America's Road To Fame

Chapter 518: Opportunity to return to civilization

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

The next day William Chen got up a little late, but the addition of a statue of immunity in the bag made him sleep very peacefully.

After coming to this world, Chen William was in "Survivor". In such an environment, it is easy for people to forget the time.

Like the rest of the tribe, he counts the time by adding a scratch with a knife to a log in the camp each morning.

And day after day competitions, eliminations, and then continue to work for daily survival, William Chen has not had the experience of living in a civilized world for a long time, and those lives that he thought were ordinary before are all his dreams at this time. of.

Just like today, they were on the 28th day of "Survivor", when everyone thought that today was still a personal immunity jam, Jeff\'s words made everyone go crazy.

"No one will be eliminated in today\'s game, but there will be more attractive rewards waiting for you to win."

Jeff looked at everyone with a smile and said:

"Today we have a bonus race. In today\'s race, each of you will have a loop on a hemp rope. When the rope loop is transported to the end of the rope, you can untie the rope to gain freedom, dig a hole in the bunker, allowing you to pass through the wooden stakes fixed above the bunker from below, and finally complete a Huarong Road puzzle, making up the cost The icon of "Survivor" season, the first two people to complete..."

Having said that, Jeff looked at the people who were looking forward to him, and said:

"You can choose one more member each, and then the four of you will take a helicopter to the luxury pristine hotel on the nearby Sunset Island for a perfect two-day vacation, including..."

“Luxurious meal for every taste!”


The crowd exclaimed.

"There are also toiletries provided by world-renowned brands, as well as scented SPA."

Hearing this, the girls cheered wildly, and all of them had longing on their faces. After all, they haven\'t had a good bath and brushed their teeth for a month, not to mention the relaxing aroma SPA.

"Also, a big soft bed, and a helicopter tour around the island, and you can use all the hotel equipment."

"How are you guys, are you motivated now?"

"Jeff, I\'ll do my best just to get a hot shower."

Kate joked with him.

"Then come on, we\'re ready to start."

As the game started, William Chen set off quickly, not only for this reward - whether it was a soft bed or delicious food, all of them were very tempting to him, although these so-called luxurious rewards were in the real world. , Compared with his life, it can be said that it is not enough to watch.

But now and then, after the Gulfstream G550 plane he was riding in crashed and he spent three hard days in the Amazon jungle, he then came to this [Survivor] Easter egg event.

After so much time has passed, Chen William can\'t help but feel that it seems that the lives of those civilized worlds are getting farther and farther away from him, so now he can evoke his memory of life in the civilized world, even if it was just these things that he thought were insignificant before. Things made him desperate at this time.

However, this game is not easy. First of all, the rope loop tied to him is wearing a rope. He needs to pass the obstacle while letting the rope go around the rope, because the rope is also wrapped around the stake of the obstacle, so he also needs to go around the obstacle. The stake climbed up and down, letting the loop go through the rope.

"The first stage is very difficult and exhausting. At present, illia, Eric and Mike are very fast, and the others are also following. Everyone is working very hard. Of course, in order to win the reward, these are all worth it."

"illia untied the rope first and started the second, and Eric followed. The two started digging in the sand like crazy, Mike joined in, and Amanda completed the first."

"Eric took the lead to try to climb over the bunker, he got stuck, the bunker was a little small, he came back and continued to expand the bunker, illia started to try, he climbed over, Mike also succeeded, and now illia Mike has started puzzle, they need to complete a Huarong Road puzzle."

"Eric finally climbed over, can he overtake the puzzle? You know that illia has shown extraordinary talent on the puzzle, he is moving the puzzle quickly. Everyone else is digging the sand pit, only Kate, she is still trapped by the rope At the first stage."

"illia thinks he has completed the puzzle, let me take a look, it\'s correct! Congratulations to illia, he has locked the first reward spot, and there is one more spot, you need to cheer up, now Mike and Eric are working on the puzzle, and Amanda joins Come in, who of them will win? Choi also joined the puzzle, Will\'s size was holding him back, he needed to dig a bigger bunker to get himself out, and Kate finally started digging the bunker."

"Now the closest to winning the second place is Mike and Eric. Amanda is also moving the puzzle quickly, but it seems that the results are limited, she needs to cheer up. Eric raised his hand to indicate that he is done, I will first Look at Eric, yes, congratulations to Eric for winning the second award."

At the end of the game, Chen William and Eric won the reward, and they could each appoint a member to enjoy the reward with them.

"illia who do you choose to enjoy the rewards with?"

At this time, the remaining five tribe members looked over with expectation.

Chen William understands that the reward game is a good opportunity to win people\'s hearts, and he can use this reward to win a traveler for his own benefit.

"I choose—Amanda."

However, William Chen didn\'t choose to win over others. When the blond and blue-eyed sweet girl looked at him eagerly, she has always been your most **** ally. How could William Chen choose someone else?

As for wooing others? For the current him, he can no longer worry so much. After all, as he continues to win the game, his target is estimated to be the biggest now. Others will not be willing to give up 1 million to follow him to the end just because of a small favor. It is estimated that if there is such a person, it is Amanda.

"Okay, Amanda can enjoy this reward with illia."

Amanda ran to William Chen excitedly, and after hugging him, she couldn\'t help kissing him.


Jeff laughed and joked:

"It seems that illia\'s choice has paid off immediately. Now it\'s Eric\'s turn to choose. Who do you want to go to the resort with you and enjoy two days of good time?"

"I choose..." Eric\'s eyes swept across the other members and said, "ill, I choose to share it with him."

"Okay, Will, please come out, illia Amanda, Eric, Will, congratulations, you can go to Sunset Island and enjoy two days of good time."

Jeff was talking, looking up at the sky.

At this time, everyone also heard the sound from the Following Jeff\'s line of sight, they saw that a helicopter was already flying. In everyone\'s surprised expressions, the helicopter slowly landed on the field. open space on the ground.

"Okay, the four of you can go."

So, under the envious gazes of the other three, William Chen and the others got into the helicopter, and as the roar sounded again, they watched the island of the competition gradually shrink and flew towards Sunset Island.

I hope this time the plane is more reliable. When he got on the helicopter, Chen William couldn\'t help but complain.

It\'s strange to say that, obviously he also used props to absorb Han Dong\'s luck value, why was he so unlucky at the time, his special plane first encountered a sudden thunderstorm, and then was hit by a flock of birds, that guy\'s luck value, not It will be a negative number.

"As for you, I\'m sorry, but continue to answer the camp and wait for the next game."

Jeff looked at the frustrated three and said.

To provide you with the fastest update on the road to fame and fortune of the great **** and the stubborn bronze saint, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, be sure to save your bookmarks!

Chapter 518 The chance to return to civilization is free to read. https://