America's Road To Fame

Chapter 49: Paris' prank

"Yes, the agreement was just signed today. Did Gared tell you?"

This is easy to guess. Not long after the agreement was signed, not many people knew about it. If he would tell Ivanta about this, it would be only Gared.

"Well, he said it. He came to see me just now, and he seems to be in a good mood." Through the phone, I could feel Ivanta hesitated, and continued: "He wanted to invite me out to dinner, but I asked There\'s a reason to decline."

"Oh? Why? Ivanta."

"I used to regard you as my friends, and I hope you can get along with each other in a friendly way. Originally, you can work together, which is what I hope to see. However, I don\'t know why just now, but he told me about this matter, I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, are you all right now, William, are you encountering any difficulties?"

From Ivanta\'s words, William Chen could hear her concern. At this moment, he was in a very good mood. He thought about it and said to Ivanta:

"Thank you for your concern, Ivanta, I\'m fine. I\'m very, very happy that you can make this call today. But things are not what you think, I know Gared has always wanted to get 666 Building No. 1, although this building has a very special meaning to me, after many times of thinking, I still think that it may not be the right thing to just hold it in my hand, since it is left by my parents To my industry, then making it a model, even a representative, of New York would make them happier."

"That\'s why I made this decision. If Gared can sincerely cooperate with me, then I also hope to be kind to others. Yes, at this moment, I find that I have changed a lot, especially when I am with you who are kind, I can The beautiful qualities I see in you are also affecting me and making me better. In fact, I should also thank you, Ivanta."

Hearing Chen William\'s sincere and gentle words, Ivanta seemed to be able to feel that he was by her side, telling her some kind of affection, but she felt that her heart was full of sweetness, and her tone became tender and sweet. It comes to mind:

"William, you are so kind, I\'m a little scared, I\'m not as good as you say. But no matter what, I\'m more afraid of hurting you because of me. I hope Gared can do what he says. , otherwise I will never forgive him for the rest of my life, especially the tone in which he told me about this matter today, he can clearly feel that there is a show of emotion in it, which is what makes me most uncomfortable."

bingo! Hearing Ivanta\'s words, Chen William felt that the two of them were getting better.

At the same time, in his heart, he also casts deep contempt for Gared - boy, I didn\'t expect you to be stubborn. You have always been kind to yourself before, and now that you sign the agreement, go to Ivanta immediately. She went away, and it seemed that she was still too soft-hearted.

"You shouldn\'t take that much on your own, Ivanta, yes, we can go and show kindness to others, like I gave early credit, but if he keeps cheating and doesn\'t do what he promised then I will have that price too."

Just as Chen William was organizing the language and wanted to comfort Ivanta and deepen his personality, he heard Ivanta suddenly ask:

"William, are you and Paris going on a trip?"

Ivanta\'s unexpected words directly interrupted Chen William\'s train of thought: "Uh, how did you know, Ivanta, I do have this plan..."

"I saw Paris talking about this topic on Twitter, and when I asked her in a private message, she told me she would travel with you."

Ivanta\'s tone was very calm, but if Chen William really thought that her mood was the same at this time, then I\'m afraid she was too straight.

"Well... yes, it is indeed like this." William Chen\'s brain was running fast, and he said:

"It\'s a coincidence. We had dinner together that day, and Paris just mentioned that he wanted to go on a trip, so we made an appointment. I\'ve been too busy recently, and I want to relax and adjust. In fact, I really want to be with you. I went on a trip just for fear of affecting you, I know you have been working a lot lately."

"Is that so? William, I\'m actually pretty busy. If I say a few days, I can spare time to be with you. If you\'re in a dilemma, I can go and tell Paris."

This... imagine the scene of two people going on a trip with William Chen together. He had a big head for a while, and if he was caught in the middle, he would end up miserably in the end.

No matter what, I want to dispel the idea of ​​Ivanta, Chen William said tentatively: "Ivanta, I also think this suggestion is very good. But thinking that it will be the first time for the two of us to travel together, It means a lot to me, so I still want to leave this opportunity for the two of us to be alone."

