America's Road To Fame

Chapter 316: expand territory

On November 10, twenty days after the eruption of the Atlan Island volcano, the interim president Erika, who took over the government of the Republic of Atlanta, led a delegation to visit the neighboring country of Papua New Guinea.

During the two-day visit, the Atlanta government and the PNG government signed a series of contracts totaling US$500 million. Among these contracts, the Atlanta government will build a subsea pipeline project from PNG\'s Matus Island leads to the Republic of Atlanta, mainly for the export of fresh water from the Republic of Atlanta.

In addition, the Atlanta side will lease an area near the Port of Marcus to build a warehouse for the transfer of certain materials from Port Marcus to the island of Atlanta.

Because Atlanta\'s airport has not yet started construction, it will take time until it can be used. Therefore, some materials that cannot be used by sea can only be transported by air to Marcus Airport, and then transported to Atlanta by sea. island.

At present, the straight-line distance from Matus Island to Atlanta Island is only 35 kilometers, which is the most suitable place for transshipment.

In addition, there are related orders for food import and soil import in the agreement. Food import is understandable. Originally, Papua New Guinea is a country dominated by agriculture, and Atlanta is now unable to carry out any agricultural production, so daily food needs to be imported. , then Papua New Guinea is the nearest food supply.

As for the import of soil, of course, it is because although the volcanic ash after the volcanic eruption has a great effect on the normality of plants, it should be known that the land of Atlanta Island has been covered by rocks cooled by magma. On the surface of Atlanta Island, there is no soil at all.

Of course, Atlanta can also wait for the volcanic rocks to slowly weather and form soil. Originally, most of the soil was formed by the weathering of volcanic rocks. After the weathering of the volcanic rocks, the original soil was formed. Then, when a large number of animal carcasses rotted in the soil, fertile soil for plant growth was formed.

It\'s just that this process will take at least a hundred years. Naturally, they can\'t wait that long. So the best way is to buy soil from outside, then spread it, and mix it with the volcanic ash on Atlanta Island, which is more conducive to plants. growth, and over time, the underlying rock layers also gradually erode, increasing the thickness of the soil.

So this time, Atlanta chose to buy a part of the soil from Papua New Guinea, spread it on part of the Atlantic Island, and started planting plants to improve the environment on the island.

However, in this package agreement, the most eye-catching is the agreement between the two sides on the Hemi Islands.

After sending people to contact PNG, and this time Erica arrived in PNG to visit, the acquisition was finally finalized.

The Republic of Atlanta will buy Papua New Guinea\'s Hemi Islands near Atlanta for US$300 million. After Erica signed the agreement and affixed the official seal of the Atlanta government with the national emblem, This agreement took effect immediately, and the ownership of the Hemi Islands belonged to the Republic of Atlanta and became the territory of the Republic of Atlanta.

Not long ago, the Atlanta government officially announced the national emblem of the Republic of Atlanta. The pattern of the national emblem is a fiery red phoenix flying with wings in the center, and the top of the phoenix\'s head is the Southern Cross. At the tail of the phoenix at the bottom of the national emblem, there is a ribbon with the name of the Republic of Atlanta written on it - TheRepublibsp;of.

The phoenix that spreads its wings and fly represents the experience of the rebirth of Atlanta Island from the ashes. The Southern Cross represents the Republic of Atlanta, an island country located in the southern hemisphere. The phoenix holds the olive branch in its claws and the trident of Poseidon, the **** of the sea. , which represents peace and force.

Now, the Southern Cross in the flag and national emblem of the Republic of Atlanta has an additional meaning, that is, the unity of Atlanta, which is composed of islands.

As for why the purchase of Palu, which covers an area of ​​30 square kilometers, cost 2.8 billion U.S. dollars, plus debt, it exceeds 3 billion U.S. dollars; while the purchase of the Hemi Islands with a total area of ​​37 square kilometers only cost 3 What about billions of dollars?

The main reason is that the gap between the two is still very large. Although the area of ​​the Hemi Islands is larger, it is too scattered, and all of them are bare rocks, which are not suitable for human survival at all.

