America's Road To Fame

Chapter 50: Nikki Hilton

After Chen William finished dealing with these matters, he saw that it was almost time to leave, so he first went home with Erica and instructed him again on the things he needed to pay attention to after he left.

Another thing is that since an agreement has been signed with Kushnar Group, it means that the renovation project of Building 666 will start soon, so William Chen needs to find a new office for Meta Investment Company in advance. .

Of course, it is not about to move out soon, because there are still some leases that have not expired before. After statistics, because most of the previous rent increases negotiations are in progress, so the current tenants of Building 666 will have more than 50 % will expire within one month, 75% will expire within two months, and 95% will expire within six months. There are only a few tenants who have just finalized long-term lease renewals in the last six months, and the rest of the lease term will be longer.

Therefore, after discussions, the asset management company of Building 666 will negotiate with the tenants from now on. The measures currently given are that the contract expires within one month, and the contract will not be renewed temporarily; if it expires within two months, the rent will be waived for one month from now, and the contract will be terminated after one month.

As for those with a long remaining lease term, there are two options. One is to keep the remaining lease term until the renovation of the building is completed, and give a certain lease term discount; the other is to return the rent and give a certain amount of compensation to end the lease. period, and one month of rent-free relocation time.

Therefore, William Chen began to look for the office space of Meta Investment Company from now on, and after a simple decoration, it was possible to relocate just when the renovation of the building began.

Regarding this matter, William Chen has basically settled down. Currently, the work that Ivanta is responsible for in the Troup Group includes the Troup headquarters building.

It\'s also on Fifth Avenue, not far from Building 666, where Meta Investment Company is located, so he has already asked Ivan Tower, knowing that there is still a whole floor of vacant office space in the Troup Building, and that William Chen wants to temporarily. Find a place to use it for at least a year, so Ivanta said he would give him a good price.

With 58 floors above ground, the Trump Headquarters Building, like Building 666, is a multi-purpose skyscraper. The building is divided into residential, hotel, office and commercial areas.

What has been negotiated so far is that William Chen will rent the entire 35th floor of the building, Ivanta will give him one month of rent-free renovation time, and use the renovation department of the Troup Group, and the annual rent will be discounted by 10%. .

After that, Erica needs to contact Ivanta to confirm this matter and start the interior decoration, so that they can only settle in the Troup headquarters building for a month.

In the end, William Chen said, "Erica, I have something to do tonight, so I might not be back."

"Are you going to travel with that Miss Paris tomorrow? Then I should wish you a smooth journey."

When William Chen was about to leave home, he heard Erica say this to him at last.

It wasn\'t until he got into the car that he suddenly remembered that he didn\'t seem to have told Erica that he was going on a trip with Paris, but only said that he was going out these days.

Did she secretly follow Paris on Twitter? Alas, women, they are not really fuel-efficient lamps.

After William Chen left home, he went directly to find Paris, who was with his sister Nikki at this time.

Nikki Hilton is two years younger than her sister, 23 years old this year, slightly older than William Chen. Unlike her older sister Paris, Nikki is more elegant in both dress and personality.

But just like Paris, Nikki has also worked as a model after leaving school and starred in movies. Although she is not as famous as her sister, she is also one of the celebrities in the fashion circle.

Like her sister Paris, Nikki is also very talented in business. When she was still in school, she had already started designing handbags for a certain brand of RB, and had a clothing production line named after her.

In the memory of William Chen\'s predecessor, he had only met Paris\' sister Nikki once, but the two didn\'t talk much because Nikki was still in school at that time and had not yet set foot in the fashion industry. Therefore, William Chen at that time was not so impressed with Niki who was still a little girl.

However, after this meeting, Chen William couldn\'t help but sigh, it really was the eighteenth change of the female university, and the little girl who used to be like clear soup and white water has also become a fashionable girl with a unique style. Although Nikki\'s dress is slightly more elegant than her sister Paris, it is only limited in elegance, and it can still clearly highlight her beautiful figure.

They met in the room of the Paris Waldorf Astoria Hotel. As soon as they met, Paris jumped into William Chen\'s arms happily and gave him a deep kiss. When the two separated, Chen William saw Nikki Hilton standing beside him, and said slightly embarrassedly, "Hello Nikki, I haven\'t seen you for a long time, you are getting more and more beautiful."

