America's Road To Fame

Chapter 519: Anti-WA Coalition

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

Not to mention the more desolate camp life of the other three, the four who came to Sunset Island instantly felt like they had returned to the civilized world.

Sunset Island is a tourist attraction nearby. The resort hotel on the island is opened by a world-renowned hotel group, and the hotel service is first-class.

Yesterday, William Chen was only wearing shorts, surviving on the deserted island like a savage, but now, after taking a hot bath with high-end cleaning products, he has enjoyed the top-level aroma SPA service.

Wearing neat and comfortable clothes and eating a luxurious seafood dinner with others on the beautiful terrace, it can\'t help but feel like a world away.

The most wonderful thing is that after the filming team evacuated at night, in the room with a comfortable big bed, only Chen William and Amanda were left.

William Chen thought about how far he and Amanda would go. After all, in the tribal camp, the two had become very close many times, and he could also feel Amanda\'s affection for him, but in the camp, one had cameras and many The existence of the members, and the fact that under this tense environment, he really didn\'t have any more charming ideas, so he never went to the last step with her, even though the two were on the verge of missing out on many occasions.

In the current environment, between the two of them, looking at Amanda\'s affectionate, shy face, Chen William knew that it was destined to happen tonight.

You must know that his thirst for knowledge is relatively strong. Since he came to this world, it seems that he has not lived a life of learning knowledge for such a long time.

Therefore, at this time, the thirst for knowledge seems to be a bit stronger...

At this time, Amanda\'s body was very fragrant, and she also specially dressed up today. She looked like Rachel in an American drama that William Chen had watched in a previous life, Annifer known as Ami\'s Sweetheart.

However, Amanda\'s facial features are more delicate than hers. Because of her participation in "Survivor", her skin has a healthy wheat color, which is more wild and beautiful.

What\'s interesting is that in the real world, he has never had anything with that lady Annifer - after all, her age has made William Chen a little boring - but here, he has a relationship with a younger version of Annie. We learned knowledge together.

This night, William Chen took pity on Xiangxiyu, although he was not enjoying himself, after all, his body is strong in every aspect, and he is also at an age where hormones are surging, but seeing Amanda\'s appearance of being unable to deal with it, he still held back his recklessness. for the idea.


"Okay, I\'ll start counting the votes."

"The first vote, Amanda, is invalid because illia used the Immunity Idol."

"Amanda. Vote void."


"Kate. Kate two votes."

"Amanda. Vote void."

"Kate. Kate three votes."

"The fourteenth eliminated member is Kate."

This voting process surprised Monica and Roman who were sitting on the jury. After all, they were only participating in the tribal meeting and did not know what happened to the tribe.

Kate held back her tears, got up and picked up the torch behind her, walked up to the tribe members, and said, "Good luck to you."

Jeff said, "Kate, the Horde has decided," extinguishing her torches.

William Chen looked at this scene with a faint smile on his face.

It also starts with their return from Sunset Island, where Kate, Mike, and Choi have more conversations at the camp while William Chen, Amanda, Will, and Eric spend their leisure time there.

At first William Chen thought that his four-player alliance would not last long, but he guessed that Mike would be the most likely to turn against the tide first, but he did not expect that Kate first proposed to target him first.

In the personal exemption match on the next 30 days, William Chen still obtained the exemption necklace, so they could only target Amanda first and continue to dismantle the two-person **** alliance.

Here, everyone is very sensitive, and it can clearly feel that after returning from Sunset Island, Amanda\'s relationship with William Chen has become more intimate.

So a secret anti-A coalition was formed, and Kate had persuaded Choi before, and then contacted Eric and Will through Choi—three easier to convince in her opinion.

Then Kate found Mike and told him that if he didn\'t agree, he would be the one who left, because William Chen would not use immunity on him, and finally Mike agreed.

What Kate didn\'t know was that Will was already a secret ally of William Chen. He had already believed in the story of William Chen\'s super idol. He believed that William Chen would still have a idol in his hands, so the anti-A alliance was doomed to fail.

And this time, once he is also involved, it is likely that he will be the next one to leave, because compared to other people, the betrayal will draw more hatred from William Chen.

And if Kate and Mike betray William Chen, William Chen\'s spearhead will first target the two of them, then William Chen is secretly allied and can win over Cui and Eric on the surface, then Will is in a very advantageous position.

Therefore, Will directly told Chen William all about the anti-A alliance. When William Chen knew that Kate was going to do something, he found Mike directly before the tribal meeting and was honest with him.

After confirming Will\'s news from Mike, William Chen told him that he would look at his vote tonight, hoping that he would write Kate\'s name before deciding whether the alliance of the two still existed.

Thus, there is a scene from the previous Tribal meeting, where Kate is out by four votes and becomes the third member of the jury.

And William Chen also confirmed the loyalty of Will and Mike. Of course, their alliance will continue for the time being - and it can only be said to be temporary, because in the end, everyone will have more personal considerations, and in order to prove themselves to the jury strategy, they are also more willing to use big moves to increase their resumes.

The Idol of Immunity can be used until there are five remaining members of the tribal meeting, so this means that the Idol can still be used in two tribal meetings.

After eliminating Kate, William Chen secretly found the statue of immunity that night.

That way, he can guarantee that he and Kate will make it to the five-a-side finals.

Next, after Kate was out, there were only six people left: William Chen, Amanda, Will, Mike, Eric and Cui.

In this case, William Chen, Amani, Will, and Mike still form an alliance, and Eric and Cui are in the minority.

In the next two personal exemptions, Chen William still won the game, and then in these two tribal meetings, Eric and Cui were eliminated respectively.

Although at this time, Eric and Cui also struggled with all their might, constantly trying to provoke the relationship between William Chen and their four-member, but these didn\'t play a big role.

Because when Kate was out before, Will and Mike had realized that as long as William Chen continued to win the personal immunity match, he could keep taking out the immunity statue to protect Amanda.

In this way, they don\'t really have any chance.

If anyone tries to make a big move, the result can only be to send himself out. Since it is difficult to win the game, why not continue to hold on to the finals in this four-player league?

At least you can still get the top prizes.

If in the final personal exemption match, if he can perform beyond his normal performance to win, it is not that he has no chance to reach the end.

Therefore, since it has reached the current stage, unless William Chen loses the personal exemption, they are not willing to risk retaliation by William Chen to do things with Eric and Cui.

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