America's Road To Fame

Chapter 517: 1 city down

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

After sending Will away, the time for the tribal meeting was running out. William Chen and the others negotiated again to determine the vote for the evening.

The story about the super idol that William Chen gave Will is also used as an early warning, because everyone will hesitate before using the idol. After all, the idol is too important, so there is always a struggle inside. Not sure if idols are really needed.

And after the story of the super idol was known to Will, in his opinion, the premise for the super idol to take effect was that William Chen should be used before the other party, so if he told others about this, it meant that Will decided to betray William Chen.

So as long as Eric or others after that, rush to use his own immunity idol after Jeff said the line using the idol, it is the best early warning, indicating that Will has made what he thinks is Chen William\'s biggest secret told someone else.

At night, after everyone entered the parliament hall with torches, Jeff saw that all the tribe members had arrived and said:

"We have invited the members of our jury in."

Following Jeff\'s words, Roman came in. He looked at everyone, and deliberately stayed at William Chen\'s place for a while before sitting across from them.

According to the rules, members of the jury are allowed to attend the tribal meeting but not speak until the final vote.

As usual, before the tribal meeting voted, Jeff chatted with everyone for a while. This time William Chen already had the wisdom pearl in his hands, so he didn\'t need to communicate more information through chat, so he kept silent most of the time. Just watching everyone\'s expressions in secret.

"Okay, it\'s time to vote, Kate, you go first."

Following Jeff\'s last words, all the tribe members walked into the house one by one and wrote down the names of those who wanted to be eliminated.

When the last person came out and sat down, Jeff went into the room and took out the ballot box.

"If anyone has a hidden immunity statue and wants to use it, now is the time to do it."

When Jeff said these words, William Chen counted down the seconds silently in his heart, one second, two seconds, three seconds, very well, Will did not betray him.

"Jeff, for safety\'s sake, I\'m still going to use this little thing of mine."

When William Chen stood up and said this to Jeff, he noticed that everyone\'s expressions were funny.

Of course, if Chen William can pull out such a **** thing every time the tribe meets, how can this game be played?

This is probably what other people have in mind at this time.

"I\'m going to give it to Amanda."

William Chen walked up to Jeff and handed him a statue of immunity.

Jeff took the statue, and after examining it carefully, he said:

" a true statue of immunity. According to the rules, all votes against Amanda will be exempted."

When William Chen walked back, he deliberately glanced at Eric with a playful expression.

"Jeff, unfortunately, I have one here too, and I\'m going to use it."

Feeling Chen William\'s gaze and seeing his expression, Eric immediately stood up, handed the statue to Jeff, and said:

"I\'m going to... use it on myself."

After saying this, Eric stared straight at Jeff with a nervous expression. After all, Roman\'s idol was inexplicably judged to be invalid before, which made him have a great effect on his own idol. of suspicion, even after he secretly checked it again that night, and found nothing wrong.

Jeff still took the statue, and after looking at it carefully, with an inexplicable smile on his face, he said, "Eric, this... is not an exemption statue, it has no effect and cannot be exempted from voting against you."

Hearing Jeff\'s words, Eric\'s expression froze, and he walked back to his seat slowly with a sullen face.

At this time, Roman, who was sitting on the jury seat, had an abnormal smile.

Chen William noticed his expression, and after thinking about it for a while, he understood. After all, if someone did something as shameful as himself, it would be more fortunate than if he was the only one foolish.

At this time, his eyes swept past him, and he saw Will\'s shocked expression looking at him.

Chen William knew that his goal had been achieved. He didn\'t use the Immunity God Statue casually this time. The main purpose was to strengthen Will\'s credibility for the story of his Super God Statue. His idol is invalid.

"Okay, I\'ll start counting the votes."

Jeff glanced at everyone and said.

"First vote, Amanda, void."


"Amanda, the vote is invalid."

"Monica. Eric one vote, Monica one vote."

"Amanda, the vote is still invalid."

"Monica. Eric one vote, Monica two votes."

"Monica. Eric one vote, Monica three votes."

At this time, Monica had realized that she was William Chen\'s target. She covered her mouth and looked at the host Jeff who had already picked up the last standing ticket.

"I announce that the thirteenth person to be eliminated is Monica."

Sure enough, Jeff said these words:

"Monica, bring the torch."

Monica got up and picked up the torch behind, "I knew it." She said so, walked to Jeff, and put the torch in the groove in front of him.

"Monica, the tribe has decided."

As he spoke, Jeff extinguished her torch.

The meeting ended and Monica was out as the second member of the jury.

At the same time, it also represented Will\'s determination to join William Chen\'s camp.

Because Chen William deliberately told him the name "Eric" before, and in the end, it was Monica that their alliance decided to eliminate.

As long as the name "Eric" appears, it means that Will abides by the agreement and becomes an ally of William Chen.

The most important thing is that about Will, William Chen did not tell anyone, he is currently his secret ally.

In this way, if someone wants to make a big move, he must win over Will, so that William Chen can know in advance.

Why did William Chen promise to take Will to the end?

Because he understands that is unpredictable in front of the 1 million prize money, so even Amanda, this time he didn\'t tell her about Will.

The current Chen William needs strategy and strategy, and the game also shows his ability.

Then everyone else will think, if it goes on like this, even if you can sit with him in the last seat, it will be very difficult to beat him.

So they need to add a resume to their game, and what kind of resume is more surprising than the assassination of William Chen?

It was like the assassination of Roman that was led by William Chen at that time.

The more it gets to the end, the greater the temptation of this matter, so Chen William doesn\'t think that Eric leaves, he has the majority of votes, and the dark arrow always comes from behind, it depends on who can\'t help but want to make a big move.

There are still a lot of things to do tonight. In addition to continuing to socialize, there is a reset statue of immunity that he needs to find.

To provide you with the fastest update on the road to fame and fortune of the great **** and the stubborn bronze saint, so that you can check the fastest update of this book next time, be sure to save your bookmarks!

Chapter 517 The next city is free to read.https://