America's Road To Fame

Chapter 353: attack on atlan

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

According to the prediction of experts, because the gold mines here are open-pit mines and are very easy to mine, if it goes well, I am afraid that the gold mines here can be mined within one or two years without causing too much damage to the environment.

Because the entire Atlanta Island was originally rock, the soil was laid later.

This place is located on the side of the central mountain range. After the gold mine was discovered, no soil was laid nearby. After the gold mine was mined here, it was filled with soil and planted with trees.

At present, in the entire Atlanta Island, except for a few places, more than 80% of the area that can be laid soil has been laid. In the southern half of Atlanta Island, from the temporary airport and the central mountain range to the south , has planted tropical trees on a large scale for the greening of the island.

It is estimated that at the current development rate, the southern peninsula may not be developed in a few years, so it is very suitable to complete the greening first and improve the natural environment of Atlanta Island.

The original beaches of the Hemi Islands, including Love Island, Jimu Island and Loire Island, are all under construction. The original beach has been transported to Atlanta Island and laid on the east side of Atlanta. It is on the coast, so if the construction of the roundabout road in Atlanta is completed, then driving around the island all the way, the scenery on the east and west sides of the island is different.

The east side of the island is a silver-white beach, while the west side is a reef, showing the landforms of two tropical islands.

Driving along the roundabout road to the southern end of Atlanta Island, you can see the Zhongyahe Sea-Crossing Bridge under construction. At present, the bridge only extends for about two kilometers into the sea, and you can see the engineering ship pouring into the sea in the distance. with cement piles.

Although the Yahe Sea-Crossing Bridge is only about 10 kilometers in length from the main bridge from Atlanta to Love Island, the construction difficulty is still not low.

It\'s not that the sea between the two islands is very deep, because the last volcanic eruption and the lifting of the crust of the seabed, the deepest point between the two islands is only more than ten meters.

However, this sea-crossing bridge is designed as a double-layer bridge. The upper layer of the bridge is a two-way four-lane first-class highway, and the lower layer is a two-way light rail. Therefore, the overall construction difficulty is much more complicated than that of a single-layer highway bridge.

At present, the investment of the South Pacific Industrial Investment Company in Marcus Island continues to increase. On Marcus Island, their administrative center is Lorengo in the northeast of the island, but the closest point to Atlanta Island is Marcus Island. the northwest end of the.

Therefore, at present, South Pacific Industrial Investment Company has invested and selected a site in the northwest of Marcus Island, and built a small port, which is specially used for the transportation of goods and personnel to the direction of Atlanta Island.

At the same time, the freshwater pipeline laid to Atlanta Island was also laid in this direction. Therefore, at one end of Matus Island, the Atlanta Water Works directly built a tap water treatment plant to transfer the fresh water from Matus Island to the After processing, it is directly transferred to the Atlantic Island through the submarine fresh water pipeline.

At present, the cement plant invested by the South Pacific Industrial Investment Company has already started to produce cement. Because of the mountainous area of ​​Matus Island and rich bauxite deposits, it is very suitable for the manufacture of cement. Now a steady stream of cement is shipped to Atlanta every day for various constructions there.

After the cement plant is put into operation, another medium-sized steel plant and a petrochemical refinery are also under construction. After the construction is completed, it will not only deliver construction steel and oil products to Atlanta, but also its production capacity. The reverse is to provide products for PNG.

So far, the total investment of the South Pacific Industrial Investment Company in Marcus Island has exceeded 1.5 billion US dollars, making it the largest investor in Marcus Island.

With a population of less than 20,000 people, at least one-third of the local households will be employed in companies invested in South Pacific industries, and will become the largest component of the local gdp.

The South Pacific Industrial Investment Company under William Chen has a very clear plan, that is, only the most environmentally friendly projects will be reserved on Atlanta Island, and other projects that will harm the environment will be located outside the island. Island to complete the investment.

Even so, their investment is also warmly welcomed by PNG. After all, their Machus province has no distinctive economy. The locals still live in a very primitive way, and even once relied on taking in refugees for Australia. make money.

However, after the last tsunami caused by the eruption of the volcano in Atlanta caused a large number of casualties among refugees in Australia on Machus Island, this refugee policy has led to criticism from domestic opposition parties and international human rights organizations, so Australia has already The number of refugees on Majus Island is gradually being eliminated.

This also means that the money that Majus Island can earn from the Australian government with this policy will become less and less, and eventually it will be zero.

Therefore, at this time, the investment of South Pacific Industrial Investment Corporation in their local area has become more and more important.

Not to mention the fact that Marus Island can still make a lot of money by exporting fresh water to Atlanta every year. They are relatively rich in fresh water resources, but if this fresh water is not exported to Atlanta, it will eventually flow into the sea. If you waste it in vain, then you can export fresh water to make money, why not do it.

With the development of Atlanta Island, the current management committee and Southern Cross Security Company have made corresponding adjustments.

Southern Cross Security Company is divided into security department and defense department.

Internally, the security department is under the jurisdiction of Alicia, the legal member of the management committee. Wearing a beige uniform, it temporarily set up two security centers at the northern end and southern end of Atlanta Island, and purchased American police equipment and Police helicopters, etc., as the internal order maintenance department of Atlanta defense department, are under the jurisdiction of the safety committee member Roger Del Rey, who is a member of the management committee. Wearing a blue and white camouflage uniform, will Including Chen William\'s escort, coast guard, and building block island maritime defense base.

Sheila Reis, who used to be the chief financial advisor of William Chen\'s financial team, became a financial member of the management committee, in charge of the Atlanta Fund, and allocated funds for various constructions in Atlanta.

The Atlanta Court, established by Alicia, issued the local statutes of Atlanta, and joined the American Courts Organization as a full member, and will rely on local statutes appropriately modified from the laws of the United States , to maintain the daily law and order of Atlanta.

Human Resources Commissioner Nelly Fisher, nominated by Chief Commissioner Erica, will be responsible for talent introduction and management in Atlanta.

The previously hired chief geologist, Bayue Waholland, also agreed to serve as the address and transportation committee member of the Atlanta Island Management Committee, responsible for the geological research and island transportation construction planning of Atlanta Island.

In this way, after the opening of the Management Committee Building, the structure and responsibilities of the Management Committee were further clarified, and a more effective management of Atlanta began.