On the contrary, Paris didn\'t feel that there was anything to make out with Chen William in front of her sister, she took Chen William\'s hand and said, "William, Nikki and I were talking about it just now, I heard that there is a new opening in Xiacheng District. A nightclub, called TheBoomBoomRoom, is called New 54, the atmosphere inside is very good, many celebrities like to go there, let’s go to play today, okay? I’ve already reserved a place.”

To be honest, William Chen didn\'t particularly like the environment of that kind of nightclub. Whether in his previous life or after he came to this world, he would rarely set foot in that kind of noisy nightclub. However, seeing that Paris\'s nature is so high, and Nikki\'s expression of anticipation after her sister finished speaking, it\'s not easy to dampen their interest, anyway, it\'s good to go once in a while.

"Let\'s eat first. I\'m already hungry. I\'ll go later. Also, I have to say in advance that I don\'t drink alcohol. Paris, you\'d better not drink too much."

Hearing that William Chen agreed, the two sisters couldn\'t help cheering. This scene made Chen William shake his head. The two of you are two years older than you, and the other is four years older than you. How can you feel like you are carrying two little girls. But thinking about it, I can understand it. After all, I was in my thirties in my previous life, and the soul in my body was much bigger than the two girls.

During the meal, the three of them talked about going on a trip, and Paris said, "Niki recommended us to go to RB, William, she has been there twice and said that there are many interesting places, different from ours. , is still very interesting.”

Go to RB? Chen William originally wanted Paris to choose where to play, so he didn\'t pay much attention to where he went, but if he went to RB, it was also very close to Huaguo. Would you like to stop by and have a look?

After he came to this world, he has always lived in the United States, and he could not help but think of his homeland occasionally. Especially at the beginning, he would always compare his life here with his previous life in China.

When he was busy at work, he didn\'t realize that when he suddenly thought of this, the memories in his soul that could be buried in his bones flooded up, and he suddenly had the urge to go back and have a look.

"What\'s the matter, William, seeing you are so silent, don\'t you want to go there?" Paris noticed William Chen\'s abnormality and asked with concern.

"No, Paris, I was just thinking about my work today. Do you want to go to RB? You can, as long as you like it. As I said, you decide your destination." William Chen returned to reality from his thoughts and smiled. to Paris.

"Well, William, can I go with you?" Nikki said suddenly, she looked at the reactions of her sister and Chen William, and said cautiously:

"Don\'t worry, I won\'t disturb the two of you, but I also want to go to RB recently. You know, I\'m helping the Samantha Thavasa company design handbags over there, and I originally planned to go there to talk about deepening cooperation. It doesn\'t matter. And it\'s boring for me to go there by myself, just to be with you guys."

Naturally, William Chen had no opinion on Nikki\'s request, so he turned his attention to Paris and asked her for her opinion.

It may be that Nikki mentioned this to Paris before, so Paris did not have much reaction, and her eyes turned to look at Chen William, and said aloud: "Then let sister Come with us, all right, William. We can both hang out when she goes to talk things over."

"No problem, I\'ll listen to you, Paris." In front of Paris\' sister, he was wise enough to respect Paris\' opinion.

After this episode, the meal for the three of them was also very harmonious. UU reading William Chen listened to Paris and Nikki\'s chat, and could also know many secrets in the fashion circle, eh, in short Most of them are all kinds of messy relationships, after all, women gossip is still very fatal.

From the chat, William Chen also knew that Nikki was dating a male star in Hollywood, but the two seemed to be having a bit of a conflict recently, so Nikki simply returned to New York, and the relationship between the two cooled down a little.

In Chen William\'s opinion, although Nikki is a beautiful woman, she is still inferior to her sister Paris, and the other women around him, such as Erica and Ivanta, are both beautiful and stature. , are much higher than her, so I don\'t have too many thoughts about her. So now I know that she has a boyfriend, and there is no trouble in my heart.

"He is always involved with those who are indifferent, and he has no professionalism at all. I feel that our common language is becoming less and less. I have persuaded him many times, but he has not listened to it. I think so Go down, we may not have any results." Nikki complained to William Chen and Paris.

If you just listen to what she said, you may even feel that the man is almost a scum, but William Chen knows that women are emotional most of the time. After the head, the other party\'s good is left in my heart, and then after the other party finishes coaxing, it is sweet again.

Therefore, regarding Nikki\'s relationship, William Chen still chose to be an audience member and would not express too many opinions. But Paris is different. She is very energetic along with her sister to criticize each other, and persuaded her sister to leave the man earlier. She seemed even more angry than Paris. This scene made Chen William unable to laugh or cry.