America's Road To Fame

Chapter 37: see also garred

Although Chen William has completed other studies, Erica is still the same as before, she still starts teaching him at 3:00 in the afternoon and continues until 10:00 in the evening.

He feels that this is not bad now. He can use the daytime to deal with his company\'s affairs, and let it go, Erica will still stay in the guest room of his house at night. Although nothing happened between the two, he can feel At this time, their relationship has changed subtly from before.

However, after the afternoon class today, William Chen did not have dinner with Erica as usual. Because Gared asked him to meet again.

In fact, during this time, Gared still tried to meet William Chen, but before William Chen left New York and went to Silicon Valley because of the acquisition of Twitter, so Gared was not able to meet him.

And now after William Chen returned to New York, Gared asked him to meet immediately. William Chen knew that, if nothing else, he would still talk about Building 666. However, he was rather curious. This time Gared found him again, wondering if he had any new ideas.

Although it felt strange that two men had dinner together, in order to find out what new ideas the other party had at this time, William Chen went to the appointment on time.

"William, I saw in the report that you went to Silicon Valley to acquire Twitter this time, congratulations." At the beginning, Gared said to William Chen in a dignified manner.

Of course, William Chen wouldn\'t be fooled by his behavior. Since he would behave like this, he would naturally have plans. William Chen decided to wait and see what he thought.

"Thank you, Gared, in fact, this matter is just a fluke. I hope this company can develop well in the future."

Naturally, William Chen would not express too many real opinions, so he said in a perfunctory manner:

"I just recently became more interested in the mobile Internet, and this company is quite famous, and I\'m also using it, so I tried it out, and I didn\'t expect the acquisition to be successful."

"William, I don\'t want to go around too many corners, let\'s be honest, this time I want to talk about my last proposal, which is that the kushnar group wants to inject $3 billion into the renovation of Building 666. The reason why I was The reason for making that plan is that we understand that your economic situation is not very good, so it is proposed that all of our Kushnar Group will invest in it."

"But now through more understanding and your recent acquisition, I know that your funds are still beyond what others expected, so I have revised the plan for this renovation, and I hope you can join in, and we will work together to bring No. 666 The building is more perfect.”

"Oh?" Hearing Gared say that, William Chen became a little curious: "What is your current plan?"

"We now welcome you to join us to complete the renovation of Building 666. If you are short of cash, I can help you negotiate with the bank. I believe that your image is now enough for the bank to trust you. "

Gared said excitedly: "I can accept that after the capital injection is completed, you will hold a maximum of 49.9% of the building, so in fact our shareholding ratio is basically the same. But the reason why I want to slightly Think about it a little more and get the controlling stake in the building. I explained the reason to you before. After all, the Kushnar Group has to spend so much money to invest in the building, and we need to guarantee it, so I hope you can understand.”

are these all? Chen William regretted a little, feeling that it was a waste of time to come here today. Not to mention that he is not so interested in real estate now, just because Building 666 is an asset left by his parents, he has not sold it.

Even if I want to invest in real estate, I won\'t do it at the time when the subprime mortgage crisis is about to break out. According to Gared’s plan, he would need to invest nearly 1.3 billion US dollars into Building 666. Even if he can put out the money, the subprime mortgage crisis will come and the real estate will enter the cold winter, and his investment will immediately depreciate a lot.

Moreover, Gared is so enthusiastic this time, and it may not be true that he has good intentions. He kept saying that he could help him coordinate bank loans, but he didn\'t know his real assets. From his point of view, even if he got these funds, almost all of Chen William\'s assets would be mortgaged.

And when the time comes, the Kushnar Group will take control of the building, and they can play tricks and procrastinate. If there is a delay, Chen William\'s capital chain may be broken, and the situation after that can be imagined. As the bank tightened its lending and recovered the loan, Chen William\'s shares could not only be forced to sell to him, perhaps even at a very low price.

"Gared, I\'m afraid I will disappoint you." William Chen shook his head and said to him, "I have no interest in real estate at all, and I am not optimistic about the real estate market in the next two years, so I will not join you. and will not agree to your proposal to remodel Building 666, because now is not a good time."

Hearing William Chen\'s words, Gared finally couldn\'t hold back, and he said angrily: "Real estate is also hot now, which is the best time to invest. If you are really not optimistic about the real estate market, then simply put Buy me your shares, William, and then we, the Kushnar Group, will complete this project alone."

