America's Road To Fame

Chapter 515: Alliance choice

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

Generally speaking, when the competition enters the stage of personal exemption, it will be dominated by endurance racing.

However, today\'s game is a more test of flexibility, because the game is to build dominoes.

"Okay guys, welcome to today\'s individual immunity game. Tribal members who win the game will get this immunity necklace and can avoid being eliminated, while the rest will be eliminated at the tribal meeting, and someone will be eliminated 12th, Be the first member of the jury."

After taking back the exemption necklace that William Chen was wearing, Jeff said so.

"In today\'s game, everyone has several blocks beside them. You have to place the blocks on the longboard in front of you to become nominoes, but you can only place one block at a time. Go through the obstacles next to the planks, these obstacles, the farther away, the denser, finally complete the nomino first, and knock them down, let the last piece of wood fall, hit a drum below, whoever succeeds first will win this time The game, saved from being eliminated today."

"What you need to pay attention to is that you need to choose the distance between the blocks. If you push the blocks without success, then you need to rearrange them. You can only place one block at a time."

"Are you ready, guys, we\'re ready to start."

Chen William has been observing the game props since the host Jeff was introducing the rules. After looking at the wooden blocks around him, he carefully observed the obstacles next to the long planks. Those obstacles were surrounded by ropes and fences. It is a block slightly higher than the knee, with gaps that can be crossed by people, but the further forward, the denser the obstacles and the slower the progress.

After reading this, he has already thought about his own strategy in his mind. The gap between the wooden blocks is very particular. If you want to push down a wooden block after the wooden blocks form a domino, it will cause the following wooden blocks to fall one by one. Then the gap between the blocks should not be greater than 1/2 of the height of the blocks.

Because the wood blocks have width, each wood block is about the shape of the red bricks seen in daily life, but the size is more than half larger than that, so that when the wood block falls down with a gap of about 1/2, just enough Hit the next block above half the height so that block falls.

If it hits at the bottom half of the height, it may only push the next block forward some places, but not fall down.

"Now that everyone is ready, the game begins."

With the whistle of showrunner Jeff, the individual exemptions began.

Like the others, Chen William immediately picked up a wooden block, walked to the front of the long wooden board, and placed the first wooden block on the edge of the near end according to the rules.

Then he immediately returned to get the second block, this time he quickly put the block next to the first block, then found the half length of the block, and placed the second block on the There, he firmly remembered the length of this gap in his mind.

In this way, the gap between the two wooden blocks can be kept at half the length of the wooden block as much as possible, and the minimum number of wooden blocks can be used to ensure that the wooden blocks can be pushed down by the previous wooden block one by one.

"Everyone is placing the wooden blocks quickly. Monica is the fastest. She has already started to place the third block. Amanda is close behind. Illia has chosen her own unique way. Can he succeed?"

Chen William didn\'t care what Jeff was saying, he entered that strange state again, quickly passed through the obstacles, placed the wooden block in the exact position, and then went back quickly to get another piece.

"illia is efficient. His wood blocks are already halfway through the plank, and Monica follows closely, but Monica goes back and forth more times, her wood blocks are tighter, which will be more secure."

"illia is increasing the advantage, he is returning now, it looks like there is only one last piece left, others are picking up speed. illia is coming, he has put the last piece of wood, he is returning, let\'s see him Can the block of wood fall successfully?"

"The wooden blocks hit the drums below, illia did the trick, he used precise calculations to form the dominoes using the fewest wooden blocks, which allowed him to do it with fewer round trips than the others, congratulations illia he won again Victory in the personal exemption, this is his second consecutive personal exemption victory, he gets the exemption necklace, which means he is safe at the tribal meeting tonight, the others need to vote at night. The thirteenth eliminated member."

After the game was completed, William Chen won. He walked up to Jeff, who gave him an exemption necklace.

At this time, he let out a long breath and smiled, while Amanda ran over excitedly, kissed him, and shouted:

"illia you are amazing."

William Chen also embraced others and accepted their congratulations, whether they were genuine or fake.

After returning to the tribe, William Chen and Amanda found Kate and Mike, who are currently his allies.

But at this time, he is not ready to tell them that he has the statue of immunity. After all, Kate and Mike have just joined them, and they need to continue to test their trust. After the last tribal meeting, Kate will be more trustworthy, Mike. trust is still in doubt.

This is "Survivor", you can\'t predict what other people will do for the 1 million bonus, so mutual trust in allies is necessary, but if you trust others without reservation, it is stupid.

Now William Chen has a necklace of immunity, it is safe tonight, and he still has two statues of immunity, he will choose the right time to use it to ensure that the number of people on his side is dominant.

But what he also needs to consider is that as he wins individual saves, the target gets bigger and bigger, so either he keeps winning, or if he loses a match, he will Be the target of everyone\'s fire.

"What do you guys think about the vote tonight?"

William Chen asked.

"We have four votes now, and they have four. Now we need to find a way to disintegrate them. As long as we get one more vote, our number will be dominant."

Kate analyzed.

"Vote for Cui, he is so annoying, I can\'t wait for him to leave."

Amanda said angrily, in the previous tribe, she and William Chen were often ridiculed by Cui Chengzhi, so they hated him very much.

"This is not urgent, Amanda, we need to consider it comprehensively, Cui he does not have an advantage in the game, we can throw him at any time, now we have to consider who is our biggest threat, Mike, what do you think, we It\'s a league and it has to be unanimous, so if you want to vote for anyone, we\'ll support it."

William Chen doesn\'t want Kate and Mike to think that this alliance is dominated by him and Amanda now, so he will respect their opinions and support whoever they want to vote for.

Of course, I also hope that my hands will be less bloody. After all, starting from the last tribal meeting, the eliminated members will become members of the jury, and they will vote to decide the championship at the end~www.novelhall. com~ He doesn\'t want to attract too much hatred.

The votes he dominates and those he supports allies will have a different impact on those who are eliminated.

"I don\'t know exactly how your tribe was doing before, but when we were in the Fang tribe, Monica and Eric have always been very strong allies, and they\'ve been working together since the first day of the game, so I think , Before the big league was united by Roman\'s relationship, after Roman left, the other four people actually divided into two small tight alliances, one was Monica and Eric, the other was Cui and Will, Therefore, the most important thing for us is to break up the most iron couple in these two minor leagues, I think Monica and Eric must go one, so that the major leagues behind them will not be a threat."

Mike also expressed his own thoughts. It can be seen that he also had his own careful observation.

This is also normal. The game has gone on until now, and it will not be easy for the remaining people. Everyone will work hard to get the final $1 million.

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Chapter 515 The Choice of the Alliance is free to read. https://