America's Road To Fame

Chapter 51: Been approached?

After eating, it was past nine o\'clock in the evening. After a short rest, they were ready to go to the nightclub Paris mentioned.

The name of the nightclub is TheBoomBoomRoom. It is located on the top floor of the Standard Hotel in downtown New York. It has just opened, but when William Chen and the three came to the door, they could see many people waiting at the door.

Because the threshold for this nightclub is very high, it is difficult for ordinary people to be released, which is why many celebrities are willing to come here. At this time, most of the girls who were waiting at the door were dressed up or innocent or exposed, and they were looking forward to someone being able to bring them in with them.

Of course, as the Paris sisters and Chen William, the guards would naturally not stop them, not to mention that Paris had an appointment in advance. According to Paris, the appointments here may not be available for ordinary stars, and the threshold is still very high.

TheBoomBoomRoom has two floors. The first floor is the main venue for parties. When William Chen and the others went up to the second floor, they saw a huge triangular bathtub in the center of the venue, filled with steam, smoke, and changing lights. , giving the whole venue a magical feeling.

When Paris sat down at the reserved seat, William Chen felt that he had been enveloped by the sound and light of the whole night scene. With the DJ\'s driving, his heartbeat also accelerated. According to what William Chen ordered before he came, he didn\'t order wine, but just chose lemonade to drink, but Paris and Nikki ordered a lot of wine. If it wasn\'t for Chen William to stop, it is estimated that they would continue Click down.

I chose a comfortable position to sit. Paris and Nikki sat on both sides of William Chen. Because of the noise in the arena, the conversation between them could only be heard by getting close to the ears and a little louder for the other party to hear. Paris, or Nikki, both sat relatively close to William Chen. However, Paris does not seem to care about the intimacy between her sister and Chen William.

When talking to Nikki, Chen William could smell the faint fragrance on her body. She should be using a certain perfume from Chanel, but now William Chen doesn\'t drink alcohol, but in this atmosphere, as time goes by, Gradually there will be a feeling similar to a little drunk, so I didn\'t think about it.

Chen William\'s line of sight patrolled the field. Although the lights were flickering, the smoke filled the air, and the line of sight was not very good, with his better-than-normal eyesight, he still saw many familiar faces, many of them on TV or other media. seen. TheBoomBoomRoom is worthy of being the hottest night show in New York recently, and it really attracts many celebrities.

Because he came from the company today, although Chen William didn\'t wear a suit jacket and took off his tie, he still wore a shirt and trousers. After the dance floor opened, Paris and Nikki pulled William Chen into the dance floor together, and they began to dance with the rhythm of the music.

Now that he is here, William Chen will not continue to stretch himself. He also unbuttoned the two buttons on his shirt, rolled up his sleeves at will, and stretched his body with Paris and the others to the music. And as he danced, the outline of his muscles could be seen through the unbuttoned buttons on his shirt, which made Paris and Nikki even more excited, interacting with him again and again on the dance floor.

After dancing on the dance floor for a while, William Chen returned to his seat, along with Paris\' sister Nikki.

And Paris is still dancing on the dance floor, looking full of energy. Chen William glanced at Niji, who was still a little flushed on his face. This girl was not so honest when she danced just now. Many times Chen William could feel that she was deliberately rubbing against her body from time to time.

At this time, Nikki picked up the wine glass, took a sip of wine, and then leaned over again, put her arm on William Chen\'s shoulder, and started chatting with him in his ear, mainly because Nikki was asking William Chen, usually What do you do every day, where do you go to play, etc.

When she heard William Chen say that since returning to New York, he really spent most of his time working, Nikki smiled and said:

"William, it\'s right to work hard, but you also need to have time to relax. I will live in New York most of the time after that. When you have time, you can ask my sister to come out and play with me."

"Oh? Are you going to live in New York? What about your boyfriend?"

Hearing that William Chen mentioned her boyfriend, Nikki pouted, glanced at Paris who was walking on the dance floor, and said, "I found out that my sister is really lucky, although you are also a caretaker, at least You have a career and work hard. I know how difficult it is to cheer up from your previous situation and complete the current reversal. But as for him, not only is he distracted, but other things, hehe.”

Uh, Nikki\'s words made Chen William speechless for a while. Should he be embarrassed when his sister-in-law said that he was distracted?

"You seem to have a good conversation, what are you talking about?"

Fortunately, Paris came back at this time, which made William Chen relieved. He said casually, "Niki and I are talking about her and her boyfriend."