They have no meaning at all in the hands of Papua New Guinea. In addition, Papua New Guinea\'s economy is already lagging behind. After being hit by the tsunami, it is really very difficult. Therefore, the order provided to them by Atlanta allows them to They can\'t refuse.

And the original purchase of Palu, but there is a premium in the name of a sovereign country, after buying there, it is easy to inherit the country\'s various rights and interests in the international community, it can be said that at least half of the 3 billion US dollars is for name of this country.

Moreover, the natural conditions of Palu are far from comparable to the Hermi Islands, and the facilities on the island are also very complete. It is normal to have that price.

For example, Lanai Island in Hawaii, where William Chen held his wedding at that time, not only has an excellent natural environment, but also covers an area of ​​365.2 square kilometers, which is more than ten times that of the Hemi Islands. But if Lanai is sold now, it will only be more than 200 million US dollars, mainly because the purchase of this island can only be used as a private island and cannot have sovereignty.

In contrast, the Hemi Islands were bought by the Republic of Atlanta, which can expand their territorial area, so relatively speaking, the price is much more expensive than Lanai Island.

So after this agreement came into effect, Atlanta once again reported to the United Nations and relevant international organizations their latest territorial and exclusive economic zone changes, and then started bidding for several infrastructure projects in the Hemi Islands.

These include the "Acher Sea Bridge" and the "Love International Airport" two major projects.

South Pacific Industrial Investment Corporation has obtained the 99-year operating qualifications for the "Love International Airport" and the "Loire Nuclear Power Plant" issued by the Atlanta government at the cost of undertaking the investment in the "Acher Sea-Crossing Bridge".

At this time, William Chen went to China.

He set off on the Eclipse with Erica, disembarked at Machus Port halfway, and then took the Gulfstream G550 waiting at Marus Airport to China.

Ivanta, who is about to give birth in New York\'s Long Island Manor, can\'t sit still anymore. She took her own private jet to Huaguo Magic Capital last month and started to manage the TC business management company.

When William Chen went to China this time, in addition to visiting her - Ivanta has been pregnant for more than six months - there is also something to deal with.

On the Gulfstream G550, it was Zhang Jiao and Aisha Gonzalez. Speaking of which, William Chen hadn\'t been with them for a long time. When he traveled around the world before, although he often saw them on the William, Ivanta was also by his side at the time. She was in a special period, so William Chen was Consciously did not stimulate her.

During this time, he was in Atlanta and lived on the Eclipse. Although Erica or Alicia often accompanied him, but at this time, he saw these two people in uniform and showing beautiful figures. The flight attendant, thinking that they had not learned knowledge for so long, the enthusiastic Chen William naturally gave them a good supplementary lesson...


The Gulfstream G550 arrived at the Modu Airport and has been in Atlanta for a long time. William Chen felt as if he had been away from here for a long time.

After arriving at Yan\'s Garden, Ivanta was at home. Fortunately, she was still obedient.

Chen William told her before that it\'s okay to continue working, but she can\'t leave the medical team and try to stay at home when there is no urgent matter. This is also because she is worried that she will forget that she is pregnant when she starts to You\'re finally back, my dear, and I\'ve been worried about what happens to you over there. "

Seeing William Chen, Ivanta\'s face immediately became happy, wanting to get up, William Chen quickly walked two steps to her:

"Sit down first, baby. It\'s fine in Atlanta, I\'ve always lived on the Eclipse, and I\'ll take a helicopter if it\'s a big deal. By the way, how are you feeling now?"

William Chen sat beside Ivanta and looked at her with a smile.

"I think it\'s pretty good. Sometimes when I\'m quiet, I can still feel her kicking my stomach."

Ivanta stroked her belly with a maternal tenderness in her voice.

Hearing what she said, Chen William couldn\'t help lowering his head, put his ear on Ivanta\'s stomach, and listened quietly.

"Oops, she\'s quiet now, you haven\'t kicked her stomach yet, and you can\'t hear him."

"Who said that, I can hear his heartbeat."

I don\'t know if it was a hallucination, or because Chen William\'s hearing was more sensitive, he seemed to hear the weak heartbeat in Ivanta\'s stomach, with a feeling of blood connection.

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