America's Road To Fame

Chapter 315: prediction scroll

Just after the volcanic eruption, the area of ​​Atlan Island expanded from 30 square kilometers to about 500 square kilometers, a full expansion of more than ten times.

Therefore, at that time, the Atlantean government hired experts to conduct geographic surveying and mapping of the entire Atlan Island, conduct research on geological changes, and prepare to submit an application to revise the territorial data of the Republic of Atlanta to international organizations including the United Nations.

At first, some experts believed that there was no need to be so anxious, because judging from the situation after volcanic eruptions in some sea areas in the past, many new islands formed or the area increased by the original islands will not last long. Long.

For example, whether in Japan or many island countries in South America, there are past cases of new islands formed due to submarine volcanic eruptions, but the area of ​​many newly added small islands or islands will be in the next few months or years. inside, sunk or eroded for various reasons.

The reasons for this include the impact of the waves and erosion, and the instability of the support under the newly formed islands.

Therefore, given the current situation of Atlanta, it is very likely that many, or even most, areas will disappear in the next few years.

After the experts continued to carry out detailed detection and geological research, they believed that the situation in Atlanta was different from what they said.

Because first of all, the volcanic eruptions that caused the expansion of Atlanta Island are mainly more stable fractured eruptions, and the basalt formed after the magma cools down, which is more resistant to corrosion and erosion.

And after detection, the geological structure under the new Atlan Island is very stable, and there are not too many large-scale voids. Under the sea surface, it is also dominated by thick and narrow cones, so the base of the entire island is very stable. There is no possibility of collapse or sinking.

Therefore, it can be basically determined that unless a very strong earthquake disaster occurs again, the possibility of a large-scale reduction in the area of ​​this island can be ruled out.

Faced with such a result, many geological experts are also amazed. After all, since modern times, there has never been a situation like Atlanta Island that has increased so much area due to volcanic eruptions.

This geological study, in addition to determining the stability of Atlanta, has also uncovered many of the wealth that emerged from the volcanic eruption.

"Volcanoes are the shapers of many resources, including land resources, mineral resources, geothermal resources, new materials, hot and mineral spring resources, and tourism resources. Although volcanoes look scary, they are actually treasures."

In a meeting about the results of the geological study, Bayet Waholan, the team\'s lead expert, said this.

"Many metals, including gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, etc., non-metals, including stone, kaolin, volcanic ash, sulfur, and even gemstone mineral resources are directly or indirectly related to volcanism. In addition, the general volcanic area There will be mineral springs and hot springs. We found a lot of these treasures in this exploration.”

After the introduction of Bayue Waholland, the most discovered obsidian on Atlanta Island is obsidian. This mineral is originally produced by magma under sudden cooling, and has certain economic value. It can be used to make jewelry and handicrafts.

There are also some gems, such as sapphire, ruby, and garnet, which are also found occasionally. It is believed that with further exploration, there will be good results.

As for metal mines, gold, silver, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, etc. have been discovered, but the specific reserves are still unknown, and further exploration is required.

Therefore, after this introduction, Atlanta Island was really a blessing in disguise after this volcanic eruption, and many surprises appeared. However, these are not the current focus for the time being. The most important thing now is to complete the most basic infrastructure first, otherwise everything is empty talk. After all, most people still live in temporary camps on the island.

But William Chen still broods over what the experts said, "Atlan Island will not be reduced in a large area unless it experiences a high-intensity earthquake again". He has a plan for HTC to build Atlanta, but the only concern now is, is this eruption of this magnitude an exception? Will there be another similar natural disaster in the short term?

Not only him, but also many experts in Atlanta\'s takeover of the government, have such doubts about their construction plans.

Therefore, at this time, the first thing he needs to determine is whether Atlanta Island is safe in the future, and whether these facilities will be affected?

At this time, in order to confirm this matter, he prepared to use the props he had reserved before, which was the props in the [Birthday Gift Pack] obtained from the Future Bank on his birthday——

[Prediction Scroll (One-Time)] Fear comes from the unknown, and this scroll can give insight into the future direction of running. Write down relevant questions that can be answered with "yes" or "no".

He took out the scroll, opened it, thought about it, and wrote "In the future..."

After writing this, William Chen hesitated for a while, and finally continued to write——

"In the next 100 years, will there be any natural disasters capable of destroying large infrastructure in the territory of the Republic of Atlanta?"

Originally, he wanted to be safe and write for 50 years. After all, the shorter the time, the higher the accuracy. Because if you write for too long, you may worry about the disaster that will happen after a long time, but you don\'t know the specifics. time. There is no way, this scroll will only answer you "yes" or "no" and will not give you a specific time.

However, after thinking about it, he decided to take a risk and finally wrote it for 100 years. After writing, William Chen looked at the scroll nervously and found that on his handwriting, a flash of light flashed, and finally formed a "No" (NO)”…

Seeing this, Chen William finally breathed a sigh of relief. The adventure was successful. Now he can rest assured. At least in 100 years, there will be no more disasters that can destroy large-scale infrastructure in the Republic of Atlanta.

At this time, William Chen began to focus on the infrastructure projects of the Republic of Atlanta.

After the previous announcement of the tender intention, after the overall planning, the construction locations of several projects have been basically determined. The 10,000-ton port named Freeport will be built on a slightly concave coast in the northwest of Atlanta. Not only is the terrain flat, but the hydrological conditions are also the most suitable place for deep-water harbors.

The airstrip will be built in a flat place in the north-central part of Atlanta Island, which is far from the residential area that is currently being prioritized for construction. It is a good location and will not disturb the residents.

As for the natural gas power station assisted by Huaguo, it is located in the north of the free port, not far from the free port and the simple port that has been built so far, so that the natural gas transported by LNG ships can be stored nearby.

The government building is to be built in the south of the current temporary camp, north of the central axis of the entire Atlanta Island, where the distance from these projects is relatively moderate, and it will be more convenient to deal with in the future.

Now these projects, including the roundabout road in Atlanta, have already entered the bidding stage. At present, many companies have sent people to participate, and the results will be available soon.

The projects that have already are the seawater desalination plant that started construction not far from the temporary wharf, and the submarine optical cable laid from Matus Island to Atlanta Island.

The Atlan Fund that William Chen used to purchase the Republic of Palu has been handed over to the Atlan government, so now the entire territory of the Atlan Republic, including the maritime exclusive economic zone, belongs to the Atlan government.

Therefore, the current Atlan Fund is Atlan\'s national sovereign fund. After the completion of the purchase of the Republic of Palu, the Atlan Fund still has more than 2 billion US dollars in funds, which is definitely not enough for the use of these projects. Therefore, in the future, the Atlan Fund will be mainly used in the country for non-profit foundations. construction project.

For example, the Atlanta Island Ring Road this time has a total length of about 120 kilometers. Because Atlanta is an island in the South Pacific, many construction materials need to be shipped by sea, and the cost will be slightly higher. It is expected that the cost will reach $1 billion.

The rest, including free ports, airstrips, desalination plants and other profitable facilities, will be invested and constructed by private companies.

Of course, given the current situation in Atlanta, there will be no foreign private companies willing to invest, so these projects will be invested by the South Pacific Industrial Investment Company whose headquarters will be built in Atlanta.

Not surprisingly, the actual controller of this investment company is William Chen.

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