America's Road To Fame

Chapter 354: Affect volatility?

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

So far, it can be said that both the Atlanta Fund used by the Atlanta Management Committee and William Chen\'s South Pacific Industrial Investment Company have invested huge amounts of money in and around Atlanta, spending money like water.

At the beginning, William Chen mortgaged his shares in the meta group and borrowed $5 billion from the American bank group to create the Atlanta Fund.

The subsequent purchase of Palu Island, as well as the Hemi Islands, plus Palu\'s foreign debt, has cost $2 billion.

The personnel and equipment of the Southern Cross Security Company, including the "Poseidon" frigate, and later 5 Apache helicopter gunships and related weapon systems, as well as coast guard patrol boats, etc., this is another hundreds of millions Dollars are spent.

It is only the soil purchase and paving of the whole island of Atlanta, which is a major project worth 1.5 billion US dollars, plus other free ports, roundabout roads, sea-crossing bridges, airports, nuclear power plants, building block island bases, etc. For these projects, Tianshu Fund purchased another 2 billion US dollars of bonds from the Atlanta Fund. These funds, that is, the down payment due to these projects, and the subsequent project payments, still need to be raised.

But fortunately, after 2011, the total funds of the Caitlin Foundation for charity will exceed 3 billion US dollars, 30% of which will be used for the construction of Atlanta Island, so the Atlanta Foundation can get Caitlin Foundation more than A donation of $900 million will greatly ease some of the financial situation.

The South Pacific Industrial Investment Corporation has also invested a lot of money. Just in Majus Island, more than 1.5 billion US dollars will be invested in the construction of supporting projects on Atlanta Island.

After that, it can be said that William Chen earned $12.6 billion in offshore accounts by shorting the euro before, but now there are only more than $10 billion left.

Therefore, thinking of more follow-up construction plans, for him, continuing to make money is the first priority.

But the good thing is that Atlanta does not just need his pure investment. For example, the gold mine just discovered, if it can be mined, it will bring at least 3.5 billion to the Atlanta Fund within two or three years. dollar income.

In addition, there were other mineral deposits in Atlanta before, including a large amount of obsidian, which could create a lot of profit for it.

And before, Chen William also obtained a [Volatility Master Experience Card]. As a primary prop, he can get the highest and lowest price of a financial product in the next 90 days. If he chooses the target investment product, he can Bringing him a great income, this has been tried by Chen William before.

Now, he is still turning his attention to gold futures.

As of mid-April, gold futures were still fluctuating around $1,400 an ounce, and many times had the momentum to break through $1,450 an ounce, but eventually stopped.

Under such circumstances, Chen William felt that after the shock for so long, the price of gold futures would soon usher in a breakthrough. Of course, it would not be upward or downward. Anyway, it would not continue to fluctuate sideways.

And from the perspective of the international economic situation, although the debt crisis in Europe has erupted in Greece, Ireland and other countries, but under the active Wall Street capital, the decline of the euro zone has not stopped, and the economic situation is far from improving. There is likely to be a follow-up outbreak.

In this way, under the stimulus of the crisis, the driving force for gold futures to continue to rise still exists.

Therefore, at this time, William Chen decided to use the [Volatility Master Experience Card] to predict the trend of gold futures in the next three months.

However, since he is going to use an offshore account for futures operations, William Chen will naturally not be willing to enter the American market again and expose these funds. Therefore, this time, he still chooses the London gold and precious metals trading market.

[Volatility Master Experience Card] took effect, and Zhong Wuchen saw the price situation of the London gold futures market in the next 90 days

The lowest price in the next 90 days appeared on May 2, local time, and the price of gold was $1,344 per ounce.

The highest price appeared on July 13, local time, and the price of gold was $1,925 per ounce. And now is April 15th, 90 days later, it is July 13th, which means that the highest point of the gold price in these 90 days will appear on the cut-off day.

In other words, the price of $1,925 per ounce is not the end point, just because the [Volatility Master Experience Card] can only predict this period, so there is still a possibility of continuing to rise, and it is still very large.

