America's Road To Fame

Chapter 48: sign the agreement

The latter two rights that William Chen requested later were mainly used to prevent the Kushnar Group from being unable to support the financial situation after the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, and deliberately found related companies to maliciously raise the stock price when selling shares.

Because the premise of Chen William\'s right of first refusal is at the same price, then if the Kushnar Group does not want to sell the shares to Chen William, it can even find a third-party company to raise the price maliciously.

Don\'t say that no one is willing to help them buy shares of Kushnar Group at a high price, because Kushnar Company is involved in many fields, and they can completely compensate each other in other places.

If this happens, William Chen can even sell his shares at this price when the other party offers a high price. In this case, it is equivalent to the Kushnar Group looking for someone to take over the shares of Chen William\'s Building 666 at a high price.

Therefore, having this right can deter the other party, lest they make any tricks on the price when they sell the stock.

"That is, if we can agree on these issues, will you agree to proceed with my new plan? William, you know, these requirements of yours, it is not easy to get the Kushnar Group board of directors to agree, I need I have done a lot of work, so I hope you can give me a definite answer." After hearing William Chen\'s requests, Gared nodded and asked.

"Of course, I don\'t have that much time to joke with you, and I\'m very serious about communicating with you. You know Gared, it\'s not easy for me to make the decision to sell the controlling stake in the building, so I have to make sure that I own interests."

William Chen also appeared to communicate sincerely: "I don\'t know all about the tricks that major shareholders can play, so if you have other thoughts, you\'d better leave it alone and find another place to be your Kushnar Group. Step into the New York market, and I can buy back your shares in the building."

"There is no need to talk about this, and I will not consider it, William. Okay, I have written down all your thoughts, and I will convince the Kushnar Group board of directors as soon as possible, and use the fastest speed so that we can reach it. Unanimous opinion, I am looking forward to the day when we can work together." Gared tidied up his clothes, walked up to William Chen with grace, shook hands with him, and left.

Looking at the figure he left, until the door of the office closed, William Chen showed a meaningful smile. According to the information of Eye of the Future, the subprime mortgage crisis will break out at the end of September, and it will be a full month from now. Therefore, if Chen William wants the Kushnar Group to enter the urn, he must hurry up.

But before that, William Chen must first obtain the approval of Uncle Tom. Because of his shareholding in Building 666 Asset Management Company, as well as the day-to-day management of this company, he is involved. Therefore, once an agreement is reached, Chen William\'s shareholding ratio will change, and it will be impossible to hide from him.

And if there is anyone in this world that William Chen trusts the most, then there is only Uncle Tom who has always been with him and supported him. Therefore, it is impossible for him to carry out his own plans without telling him.

In William Chen\'s initial expectations, it might take a bit of speech and a lot of difficulties to persuade Uncle Tom. But he didn\'t expect that when he really said these things to the other party, it was unexpectedly smooth.

At the same time, Uncle Tom\'s reaction to this incident was beyond William Chen\'s expectations. After hearing William Chen\'s plan, he said very calmly:

"Just do what you think, William, don\'t take mine too seriously. In fact, at the beginning, the reason why I emphasized so much - I hope you can keep the building your parents left you. Mainly because of you What you did in the past made me worry that you will lose all your family property and live on the street in the future. With such a tragic result, that is not something I don\'t want to see. With the existence of the building, at least you can maintain a good life. Life."

"But through my observation during this period of time, I am very happy to find that you have changed dramatically. I am very pleased with your changes, and I also realize that my William has gradually matured. Eagles should not always be You are bound, and you should try and soar in the sky. So whatever you think is right, do what you think is right. William, I will support you."

From Uncle Tom\'s words, William Chen could imagine how disappointed Tom was once done by his predecessor. And to this day, he still supports himself without reservation.

Chen William resisted the emotion in his heart, gave Uncle Tom a hug, and said to him, "Thank you, Uncle Tom, don\'t worry, I won\'t let you down."


In fact, compared to William Chen, it seems that Gared is more eager to promote the progress of this matter. Only on the second day, he brought the Kushnar Group\'s team to Chen William to negotiate with him on the final agreement.

Naturally, William Chen also joined forces, bringing Tom, Nelson\'s team, and Alicia to negotiate item by item with the other party.

After a whole day of back and forth, arguing one by one, the main contents of the final agreement were:

Within three working days of the signing of the agreement, Kushnar Group\'s $1 billion funds must enter the account of Building 666 Asset Management Company (hereinafter referred to as the company). On the day when the 1 billion funds arrived, the Kushnar Group invested with these funds, holding 60% of the company\'s shares, and Chen William\'s shareholding became 40%.

