America's Road To Fame

Chapter 512: Tribal meeting begins

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

"do not worry."

Chen William naturally knew that Roman had a statue of immunity, but it was a fake. He would definitely use it at that time, but the result... Even so, he still wanted to dispel Kate\'s doubts:

"So it depends on our acting skills, Kate, we can\'t say anything that we are going to vote for Roman, we will start from now on, lobbying others to vote for Cui, Cui is a nasty guy, he is very big with me and Amanda. Therefore, it is reasonable for us to want to cast him away. And in the eyes of others, if we want to cast Roman, it is impossible to succeed, because he has the most allies, but Cui is different, Will, Monica, Eric and Roman are hardcore, but they don\'t necessarily like Cui, so we may be the most likely to convince others to leave Cui."

At this time, Chen William will definitely not tell Kate that he still has an exemption statue, otherwise she will ask Chen William to give her an exemption too.

After all, William Chen knows Roman\'s side. Not only Roman\'s is a fake idol, but Eric\'s idol has also been replaced by a fake one. He doesn\'t believe that there is still another idol there. Even if there are, there are three idols and two. Fake, how likely are they to use the real one?

This risk is worth taking.

And keeping a hole card is a very important thing.

Kate understood that, in this situation, she too had to take risks.

Because Chen William will definitely give Amanda an exemption, and she has no other choice, to go to Roman\'s side?

It\'s impossible, even if she told Roman in the past that Amanda has a statue of immunity and they are going to assassinate him, so what?

The biggest possibility is that Roman and the others will focus fire on her for the sake of insurance, so the matter has come to this point, she can only try to persuade others as William Chen said, so that the other party thinks that their target is Cui.

Next, William Chen went to Will again, and he hoped to get some information from Will.

William Chen and Will came to the beach, sat in the sea water, and started chatting.

"Will, you decided to let Amanda go tonight, didn\'t you? I\'ve heard her name from a lot of people."

William Chen decided to deceive him first.

"All I can say is that I will follow the league\'s advice and follow the plan."

Will said quietly.

"Oh, buddy, you and I both understand that you are the majority of the population now, so there is no need to hide it. I came to you, just to discuss with you, can I not write Amanda\'s name tonight, or anything else? Anyone, I can vote with you. In exchange, I can promise you that I can give up the next individual waiver, and then you want to deal with me is the best chance."

"illia, you don\'t have to do this, this is Survivor, there shouldn\'t be any personal emotional factor. If you do this, even if you save Amanda, you will put yourself in danger. I actually appreciate it. You, illia, I said, if it\'s the end of the game, I hope to be good buddies with you, and I also hope you can go further, sincerely. Although I have my own allies and need to be loyal to them, I still don\'t want to see You did this stupid trick."

Will said with a deep meaning.

"You\'re wrong, Will, it\'s not a personal emotional factor, just because Amanda is my ally, and if you were my ally, I would do the same. I admit, it makes me more dangerous, But sometimes taking risks is necessary for the sake of allies.”

"Okay, illia but I\'m sorry, I can\'t promise you, the league has decided, there\'s not much time to vote now, and we\'re not allowed to mess up. Next time I\'m on Survivor with you, I\'ll be there Made an alliance with you from day one, brother."

Seeing Will patted himself on the shoulder rather embarrassed, and then left the beach, William Chen also got his answer.

Their goal tonight is Amanda!

But now is not the time to relax, William Chen went to find Mike again.

"Mike, it\'s been a while since the tribal meeting, let\'s keep it short."

William Chen looked at Mike and said:

"I respect your decision this time, I\'ve always said, I understand you, man. But I just want you to tell me one thing, what\'s the name you got? Or, whose name are you going to write tonight? Then don\'t worry, even Amanda doesn\'t matter, I don\'t ask you to make any changes, I just hope you can be honest, and the door of my ally will continue to open for you."

"Believe it or not, illia I got the news that Roman told me to write Kate\'s name tonight."

Mike said:

"Sorry, illia I have to listen to them this time, but it\'s not Amanda anyway, it\'s a good thing, isn\'t it?"

Hearing this, William Chen understood, Roman still suspected that they might have the statue of immunity, so they decided to split the vote. In fact, Mike\'s vote was not important, but Mike was not in control, so he gave him Kate\'s name, and the remaining five people, There should be four people writing Amanda and one writing Kate.

In this way, Amanda has four votes, Kate has one vote, and William Chen has a maximum of three votes.

In this way, if Mike listens to their vote for Kate, then Amanda votes four, if there is a statue, then Roman also uses the statue, and Kate leaves with two votes.

If Mike voted with William Chen, then the result is the same, Amanda and Roman use the idol, and Kate leaves with one vote.

If Amanda does not use the idol, then the votes are the same, and the votes for Amanda and Roman will be re-voted. The result is that Amanda has more votes and leaves.

Whether this is the case or not, we will have to wait until the tribal meeting to decide.

I don\'t know how the smoke bombs they released, saying they were going to cast Cui, would affect the results.

It was time for the tribal meeting, and all the members walked into the council hall with their backpacks and their torches.

In "Survivor", fire represents life, so everyone needs to bring their own torch to the tribal meeting. The final eliminated contestant will bring the torch to the host Jeff, who will extinguish the torch himself.

Unity put the torches on the shelf behind them, and everyone faced Jeff and took their seats.

"Welcome to the Tribal Convention. Tonight we will vote for the 12th player to be eliminated from this season\'s "Survivor" and will be the first member of the jury. First, let\'s talk a bit."

Jeff would have a chat with the clan members before each vote at the clan convention.

"illia congratulations on winning today\'s individual exemption, how do you feel now?"

"It feels great, Jeff. With this necklace, you\'ll feel at ease. You don\'t have to be afraid that someone will turn against you. At least today, I\'ve had a fairly relaxing time."

William Chen stroked the exemption necklace he was wearing and said to Jeff with a smile.

"Er, in the game today you chose to give up the game and go to a feast. Do you regret it now?"

Eric adjusted his smiled and said:

"Everyone wanted to win the waiver, and if they could, I wanted the waiver necklace to be me, but Jeff, I was really at the limit, Jessa and Illia were both strong. At that time, I thought, instead of holding on for a few seconds or ten more seconds, why not choose to eat a delicious meal to replenish my physical strength? I have been starving for more than 20 days, and I need those foods to keep my body healthy Recovering and preparing for the next game, so I don\'t regret my choice."

"The merger of clans is a big deal, so, ill, do you think your game will be any different after the merger?"

"Yes, there is a big difference. In the previous game, the relationship between members of the same clan was both cooperative and competitive. But after the merger of the clan, it is different. Now everyone has to work hard to win the immunity. Looking at the game now, it\'s more of an individual factor. Of course, the team is still important, because we need people who trust each other to work together to go further."

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