"That\'s impossible, Gared, I\'ve said it many times, this building was left to me by my parents, and it\'s impossible for me to sell it." After thinking about it, he said, "I advise you to stick to it. Find another building to complete your project, Gared, if you want, I can buy back your stake in Building 666 right now."

Actually, what William Chen said was also the last chance for Gared. Because Chen William originally wanted to buy back 40% of Na\'s shares.

If those shares are still in the hands of the Andal Trust Fund, then the subprime mortgage crisis will come, and the real estate market will be cold. The trust fund is too ugly for its own book performance, and it is likely to agree to William Chen to buy them at a lower price. shares.

It\'s like when they bought this part of the shares, they bought it for $640 million at an overall valuation of $1.6 billion. At that time, they are likely to add a little bit of Chen William, and 650 million will be able to get back the shares.

But Garrett\'s Kushnar Group bought the 40% stake for $800 million at an overall valuation of $2 billion. In this way, after the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, William Chen would not be able to pay back so much money to buy these shares.

But if he sells at a lower price, the Kushnar Group will suffer serious losses, which will affect Garred\'s status in the family. Therefore, he is very likely to die and not sell, hoping to last until the crisis is over and the real estate industry recovers. It is not conducive to Chen William\'s smooth repurchase of these shares.

At that time, if William Chen still wants to get this part of the shares during the crisis, he can only attack the Kushnar Group from other places, forcing their cash flow to be tight, and they must sell the shares to save themselves. William Chen really didn\'t want to do this kind of detrimental and limited self-interest, even if he didn\'t deal well with Gared. Therefore, it is best to make it clear that the charioteer will not accept his proposal, and persuade him to find another building to implement the plan.

As for how much it will cost him to buy Garred\'s shares now? Chen William\'s plan was naturally to delay first and let the other party turn his attention first. Anyway, the subprime mortgage crisis will break out in more than a month. If he moves quickly and buys other buildings, then the accumulated loans must be a lot, and Chen William will be able to lower the price with him. If he hadn\'t bought another building, the situation wouldn\'t be too bad, at least he wouldn\'t bother him for a while.

However, in Gared\'s opinion, Building 666 is a really suitable choice for him, and he has already acquired 40% of the shares and has studied the renovation plan for so long. How could he give up so easily.

Seeing Gared still holding this attitude, William Chen didn\'t want to waste more time with him. Hey, it\'s really hard to be a good person. It\'s obviously a matter of reducing his losses, and he still gets this result. If he didn\'t want to risk losing his shares in the building, he would definitely agree to the other party\'s proposal. After the subprime mortgage crisis came, he would definitely agree. What can be done.

Seeing Gared\'s expression when he left, William Chen knew that this matter would definitely not end like this, and there would be follow-up actions from the Kushnar Group. They have done all the gestures that they should do. If they have to jump into the pit, there is nothing they can do.

"William, UU reading I saw the report, but I didn\'t expect that I haven\'t seen you for a while. You spent another $200 million to acquire Twitter. It\'s amazing, but I registered a Twitter account earlier, Didn\'t expect you to be its boss now, that\'s pretty cool."

Ivanta has returned to New York, so the two of them can run together again in the morning. As soon as they met, Ivanta admired Chen William.

If it was said that William Chen\'s acquisition of the "New York Observer" just made her feel a little surprised, then his acquisition of Twitter this time brought Ivanta a shock. You know, that\'s a fast-growing Internet company recently, with a valuation of up to $200 million.

Although Ivanta has billions of dollars in assets in her own family, she also has inheritance rights of more than two billion dollars in assets. But she still only works in the family company at this time, and her personal assets are not high.

As for today\'s morning run, she found two tall bodyguards following William Chen not far behind. She felt normal. After all, William Chen\'s assets and fame at this time were guarded by bodyguards. Very normal thing.

Just like her, that is, Central Park is one of the safest areas in New York and even the United States, so you don\'t need to bring bodyguards when running in the morning. If she goes to other places, she will also bring bodyguards.

"To be exact, I spent $170 million to buy 85% of Twitter\'s shares, but I will invest $50 million for the company\'s future development, so it\'s pretty much the same." William Chen corrected and opened Joking: "As a friend, you can tweet more in the future and help me attract more users, then I can\'t thank you enough, Ivanta."