Kushnar Group has committed to provide the company with $2 billion in interest-free one-year convertible debt for the renovation project of Building 666, of which $1 billion must reach the account of Building 666 Asset Management Company within 15 calendar days.

Prior to this, the 60% stake held by the Kushnar Group could only have 40% of the voting rights, which was equivalent to that of William Chen.

The other $1 billion must arrive in the company\'s account within 5 months. If the funds cannot be disbursed on time, Chen William has the right to repurchase the company\'s shares held by the Kushnar Group at the market price to 60%.

All renovation project funds shall not be misappropriated, otherwise the other party has the right to force the company to take back the company\'s shares held by the other party at the market price.

After a year, Kushnar has the right to convert the outstanding portion of the company\'s $2 billion in debt into company stock at a company valuation of $3 billion. And William Chen can pay back no more than 40% of the outstanding debt, and convert it into company shares at the same valuation.

As the main shareholder of the company, William Chen has obtained three privileges: the right of first refusal, the right to sell first, and the right to follow the sale; at the same time, the Kushnar Group also has the right of first refusal for the company\'s shares in William Chen\'s hands.

In this way, Chen William\'s main requirements have been basically met, and in exchange, Kushnar Group has also obtained the right of first refusal for the shares of Building 666 Asset Management Company in Chen William\'s hands. Colleague Uncle Tom, as the representative of Chen William, will continue to stay in In Building 666 Asset Management Company, he serves as a member of the board of directors, supervising the company\'s finance and daily operations.

After the agreement was approved by both parties, the terms of the contract were reconfirmed by the lawyers of both parties, and then William Chen and Gared signed the agreement. Within three working days, within the time limit specified in the agreement, after Kushnar Group\'s $1 billion has reached the company\'s account, the agreement will begin to be executed, and Kushnar Group will become the new owner of Building 666.

After doing this, William Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief. He sent Tom and Alicia to the downstairs of the building. After Uncle Tom drove away, he glanced at Alicia beside him and said: " Miss Alicia, it doesn\'t look like you\'re looking very well, you haven\'t rested recently, okay?"

"Thank you for your concern, William, I\'m fine, but I\'ve been busy with a lot of things recently."

Alicia is still dressed more formally today, with an extraordinary temperament as always, but she can clearly see a bit of fatigue on her face at this time, and she can\'t help but ask William Chen.

"No matter how busy you are at work, you should pay more attention to rest." Chen William is naturally inappropriate to say too much. After caring, he said goodbye to her and went back upstairs.


After resolving the matter on Gared\'s side, William Chen is also going to travel for a few days to relax. Before leaving New York, though, there are a few things to do.

On the side of Meta Investment Company, Nielsen\'s equity investment department is already in contact with the target company, and will select the first investment target based on their response. According to Nielsen\'s judgment, Netflix has the most positive attitude, so it is likely to start negotiations with them first.

As for John Paulson\'s securities investment department, Fund No. 1 is progressing smoothly. At present, more than 60% of the US$500 million has been invested, and it is expected that the position will be completed within the next five days.

John Paulson\'s operation at this time is very Because Chen William promised that the speed of opening a position can be accelerated. If there are repeated situations later, he can also allocate a part of his remaining funds to join 1 Fund.

Because Chen William himself knew the general time when the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, at the end of September. But he would definitely not disclose it to John Paulson at this time. In order to prevent him from worrying about gains and losses because of the failure of the previous fund, he said that he would support him and make him bolder.

And William Chen used to be bullish on gold at US$1.6 billion, because the current international gold price has only recovered slightly and continues to consolidate around US$750 per ounce, so the floating profit is about US$300 million, and the total asset value is around US$1.9 billion.

As for Future Films, William Chen has found a senior producer from Hollywood. He has also cooperated with his company before, so he is quite reliable.

Now, together with Andy Haring, they have begun to screen the filming locations and set up the crew. And they have also decided that they will cooperate with ICM International Innovation Company, and the other party will package it and provide them with the actors and technical personnel of the crew.

"William, are you still in the company?"

When William Chen arranged everything properly and decided to keep Erica here, she would handle general affairs before reporting to him, and after contacting him directly for important matters, he received a call from Ivanta.

"Yes, I\'ve just finished my work and I\'m about to leave." William Chen was a little strange. Usually at this time, Ivanta would text him at most, but rarely called directly.

"I heard that you are going to give up the controlling stake of Building 666 to Gared?"

Ivanta\'s words made Chen William understand the reason for her call.