America's Road To Fame

Chapter 38: observer

"Don\'t worry, William. Not only that, but I\'ll recommend Twitter to my friends. After all, it\'s cool, isn\'t it?" Ivanta said with a smile.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter, and Ivanta\'s clothes are getting cooler, but she is still dripping with sweat after running. When walking back, she was beside Chen William and said softly, "William, you don\'t seem to have attended any parties recently?"

"Yes, because I\'m too busy. Just like the previous few days, the schedule was full, and I wanted to save as much time as possible for meals. But it should be much better recently, and when I finish this script, I will be able to There is more time."

"The script? Are you writing the script? Are you planning to make a movie?" Ivanta asked with interest.

"There was such a plan, I came up with an interesting movie. It was just a small production, and the total investment was about $7 million. You know, I used to invest too lightly in movies, and I had a lot of failures. record, so hopefully now it\'s safe to do so without making too much investment."

"What kind of movie is that about? Can you tell me a little bit, William, will you play the role in person?" At this time, Ivanta asked curiously, as if she was an entertainment reporter.

Er, thinking of the plot in "Magic Mike" that he was creating, William Chen was a little embarrassed. He can\'t tell Ivanta directly that this is a movie about a dancer. Therefore, he could only temporarily say to her mysteriously: "This is to be kept secret for the time being, Ivanta, and you will know when the movie is out."

Seeing the disappointment on Ivanta\'s face, William Chen thought about it and continued: "After all, this is only the first movie I created myself, so the plot is not complicated, I still want to practice first, the main thing is I hope to gain some experience. As for acting, I\'m afraid I don\'t have that much time to act, so I\'ll try the role of a producer."

"It sounds very interesting. I have also participated in the production of variety shows. I know that it is not that easy to do. I will support you, William, you are doing a great job now." Ivanta has stars in her eyes. Looking at William Chen said.

Chen William has never been in a hurry to launch a pursuit offensive against Ivanta, which is not to say that Ivanta is not attractive enough to him. On the contrary, it shows that she attaches enough importance to Chen William\'s heart, so Chen William does not want to lose the best opportunity because of too rash actions.

This is how it is in a relationship. Before you pursue it, the other person\'s initial impression of you is very important. If one pursuit is unsuccessful, the difficulty will increase exponentially in the next one. Therefore, William Chen was patiently trying his best, waiting for the best time.

Ivanta\'s situation is a little different from Paris. If Paris is a little bit of a lover, then Ivanta is more sober and rational in her emotional choices.

Just like before, William Chen just appeared in front of Ivanta, and at that time Gared was pursuing her. At that time, William Chen could clearly feel that Ivanta\'s position was slightly biased towards the other side.

After all, at that time, from Ivanta\'s point of view, among the opposite **** around her, Gared was the one with the most comprehensive conditions for her, so if there was no appearance of William Chen, Ivanta would probably be just like his previous life. At the time, he finally chose Gared as his partner.

And with Chen William\'s performance, things have developed to the present, and the closeness and distance between him and Gared in Ivanta\'s eyes have obviously reversed, which is what William Chen is happy to see. Judging from Ivanta\'s performance today, William Chen already felt that the moment he was waiting for should come soon.


According to Chen William\'s arrangement, I came to the New York Observer today. After this period of rectification, the newspaper has achieved good results thanks to the efforts of its editor-in-chief Kaplan.

As for the distribution of paper newspapers, due to the re-establishment of an objective and neutral attitude and the addition of many editors and editors, the quality of the newspaper\'s reports has been significantly improved, and many loyal readers who have been lost have been recovered.

And through the data, it can be found that newspaper subscriptions have begun to pick up, and readers\' satisfaction with newspapers is also rising.

In terms of the electronic version of the Internet, Allen, the editor-in-chief of the Internet, has also done a good job. William Chen has also paid attention to the recent electronic version reports. The style is closer to the young group than before, and the schedule and color of the website are more youthful and energetic. .

Coming to the newspaper this time, William Chen can clearly feel that the mental outlook of the employees has changed a lot from before. Now everyone is completely free from confusion and worry about the future. Some of them are full of energy and enthusiasm. hope.

In addition to coming to affirm the work of Kaplan and Allen, William Chen\'s more important thing is that he had a plan before, but has not yet carried out a plan to spread the content of the newspaper through the mobile Internet. In short, Just make your own smartphone app.

