing more than this time to catch the white ball from the exit on the left and put it into the entrance above. Next time, catch it from the exit on the right and continue to put it into the entrance on the top. so repeatedly.

William Chen entered that wonderful state At this time, his world only had the track and the white ball in front of him.

"Okay, now put the second ball, the time limit is 15 seconds, you can choose the right time to put it in, but it must be put in before the time limit expires."

Everyone is waiting, getting ready to drop the second white ball about halfway through the track to allow for a more comfortable interval to catch the ball.

When the 15-second time limit came, everyone already had two white **** sliding on their tracks. Everyone is meditating left-right-left... Each time they put their hands on the corresponding exit and wait for the ball, then quickly put the ball into the track, and wait at the other exit.

I don\'t know how long it took, but I heard Jeff say: "Now prepare to put the third ball into the orbit, count down 15 seconds, you can choose the timing of putting it in, but you must put it in before the time limit."

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