Thinking of this, Atlanta decided that the current price of gold is about $1,418 per ounce. On the 2nd of next month, it will be the lowest point at this stage, which is $1,344 per ounce. During this period, the price of gold can still fall by 5.2 %, he can even eat mosquito meat first, short the gold futures price, and then backhand long when it reaches the low point.

Even without leverage, using the $10 billion in his offshore account, he can make hundreds of millions of dollars during this period, why not do it.

Of course, it is certainly not difficult to completely eat this band, but two or three times the leverage is still very safe.

Therefore, after wanting to be vague about this, Atlan arranged the operation of the offshore account, first short, and ended on May 2nd!

However, after his offshore account completed the short position of gold futures, Atlan had a new idea, that is, whether the prediction result of the "Volatility Master Experience Card" can be changed through his own intervention in reality. change?

Atlan thought it was worth trying, so he was going to start from the gold mine on Zhongwuchen Island.

On April 20, at the behest of Zhong Wuchen, some media announced that a gold mine after the volcanic eruption had been discovered on Zhongwuchen Island. It was preliminarily proved that the reserves of this gold mine were likely to exceed 20 million ounces, and More than 5 million ounces of gold mines are located on the surface, similar to open-pit gold mines.

The mining equipment purchased by the official Tran Island has been delivered to Zhongwuchen Island, and the gold mine will be mined. The Tran Island Management Committee has not announced the specific reserves of the gold mine, but they said that they will be sold and mined at any time. of gold used for large-scale construction on the island of Tran.

As soon as the news came out, it caused a sensation. According to the report, the 20 million ounce gold mine, at the current price of more than 1400 US dollars per ounce, is worth 28 billion US dollars of gold!

For a while, many people stopped paying attention to the news of the Atlanta gold mine.

In the face of the reporters who came to the island, the Tran Island Management Committee was also well prepared. There were security forces stationed at the location of the gold mine, and helicopters were patrolling the surrounding area every day, so they would not be allowed to approach at all.

As for the reporters\' interviews, regarding the gold reserves, the official attitude of Tran Island is ambiguous. They just said that the first batch of gold will be mined in the near future, and then they will be sold one after another to raise funds for the development of Tran Island. building.

Although the reporters could not get close to the gold mines, and they could not get specific data on the reserves from the Tran Island Management Committee, but after arriving on the island, they investigated the construction of the Atlan Island on the spot and found that If you want to complete these large-scale construction plans, the funds required are definitely more than 10 billion yuan.

From the previous investigation, they learned that the Tran Island Fund only had the US$5 billion of the original mortgage share loan of Atlanta. After the island was purchased, the remaining funds would definitely not be able to support such a large-scale construction. Therefore, Tran Island The rhetoric that gold will be sold for construction is still very credible.

Therefore, with the fermentation of the news, the news that a large amount of gold will flow into the market in Atlanta has become more and more has become more and more credible.

After all, even if you ask other geologists, you can know that after a volcanic eruption, if gold deposits appear, they are often brought about by magma activities, and they are generally located in the shallow layers of the earth\'s crust, which are very easy to mine. Then, in terms of the gold reserves previously reported, it is very possible to mine several million ounces of gold a year with this kind of difficulty in mining.

This is equivalent to at least a few million more ounces of gold production entering the market a year. Note that this is an increased amount, so this will definitely have a certain impact on the price of gold.

Sure enough, with the fermentation of this news, the international gold price dropped significantly. Within a week, the gold price fell by more than 5%.

In the inventory column of Zhong Wuchen Future Bank, the realistic prediction result of the [Volatility Master Experience Card], the lowest price within 90 days that would have appeared on May 2, has changed from $1,344 per ounce to $1,272 per ounce. ounce, down 5.35% from the previous price.

Seeing this scene, Atlan understood that his guess was correct. Through his influence in reality, the prediction displayed by the [Wave Master Experience Card] would indeed change.