America's Road To Fame

Chapter 36: Acquisition of Twitter reached

Since he didn\'t know how long he would stay in Silicon Valley this time, William Chen brought Erica, Alicia, and four bodyguards with him.

Yes, the four bodyguards that his uncle John Del Rey looked for for William Chen finally arrived in New York. The four bodyguards, not to mention anything else, were deterrent enough just by looking at their appearance.

They all retired from the elite troops in the United States, and then joined the security company, with many years of security work experience. The four of them will always be by Chen William\'s side, split into two groups, and work 24-hour shifts to ensure Chen William\'s safety.

With Erica, Chen William will need her to continue teaching the course when he has time. At present, the entrance preparation course for Chen William\'s Master of Economics has come to an end.

However, after completing these courses, he also hopes to continue to study some economics master\'s courses first. After all, even after he enrolls, he can\'t be in school often. Anyway, this course only needs to take enough credits. He can freely Schedule study.

As for Alicia, he needs to deal with some legal issues in the acquisition. At this time, William Chen gradually felt the need for a special legal and financial team with the increase of his industry. However, Alicia is still in charge of these at present, and he can slowly look for candidates.

After arriving in Silicon Valley, Chen William took a break and immediately went to Twitter, where he first met with the CEO of Twitter at this time, Williams. The conversation between the two started from the development of the mobile Internet. After William Chen, Williams watched his episode of "The Oprah Show." He noticed that William Chen once said in that interview that he was very optimistic about the development of the mobile Internet after the popularity of smartphones.

After talking about related issues, Williams found that, unlike Chen William in his previous impression, he did have a certain understanding of the mobile Internet and had some unique views.

This discovery made him a little relieved from his previous worries. That is, if Twitter is acquired by William Chen, will the company go down the wrong path because of his boss\'s identity and random command. Chen William\'s performance today has indeed greatly changed his attitude towards Williams, who is worried about being acquired by him.

Regarding the lack of funds in Internet companies, Chen William also gave Williams a reassurance. You must know that Internet companies face a very broad range of users. For example, Internet companies in the United States will need to face users from all over the world. Now Twitter is also developing rapidly, and the number of users is increasing explosively, which brings pressure on servers and requires massive funds to build its own data center.

And whether it is R&D technology, personnel compensation, and promotion, money is needed. Therefore, from the beginning, those new start-ups need to continue to raise funds to solve their thirst for funds. And William Chen can guarantee that in the future, Twitter will provide a steady stream of funds to ensure its development.

Finally, let’s talk about the management’s shareholding. At present, Twitter has two rounds of financing, investment institutions hold about 35% of the shares, and the management and the founding team hold about 65% of the shares.

Williams wanted the management to retain at least 15% of the shares, which William Chen agreed. After all, William Chen will not be able to manage the company by himself. He still has many other things to do. Therefore, Twitter will still need the current team to lead the company\'s development in the future. In this case, letting them hold shares can also motivate them better. operating company.

Therefore, after reaching these unified intentions, the next negotiation is much simpler. Ultimately, Twitter CEO Williams will hold 10%, founder Dorsey will hold 3%, CTO Dick. Costello owns 2%, and they hold 15% in total.

The other shares of the founding team, as well as the shares of previous investment institutions, will be sold to William Chen at the company\'s total valuation of US$200 million. And in addition, Chen William will also invest 50 million US dollars into the Twitter company, for the company\'s future development.

According to the agreement, after William Chen\'s investment of $50 million this time, when the company needs him to invest again, if the management cannot invest an equal proportion of the capital into the company, their shareholding will be diluted. However, at the same time, William Chen will also take out a part of the shares and set up a share incentive pool. After the management has fulfilled certain requirements, they will be given share incentives.

This also ensures that William Chen can not only invest funds, but also that the management will not cause the shareholding to be too low after diluting the shares, because they can still get share incentives through the development of the company.

Of course, although an agreement has been reached, there are still many things left. It will take some time for William Chen to complete the acquisition. According to Nielsen and Alicia\'s estimates, it will take at least half a year to complete the acquisition. months. Therefore, although most of his funds have been invested in the gold market now, he still has time to wait until the investment is completed before completing the settlement of the acquisition funds.