"That guy is an asshole, Nikki, you don\'t want to go back to Los Angeles to find him." I didn\'t expect Paris to have such a big reaction when she heard this, and she used to persuade her sister to break up with his boyfriend.

From this point of view, Paris is still very tolerant towards herself. At this time, William Chen had such an idea in his mind, what was going on, he felt that he might have been PUA by the two sisters.

Although I didn\'t drink today, I really drank a lot of lemonade. Chen William felt a little thirsty. Seeing that the two sisters were still chatting, he got up and prepared to go to the bathroom.

When he came out this time, he brought two bodyguards. After William Chen stepped out of his seat, one of the bodyguards followed immediately. After Chen William walked into the bathroom, he waited outside.

Young is good for the kidneys. Chen William felt that he had put half a thermos of water in, and then he felt refreshed for a while. He packed up and walked out of the men\'s toilet.

In the bathroom outside, there was a tall beauty doing makeup in front of the mirror. Chen William glanced at it, only feeling a little familiar, so he didn\'t think too much, and washed his hands next to her.

"Are you William Chen?"

William Chen turned his head and saw that the beautiful woman next to him had stopped to touch up her makeup and was looking at him with interest.

"Yes, I\'m William Chen, have we met?"

Hearing Chen William\'s words, a look of disappointment flashed across the beauty\'s face. She said, "I have seen your movies, and I know that you are now the owner of Twitter. I also follow you on Twitter."

"Really? Thank you, it\'s my honor to be paid attention to by a beautiful woman like you." Chen William\'s words are not entirely polite, after all, the girl in front of her has a supermodel-like figure and beautiful curves. She is beautiful, she is a very beautiful woman. And William Chen always felt that she was a little familiar, she should be a star or a celebrity.

"Let\'s sit together? I came alone." The blond beauty invited Chen William.

"Sorry, I came with my friends, and they are still waiting for me."

"Sister Paris? I saw them with you just now. Who are you dating? Sister or sister? I guess it\'s my sister." The blonde beauty seemed to be really interested in William Chen and asked at once many questions.

"Well, we\'re just friends."

"Okay, then can we be friends?"

"Of course, it\'s an honor." William Chen muttered inwardly, the friend you mentioned is a serious friend.

"Can you use your cell phone for me?" The blonde beauty winked at Chen William and reached out her hand. I have to say that her expression looks very attractive.

Chen William hesitated for a moment, and saw his bodyguard standing on the side outside the bathroom door. He was sure that the blonde beauty in front of him should not get his phone and run away. Even if she did, she probably wouldn\'t. He succeeded, so he unlocked his mobile phone and handed it to her.

The girl took his mobile phone, dialed the next number, hung up after it was connected, and then typed the next line on the phone.

After doing this, she handed the phone back to Chen William, winked at him, made a phone call gesture, and said to him:

"I\'ll wait for your call, William. I hope we\'ll be friends next time we meet."

William Chen watched her leave, and then set his eyes on the phone. I saw that on the screen was a missed call that had just been broadcast, and the name had been set - BarRefaeli.

Bar Rafaeli? Thinking of the look of that blond beauty just now, UU read www. William Chen finally remembered who she is? One of Victoria\'s Secret\'s top supermodels, Xiao Lizi\'s ex-girlfriend, was named the best model in the United States last year.

No wonder she is so well proportioned, she is really a supermodel. It\'s just that her private appearance is slightly different from that on the runway, and her makeup seems to be a little thick today, and Chen William didn\'t care much about the supermodel circle before, so she didn\'t recognize her for a while. Come.

What he didn\'t even think about was that he was still the one who was approached today. Judging by the appearance of Bar Rafaeli, he seemed to be quite interested in him. Alas, my charm that is nowhere to be found.

William Chen took another look, the number of Bar Rafaeli stored on the phone, after thinking about it, he still kept it. Well, maybe one day I need her to take pictures for my newspaper, yes, that\'s it.

When William Chen returned to his seat, he saw that Paris and Nikki were still drinking, and the wine in the bottle on the table was almost finished. When he just sat down, he saw Paris calling the waiter to continue ordering wine, and he stopped quickly.

"Paris, have you forgotten what I told you? You\'ve almost finished drinking today, so let\'s go back early. We have to fly to RB tomorrow. If we drink too much, we won\'t be able to make it to the schedule. ."

Hearing him say that, Paris changed her mind about continuing to drink. Chen William looked at the watch in his hand, it was past eleven o\'clock.

Although in the nightclub, this time was just the busiest time, but his biological clock was used to going to bed before 12 o\'clock, and he had to catch a plane to RB tomorrow, so he decided to stop here today.