After discussing with Capra and Allen, William Chen decided to name the mobile app "The Observer" instead of continuing to use the "New York Observer".

Because the characteristic of the Internet is to break geographical restrictions, the readership that their mobile APP will face will no longer be limited to the New York area, but will face readers across the United States and even the whole world. Therefore, the name of the "New York Observer" is not appropriate, so it is better to directly name it "The Observer".

In fact, in addition to this, William Chen has another idea in his heart, that is, the media in his hands will not only be the "New York Observer", he will also acquire other media in the future, so his ultimate goal is to " The Observer APP, as a news distribution platform, can distribute the content of all electronic newspapers at that time.

It can even be made into an aggregated news content distribution app similar to those in his previous life, instead of being limited to the news content of a newspaper.

In this era, smartphones have just emerged, so there are not many talents in production, and those people are mainly concentrated in Silicon Valley, New York, and it is difficult to recruit relevant talents. Fortunately, William Chen has acquired Twitter, and some technical talents in this area can still be recruited there.

And besides that, William Chen\'s sight also fell on another target, that is Reddit.

In his previous life, William Chen heard about the Reddit company, which was the event of retail investors fighting against Wall Street institutions at that time. As the base of retail investors at that time, Reddit also became famous with this sensational event.

Reddit was founded in 2005 by two founders, Steve Hoffman and Alexis Ohanian, who had just graduated from the University of Virginia. Their entrepreneurial idea has received angel investment from YCombinator, a well-known startup incubator in the United States.

Interestingly, it is said that the two founders\' initial entrepreneurial project was not Reddit, but wanted to build an online ordering system. However, their idea was not recognized by the investor at that time. The investor provided them with another idea, that is, to build a social news website by imitation.

After discussion, the two founders did not insist on building their online food ordering system. Instead, they accepted the opinions of investors and created a website where everyone can publish news and receive votes. This website is Reddit.

A year later, Reddit was acquired by Condé Nast Publishing Group, where it remains today. Therefore, Reddit still belongs to the Condé Nast Publishing Group, which owns many well-known magazines such as GQ and The New Yorker.

Although Reddit has not developed well since it was acquired. But William Chen also knows that now is not a good time to acquire it. After researching, he decided to wait for a while. After the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, various companies will face difficulties, and wait until the cash flow of Condé Nast Publishing Group is tight before making an acquisition. , it will be easier then.


William Chen has completed the script for "Magic Mike" and sent it to Uncle Tom to help him find a suitable director. Now most of his time outside of his studies is devoted to completing the director\'s storyboard script for the film.

If it\'s just a simple script drawn by the director himself, it won\'t be too complicated, because before shooting, many of the composition and movement of shots have been deduced in his mind countless times, and the script is just used to record Some important shots to prevent yourself from forgetting.

On the other hand, William Chen needs to let other people shoot the movie according to this sub-shot script, which is very different from that situation. Therefore, more details need to be So the workload is still very large. big.

Even so, Chen William finally completed the drawing of the director\'s split-shot script before August 15. After completing the drawing of the last shot, Chen William put the pen on the table and took a long breath.

Looking at the stack of manuscripts in front of him, William still felt a sense of accomplishment. Of course, before that, just in case, Chen William personally made two copies of these manuscripts and bound them.

After the study in the evening, Chen William stopped Erica who was about to leave. Facing her somewhat puzzled gaze, Chen William smiled and said, "Mr. Erica, there is something I want you to take a look at."

After taking the script handed over by William Chen and a copy of the manuscript of the director\'s split script, Erica finally came to a realization. She glanced at Chen William with meaningful eyes, and said with a sweet smile, "I didn\'t expect you to be so fast, classmate William."

high speed? I am afraid you are ignorant and fearless. Chen William silently made a big wish in his heart, and then said casually:

"Remember our little bet? Mr. Erica, now I have completed the script and the director\'s split script for that movie, and these are all in your hands. Can you see if it can be regarded as a goal? As a teacher, I hope you can evaluate it objectively. By the way, I wonder if you still remember what our bet is, do you need me to remind you?"

"I don\'t need you to remind me, I remember it very clearly, especially if you lose, my request. As for the result, it depends on how well you finish." Erica said this as usual, and turned around. She left, but Chen William could see a little panic in her eyes when she turned around. Seeing her leaving, she couldn\'t help but feel good.