America's Road To Fame

Chapter 514: Find all the idols

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

After the tribal meeting ended and after returning to the camp, everyone had not recovered from the shock of Roman\'s assassination.

After all, this has never happened in the previous "Survivor". Why was Roman\'s statue invalid? This matter still puzzles many people, because the two statues look so similar.

But for this kind of doubt, Jeff, the host of the show at the time, did not give an explanation, because he was only responsible for determining the validity of the idol. As for the reason, he did not say it, and it was completely in line with the regulations.

The consequence of this incident is that people who have idols in their hands also become uncertain, and a question always hovers in their minds, will their idols also be judged invalid?

If this is the case, it will have a great impact on the gameplay of the game. After all, if this question is not resolved, you will never dare to trust the idol in your hand too much.

For the inside story, the only one who knows about it is the pair of allies Chen William and Amanda.

However, as their core secret, naturally they will not tell others.

So on this night, many people did not sleep, and had various conversations in many corners of the camp.

Kate also found William Chen and Amanda, and said that she would stand firmly with them. After today\'s tribal vote, Kate felt like she was resurrected from the dead, too dangerous.

And Roman, the core of the big alliance was successfully assassinated, which also gave her more confidence in the alliance between William Chen and Amanda.

After Roman was eliminated, there were only eight people left in the entire tribe, Kate, William Chen, and Amanda. If Michael came over again, then they would have four votes, and they would be able to compete with the opponent.

And many people have observed that in the end, the statue of Romana was used for themselves, not for Cui Chengzhi, who said his name when they were lobbying others today, which also made Cui Chengzhi\'s expression at that time very bad, that is to say, the opponent\'s alliance is no longer the same. So firm, there will be more cracks for them to play.

After chatting with Kate, William Chen went to find Mike again.

Today\'s events also gave him a great shock. At this time, he has seen the hope of being able to compete with the major leagues, so he is very happy to say that he will vote with William Chen and the others later. This kind of balance is easier. Let him go on.

When Chen William lay down in the shed, by the moonlight, he looked at the treetops blown by the sea breeze.

I don\'t know how much time has passed in the previous world, but in this [Survivor] incident, several days have passed by William Chen.

Today, his situation in this game has finally improved a little, and he can relax a little after having been nervous for a few days.

At this moment, in the silence of the night, he couldn\'t help thinking of his relatives and friends in the real world, women such as Ivanta, Paris, Nozomi Sasaki, as well as Uncle Tom and Uncle John, what are they doing now Woolen cloth? How would you feel?

"what are you thinking about?"

Amanda beside her whispered in William Chen\'s ear.

At this time, there were still three people lying in their small shed. In order not to disturb the rest of Kate on the other side, they didn\'t want her to hear it, so Amanda\'s voice was extremely low, that is, William Chen\'s hearing was excellent, otherwise it would I couldn\'t really hear what she was saying.

However, these days, the two of them have gradually become accustomed to this kind of dialogue in the silent night.

"It\'s nothing, I remember my family."

Chen William\'s words stopped in Amanda\'s ears, but what she understood was Chen William\'s current family in this world named illia.

Before William Chen came to this [Survivor] incident, she was chatting with illia, and she knew that both his parents in China had passed away, so now she heard William Chen say this, and her face also appeared With the eyes of love, that kind of maternal light appeared in the eyes of such a little girl, and under this scene, it was so harmonious.

The two chatted casually for a while, maybe it was the experience of the day, it was too exhausting, he saw Amanda in his arms fell asleep again, and the whole camp was quiet.

I don\'t know how long it took, the rustling sound appeared again, Chen William raised his head and quietly looked towards the shed opposite, a figure walked tiptoe towards the woods behind the camp.

He knew it, it should be that after Roman\'s idol was inexplicably judged invalid today, Eric also had doubts about his idol, and was ready to confirm it again.

But this time William Chen is not going to follow, no matter what the result of his confirmation is, whether he can still remember what his idol looked like before, these are not important, even if he follows, he will not be able to see his own thoughts. That\'s fine too.

However, William Chen didn\'t fall asleep. He waited until half an hour later, when Eric came back and fell asleep.

Because he has other things to do tonight.

The day that followed passed in this apparently calm, but undercurrent situation.

Chen William also took the opportunity to socialize in various activities. He talked with almost all the tribe members again, silently observing each other during the conversation, trying to get more information through these exchanges - the other party\'s opinions on his own. attitudes, as well as their thoughts and relationships.

"Survivor" is like this. The acquisition of information is also a very important thing. Everyone will get a lot of information in the process. This information is messy, and many of them are false, so they need to filter by themselves.

When you misbelieve false information, the consequences can be very serious.

The previous major leagues mainly relied on the connections generated by Roman Reigns, and he was at the center of the league. Now that William Chen and the others have eliminated Roman\'s assassination, there will also be some cracks in the major league. break apart.

Another thing is that William Chen can clearly feel that a few people in the camp often disappear. You don\'t need to guess, they should all go to find the hidden statue of immunity, because according to the rules of "Survivor", use The saved save statues are often placed again immediately, just like certain equipment in the game, once used, they will randomly drop again.

William Chen used the statue of immunity at yesterday\'s tribal meeting, so it is very likely that the statue has returned to the island near the For this, William Chen is very calm. As a fan of "Survivor", he I had expected this for a long time. After Eric fell asleep last night, he went to the woods alone and searched for about two hours before finally finding the one who reappeared under a dead tree by the sea far away from the camp. Immunity statues, so there are still two statues lying in his bag at present, which makes his game extremely reassuring.

However, acting skills are still needed. If he acts too calmly here, it is easy for people to doubt whether he still has a statue of immunity in his hand, and I have to say that after Chen William released that big move before, it has now been used by other people. of members.

Therefore, he and Amanda symbolically searched for the idol for a period of time, but the location he chose was very particular, that is, the place that those people have searched for many times, so that others can see more or less, so that they will also Don\'t worry, because they have been looking for them repeatedly, they don\'t think that William Chen and the others can find anything in those places.

Soon, it was time for the next personal exemption.

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