America's Road To Fame

Chapter 521: The tribe has decided

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

Day 38 of this season of Survivor.

William Chen, Amanda, Will, and Mike walked into the parliamentary hall one after another. The hall built of logs was now reflected by the bonfire in the middle and the torches on the walls, which was very original.

After the four people were seated, the five-person jury, including the newly eliminated Eric and Cui, took the seats below in turn.

After the host Jeff finished chatting with the last four people, it was time for William Chen to decide.

"Okay, let\'s come, illia, you need to make a decision, who do you want to take to the end? And the person you left behind will come here and start a fire showdown."

Jeff asked.

"The person I\'m bringing tonight is Anda, and she\'s going to the top three with me. Frankly, everyone in this room has a covenant with me, but sorry, Anda made it with me on the first day of the game. The closest alliance, so I\'m going to take her to the end, as promised."

William Chen said.

"Okay, Anda, you\'re in the top three. Then ill and Mike will fight for the last spot in the top three."

Jeff said to the four:

"Ill, you\'re on the red side; Mike, you\'re on the blue side."

Following Jeff\'s words, Will and Mike left and took their seats in two colored seats.

The fire matchup is a traditional reserved item in "Survivor", and it is often used in the final matchup and the matchup after the tie.

The rules of the game are that on the wooden platform in front of everyone, there will be a small handful of slender coconut skins to turn the sparks into flames, and some wooden strips to build the structure of the flames.

The ultimate goal is to burn the hemp rope about 40 cm high on the wooden frame in front of them, so that the flag can be raised.

Whoever burns the twine first wins the fire battle.

"Now both Will and Mike have started their preparations, but in a slightly different order, Mike is building a nest first with wooden slats, while Will takes out a small portion of coconut husks and uses a knife to cut the magnesium on the flint. Powder scraped on top."

"Will started trying to hit the flint with a knife and the sparks were flying around and he was trying to get the sparks down on the coconut husks to ignite the magnesium dust. Mike also started trying to make a fire."

Following Jeff\'s words, everyone looked at the two in the game.

"Will has got a small He is carefully trying to make this flame bigger. His flame seems to be stable, and Will starts to build the structure of the bonfire with wooden slats."

Jeff continued to explain the scene at this time:

"Mike also made progress, he also got a fire, he picked up some coconut shells and put it on the fire and blew lightly, because a nest was built with wooden strips in advance, so now the wooden strips are starting to ignite ."

"Will\'s structure was starting to build, and the flames were burning upwards along the wooden slats, but still halfway to the hemp rope. Mike\'s fire was getting bigger and bigger. Mike used a risky method. He took all the coconut shells. They were all placed on the flame, and the flame expanded rapidly and burned to the hemp rope. Let\'s see if it can burn the hemp rope?"

"Both of them are trying to make it to the top three, guys, it\'s a matchup that could be worth a million dollars, and your flames have the potential to win you a million and kick you out of a million-dollar race, So be very careful every step of the way.”

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