America's Road To Fame

Chapter 513: dramatic result

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

When Will finished speaking, Choi Sung-sik continued:

"I think we\'ve come to this point, and the choice we need to face is who is the most disturbing factor in the whole game, and we need to remove this factor first. It\'s like the team is very important, but if someone is too close, then It\'s also very dangerous for other people, because if I walk with someone like that, how can I guarantee that I\'ll be a higher priority in the end?"

"Cui, your words seem to mean something, then I\'ll be straightforward. Which relationships in the tribe do you think are too close to make you uneasy?"

Jeff likes to ask questions that spark tribal discussion.

"illia Amanda, they stick together almost every day, so it makes people wonder, now there are fewer and fewer people, so if they are left to the end, how can anyone else as an individual win such a close two What about the alliance?"

Hearing that Cui Chengzhi almost directly isolated the two, William Chen shook his head with a smile, while Amanda rolled his eyes with disdain.

"Anda, I saw your expression, what do you want to say about Cui\'s words?" Jeff asked Amanda, catching the eyes of Amanda.

"Yeah Jeff, I\'ll admit I\'m a little bit closer to illia, I know it\'s a big target for us, but the truth is we\'ve been at the bottom, from day one here , an alliance has already been formed, so as isolated people, they can only keep warm in a group. Some people never say that they use the alliance with the dominant number to oppress the members who are outside, but they are responsible for those members who are too close. I just thought it was kind of funny."

"I want to say a few words about that too, Jeff."

William Chen took over and said:

"Will said it right now. At the current stage of the game, everyone needs to think more about how to move forward. Yes, you can follow everyone to eliminate people who are outside today. This will be a safe strategy. Get you through today. But you need to understand that we are not here to stay here for 25 days, or even 35 days, everyone wants to stay until the end, so you can\'t just see what\'s going on in front of you , it\'s easy for you to knock out a minority, but maybe tomorrow you\'ll be that minority, so everyone outside of a major league, even those in not-so-upper positions in the major leagues, need to consider, those Tickets can actually be used for their own use.”

"I don\'t think there are any major leagues."

Roman couldn\'t help but say:

"Each of us may not be in a single relationship, maybe you have a good relationship with this person, and you have common interests with others, so the principle of our voting is that we should take a comprehensive view, which alliances are we in? If most people want to disassemble them, it is the most correct choice.”

Hearing Roman\'s words, William Chen shook his head with a smile and didn\'t say anything more.

"Okay, it\'s voting time, Mike, come first."

Following Jeff\'s words, the tribe members walked into the voting hut one by one and began to vote, and the atmosphere at the scene suddenly became solemn.

When it was William Chen\'s turn, he walked into the voting hut, pulled out a dagger-shaped pen featured in "Survivor", wrote "Ron" on the parchment in front of him, and then, according to the rules, took Parchment, said to the camera:

"I\'m sorry, it was you who left today, this is an assassination."

Then put the ticket in the box next to it.

"I\'ll go get the ballot box."

When everyone had cast their votes, Jeff went to the voting hut and took the ballot box.

He put the ballot box on the table in front of him and said:

"If anyone has a hidden immunity statue and wants to use it, now is the time to do it."

This time is often the time when everyone is the most nervous. Chen William felt that many people\'s eyes were looking at him, and of course their emotions were different. He smiled and said:

"Wait a minute, Jeff, I have a little thing here."

As he spoke, he took out the statue of immunity from the bag he brought, walked over and handed it to Jeff. He looked around at the people sitting on the field and saw their expressions were very interesting. Amanda, who looked happy, looked at each other and said:

"Of course, I already have the immunity necklace, and I\'m going to use it for Amanda today."

Jeff took the statue in William Chen\'s hand, looked at it carefully, and said:

" a true statue of immunity. According to the rules, all votes against Amanda will be exempted."

When William Chen walked back to his seat and just sat down, he heard Roman stand up and say:

"It\'s a coincidence that I have one here too."

He also took out a **** statue from his bag, glanced proudly at Chen William, then walked to Jeff, handed the **** statue to him, and said:

"I intend to……"

At this time, Cui Chengzhi looked at Roman with anticipation, but heard him continue:

"Use it on myself."

When Roman got up and took out the statue, Kate\'s face turned pale instantly. When she heard Roman finally said that she would use it on herself, she couldn\'t help lowering her head and covered her face with her hands.

Obviously, there are only three voting targets today, Amanda, Kate, and William Chen\'s 3 votes against Roman.

Now that Amanda and Roman have both used the Immunity Idol, the votes against both of them are invalid, so only Kate\'s vote is valid, and I am afraid she will be eliminated because of this...

At this time, Jeff took over the statue of Roman, and after looking at it carefully, he said to Roman with a smile:

"This...isn\'t a real immunity statue, so it\'s invalid and not exempt from voting."

When Roman was looking at everyone with a smug face, he suddenly heard the word "no", his smile froze instantly, and he looked at Jeff in disbelief, and couldn\'t help asking:

"What did you say, Jeff?"

"This is not a real immunity statue, so it can\'t function as an immunity vote, Roman, now you can go back to your seat."

Hearing Jeff repeating his words again and accentuating his tone on "No", all the tribe members present showed a surprised expression. After all, in their opinion, the idols that William Chen took out and Roman\'s idols did not what a difference.

But at this time, Kate was the happiest person. She stared at Jeff with wide eyes, with a surprised expression on her face.

Amanda was covering her mouth and laughing. William Chen had long expected this scene and kept a faint smile. When Roman walked back to his seat in a daze, he glanced at Eric from the corner of his eye and saw There was hesitation on his face, but in the end he didn\'t say anything.

Oh, it seems that Eric decided to be selfish at this time and not use his "Immunity Statue". Maybe he didn\'t even think about digging it out before the tribal meeting...

Jeff waited a moment, then began to say, "Okay, I\'ll start counting the votes."

"First vote, Amanda, void."

"Amanda, another vote, invalid vote."


"Amanda, the vote is invalid."

"Kate, Roman one vote, Kate one vote."

"Amanda, the vote is invalid."

"Roman, Roman two votes, Kate one vote."

"Kate, even votes, two votes for Roman, two votes for Kate."

Finally, Jeff picked up the last vote and shouted:

"The twelfth was eliminated, Roman."

When the statue of Roman\'s immunity was judged invalid by Jeff just now, everyone had expected this result, but when Jeff said it himself, many people were still shocked that they couldn\'t accept it.

"Roman, bring a torch here."

Roman has regained some energy at this At this time, he seems to have figured out something. He got up and picked up his torch from behind everyone. When he walked in front of everyone, he looked back deeply. Glancing at William Chen, he said:


Then he walked up to Jeff and inserted the torch into the groove in front of him. Jeff took the cover in his hand to extinguish the torch and said to him:

"Roman, the tribe has decided."

The torches went out, and Roman was officially eliminated as the first member of the jury.

"What happened at the tribal meeting today may be beyond the expectations of many people. You can tell from your expressions. It also means that the relationship between tribe members will begin to reshuffle. Now you are here. On the 23rd day of the desert island, you need to put in more thinking and effort to get yourself further. Good night, everyone."

Jeff finally said so.

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