America's Road To Fame

Chapter 355: she is divorced

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

But even if Chen William intentionally revealed this exaggerated news, the result would be this. After all, the economic environment is still good for gold.

And he can affect these prices because it will increase the supply of gold in the short term, but in fact, in the gold market around the world, millions of ounces of gold are distributed within a year, and the impact is not as big as imagined big.

Therefore, this kind of news, which can affect the price in the short term, will still be digested by the market in the context of the global economy and return to the original track.

However, the significance of his attempt this time is not only that he can earn hundreds of millions or even more than one billion dollars in profits. It was Chen William who determined the amount of funds he had now, plus his intentional guidance messages, could still significantly affect the prices of some financial products.

After all, no matter how big your capital is, if you just participate in transactions, you are still a "retail investor" after all, and using capital and media information to "own" has a completely different meaning.

This is the difference between the players of the game and the makers of the rules of the game.

When William Chen left Atlanta, he no longer needed to go to Machus Island for a turnaround. His Gulfstream G550 landed directly at the temporary airport in Atlanta, where he picked up William Chen and flew directly to New York.

Back in New York, of course, I first went to the manor on Long Island to visit Ivanta and her daughter. Anna has been three months old, and she is no longer the one she was born with, and her skin is slightly wrinkled.

Now Anna has grown longer than at that time, her hair is black, inherited from William Chen\'s, and her skin is very white. She can see the shadows of William Chen and Ivanta in her facial features. She looks extremely cute. Know that she will be a beauty in the future.

Ivanta\'s figure has recovered very quickly. In the three months after giving birth, she has regained her original figure and is more plump. Well, after all, she has to give Anna enough supplies now.

However, the reason why the recovery effect is so good is also because Ivanta has always been a very self-disciplined person, just like after returning to Long Island Manor, the two resumed their morning jogging.

Of course, after being separated for so long, the first thing William Chen came back to was to console his wife, which could be regarded as helping her get fit...

"Dear, I\'m going to take Anna to China to live for a while, okay?"

After the morning run, Ivanta took Chen William\'s hand, and the two walked along the lakeside of the manor towards the house, she said to Chen William.

Hearing her words, Chen William knew that due to waiting for labor and recovery during this period, Ivanta\'s affairs with Huaguo\'s tc business management company could only be handled through the Internet and telephone. Now it has almost recovered, and Anna has already At the age of three months, there is no problem in taking a private jet to China, so she has such an idea.

However, Chen William has always respected Ivanta\'s decision, so he said:

"If you want, of course you can, baby. I\'ll go to China to accompany you after a while, but don\'t worry too much, at least half a month later, I\'m back in New York this time, and I want to accompany you more first. With Anna, when I just came back, Anna didn\'t even know me, which made me very sad."

Ivanta is naturally very happy that William Chen can say this:

"Anna is still too young, her brain is still developing, it\'s normal to forget it after a few days away, my dear, it will be better in a few months."

Ivanta hesitated for a moment and said, "I haven\'t told you about Wendi yet. After that incident, she has not been in a good mood recently, and I want her to accompany me to China to relax. "

"Well, I know about her. It\'s good if you want to do it, but you still have to tell her that our charitable foundation still needs her work."

What Ivanta said, even when William Chen sailed on the "Future" before, he had heard of it. After all, it was a sensational thing.

For a long time before, this matter has been tracked and reported by the media. Just like what happened in William Chen\'s previous life, Murdoch still initiated a divorce lawsuit against Deng Wendi.

According to media reports, there are many reasons. For example, Wendi Deng\'s love letter to former British Prime Minister Tony Blair was sent to the wrong mailbox, and it was sent to Murdoch, and then let Lao Mo know that he was wearing a hat.

In addition, Deng Wendi often spoke badly to Murdoch at home, and in a dispute at the beginning of this year, he also pushed Murdoch, which made Murdoch enter the hospital for emergency treatment, so Murdoch Ke can no longer bear to continue to live with her.

Of course, Chen William just looked at the reports in these media, and he had no interest in inquiring about the specific inside story. You must know that Murdoch is a media tycoon after all, and it is simple for him to control the wind direction of the media. In this regard, William Chen will naturally not believe in the reports of these media like those ordinary people.

If you want to tell William Chen, a man like Murdoch who founded News Corp and has experienced great storms, a man who has been married many times, is really like the description in the media, in front of Deng Wendi Is it an air bag? Hehe, are you insulting William Chen\'s IQ?

But in reality, this trend has indeed gained a favorable position for Murdoch. In the just-concluded divorce battle, Deng Wendi only obtained property including two properties with a total value of about 100 million US dollars. .

However, her two children are still on the list of heirs of Murdoch\'s family trust. As a guardian, Deng Wendi can also gain control of these properties before the children reach adulthood.

It\'s just that in the previous life, the Murdoch family trust sold Twenty-First Century Fox for tens of billions of dollars, of which Deng Wendi\'s two daughters shared assets worth 4 billion dollars.

In this world, when 21st Century Fox (including 20th Century Fox Films and Fox Searchlight, several local TV stations, Fox Television Network and other subsidiaries) had not separated from News Corporation, William Chen had already bought Among them, the 20th Century Fox Film Company is destined to be separated from the 21st Century Fox Company for listing. Even if it is separated, because there is no 20th Century Fox Film Company, it will be very attractive to Disney. If it falls, it is estimated that it will not be able to sell at such a high price.

However, there are losses and gains. Deng Wendi once invested in Chen William Chen\'s meta investment company\'s No. 3 fund at that time in a private capacity, and finally got nearly $60 million in cash for $5 million. Later, she invested these funds in Chen William. Among the Tianshu Fund, the value at this time has exceeded 100 million US dollars. If it is kept in it, there is no problem that it will eventually reach 1 billion US dollars.

These are all cash, and they are Deng Wendi\'s private property, not the $4 billion in the previous life, but the property in the family trust, which only has the right to distribute dividends and does not have complete control.

And her two daughters still have the inheritance rights of the Murdoch family trust, and will eventually inherit a lot of wealth. Therefore, Deng Wendi in this life, I am afraid that after breaking up with Murdoch, she can still play the love game with the little fresh meats.

It\'s just that according to Ivanta, the divorce lawsuit filed by Murdoch before was a sudden attack in Deng Wendi\'s It is estimated that there has been a premeditated plan before, and the trend of public opinion after that, It has also been manipulated by Murdoch, which is very unfavorable to Deng Wendi.

Therefore, this incident is still a big blow to Deng Wendi, and although she also hired top lawyers to fight for the distribution of the divorce property, the final gain was far lower than her expectations, which led to a period of emotional distress. Very low, that is the reason why Ivanta, who is a best friend, will prepare to take her to relax when she goes to China.

However, in Chen William\'s view, this kind of thing is normal. The wealthy Americans are all experienced in the distribution of property through divorce, not to mention that Murdoch has already experienced marriage, and naturally he has already prepared for divorce from the very beginning. His annual high lawyer fees are not. white flowers.

If it wasn\'t for the couples who met Wei Mo and worked hard to become rich together, those young girls who wanted to divide half of the legally stipulated marital property from the rich through marriage would be a fool\'s dream.

This kind of thing is most likely to happen in China. In the United States, in order to avoid taxes, those rich people will go through various financial means, and they will not show much growth at all. That is to say, with the irs, they all dare to fight, and they can let you, such a big brainless woman, take care of it? Just thinking too much.