After signing the acquisition agreement, William Chen\'s Meta Investment Company will pay $170 million at a valuation of $200 million to purchase 85% of the shares of Twitter\'s founding team and investors, and continue to invest $50 million for The development of Twitter Inc. Therefore, after completing the acquisition process, he will take out a total of $230 million in cash.

At this time, William Chen will go back to New York first, and Nelson and Alicia will stay in charge of the future. Nielsen was very excited about the completion of such a result. This time he successfully completed a large order for the company. The company could get Chen William $1 million in compensation, and he could not only get bonuses from it, but also increase his performance.


It was August 10 when he returned to New York, and William Chen went to Meta Investment Company first. The company at this time was much more formal than before. When William Chen arrived at the company\'s office, the beautiful female staff at the front desk greeted him proactively. Entering the office, William Chen approached Jos and asked him how the gold market was currently.

"Boss, now the international gold price has dropped to around $750 per ounce, which has fallen by more than 20% since the price when we opened the position, and our position has a floating profit of nearly $1.5 billion. According to my judgment, there should be more in the near future. It has fallen. However, it can be clearly felt that the price has been fluctuating and consolidating in the past two days. I don’t know what your plan is next?”

Jos is only responsible for the specific operation of shorting gold this time. William Chen told him at the very beginning that when he decides to close his position, he will notify Jos in advance. Now that he saw that the investment in his hand had already made such a high profit, he was still very uneasy in his heart, and could not help but ask William Chen about his next preparations.

Of course, along with the apprehension, there was also Jos\'s excited mood. After all, it is conceivable that they only earned a few hundred million dollars when they helped Chen William operate stocks before, and they have already received a bonus of 3 million dollars. This operation on gold futures has made nearly 1.5 billion US dollars in profit so far, so how much bonus can they get in the end? Really looking forward to it.

"You haven\'t reached the time when you need to close your positions. According to my forecast, gold will drop to close to $600 an ounce at a minimum, so I ask you to pay attention to the price of gold in recent days. When gold starts to fall to 630 When the dollar is below an ounce, you can gradually start to liquidate your position." William Chen thought about it, Jos said.

"Okay, boss. I will always pay attention to the trend of gold prices." After these two investments, Joss still admired Chen William\'s vision and said without hesitation.

Next, William Chen started to write the script on the computer. He was going to hurry up and come up with the script and the director\'s split script. After all, he could feel that Erica became more and more sultry. Don\'t forget, they have one Small stakes.

The plot of the movie "Magic Mike" is not complicated. When you really want to shoot, you also need to consider the plot of the performance in the club. After Chen William entered the state, the progress was also very fast. After all, there was a ready-made finished film, and it was not difficult to complete the script with this. If Jos hadn\'t come to remind him, he would have almost forgotten to eat lunch.

By the time Erica came to give him a lesson in the afternoon, William had already completed more than two-thirds of the It is estimated that after tomorrow, he will be able to finish the script, and the rest will be finished. It is the production of the director\'s sub-shot script. Of course, in this sub-shot script, William Chen does not need to draw every shot, as long as he draws some important shots and transitions, and then finds a suitable director, the other party will perfect the whole scene according to the script and the script of this sub-shot. Movie.

Chen William is not too worried about this, because in his plan, he will become the producer of this film, and the director put it bluntly, he is just a tool for him to complete the film.

Unlike Huaguo, most production crews in Hollywood are director-centered. In Huaguo, the director has the most say in a movie, and often the director has the final editing right.

It is the director who decides what kind of shots the movie will be shown in the end, and which shots will be chosen to judge the effect of editing.

In Hollywood, it\'s mostly producer-centric. The director is mostly only responsible for the filming of the film, and the final editing rights belong to the producer.

Only a very small number of big-name directors can get the final editing rights of a movie, so we can see director\'s cuts in many movies. Often these films are originally edited by the producers, but the box office results may not be satisfactory, so the director obtains the editing rights and cuts the version to his satisfaction for release.

William Chen\'s plan is to find a suitable director to shoot for him, and finally he will edit the film so that the final product is as close to the original as possible.

After all, the original version has been successful in another world. William Chen will not be blindly confident that he can make this movie better. Instead, it is better to copy the original version honestly.