Feeling that this idea is very good, William Chen said as gently as possible. "Is that so, do you have a place you really want to go? Next time I will accompany you to travel alone, as a unique memory for the two of us. Don\'t worry, Ivanta, I will never make you wait too long, as long as you I don\'t have any problems when I have time."

After he finished speaking, while waiting for Ivanta\'s response, William Chen couldn\'t help but feel a little nervous - please don\'t do any Shura field for me, it\'s too brainy.

Fortunately, after listening to William Chen\'s words, Ivanta was silent for a moment and accepted his idea, he said: "Well, forget it this time, it happens that I am trying to learn Chinese recently, so I will be there after a while. Can you accompany me to visit Huaguo? I\'ve seen a lot of beautiful scenery there on the National Geographic Channel before, and there are some tempting delicacies, so I want to try it."

"No problem, Ivanta, you have to know that I am half Chinese, and I have heard a lot of things there since I was a child. I am very happy to be back there with you, and now I can\'t help but imagine That kind of scene is really looking forward to it.”

Hearing that Ivanta had started to learn Chinese and wanted to visit China with him, William Chen was still very moved, and at this time his words were somewhat sincere.

In this way, William Chen finally managed to deal with this matter, and after hanging up the phone, he couldn\'t help but wipe off a sweat.

I used to see from the novel that the left hug and the right hug, enjoying the blessings of all people, and I am very envious. Now William Chen himself has really experienced this kind of experience, and then he can understand the difficulties. What\'s more, Ivanta is exactly right at this time. In other words, I haven\'t had a closer relationship with myself.

Suddenly remembering what Ivanta said just now, William Chen picked up his mobile phone and opened Twitter, and instantly saw countless messages appear in his APP, including private messages and @self.

This is also the reason why William Chen seldom goes on Twitter. As a public figure, he often receives countless messages every day. It would be a waste of time to check them one by one. He usually tweets, but when he thinks of it, he occasionally shares his daily life.

His Twitter account, with Paris and Ivanta following each other, makes it easy to see a tweet from Paris this morning:

"I\'m ready to travel. I\'m very happy. Do you have any good places to recommend?"

Seeing this, William Chen immediately wanted to vomit three liters of blood. This eldest sister really sends everything to Twitter, and not only that, she also performed a slapstick operation in the comments, @陈Wilhelm…

Look at the time, this is the @ 20 minutes ago, it should be after Ivanta asked her, this is a kind of demonstration, William Chen was speechless for a while, seeing the comments below her @William_Chen, William Chen already had thoughts in his mind There are pictures of people who eat melons sitting and waiting for melons.

At this moment, William Chen really contacted the Twitter company, temporarily silenced Paris, and blocked her urge to tweet by the way... Forget it, calm down, William Chen took a deep breath to calm himself down.

But what happened later made him feel even more outrageous, because he received a few more all related to this matter. After Chen William responded, he took out his mobile phone and found Paris\'s phone number. Number.

"Dear Paris, can you explain your tweet on Twitter today?" William Chen asked in a gentle tone as much as possible.

"Oh, William, you see, I\'m just too excited. I feel that there are so many places I want to go, it\'s hard to choose, so I\'ll ask everyone\'s opinions to see if there are any special places to go." Paris Without feeling what was going on, the words were still so carefree: "By the way, I am with my sister now, do you want to have dinner together at night?"

"Let\'s talk about it later, Paris, what I\'m trying to say is that you @me in your tweets, you know? I got several calls just now, all asking about me, even the New York Observer. Allen of ” asked me if I needed to report the tidbits of my boss in the electronic version…”

"Well, William, I\'m sorry, I didn\'t think so much. Ivanta asked me about this after I tweeted in the morning. I heard her words are always yin and yang, so when I got angry, I would @You, next time I won\'t be like this, okay?" Paris said softly to William Chen in a coquettish tone.

With her attitude, Chen William couldn\'t bear to say anything harsh to her, but said helplessly: "Dear, I don\'t mean anything else, I just don\'t want to attract the attention of the media and reporters because of these things, It was time to screw up the trip for the two of us."

"Okay, I see, my dear. Are you really not going to come and have dinner with us later? My sister always said she wanted to see you."

"Okay, I\'ll find you when I\'m done with work."