America's Road To Fame

Chapter 314: Continue to buy islands?

The original Atlan Island was only about 30 square kilometers. After this volcanic eruption, the area expanded tenfold to about 500 square kilometers, so many environments have changed.

The most important thing is that with the expansion of the area, not only the land area of ​​Atlanta has been expanded, but also the territorial sea area and the exclusive economic zone. Submit the latest data to the United Nations and related organizations, update the information on the Republic of Atlanta, and redefine the territory and exclusive economic zone.

Among them, it is worth mentioning that the closest island to the original Yatland Island is Love Island belonging to the Hemi Islands. This uninhabited island with an area of ​​about 20 square kilometers is originally from Yatland Island. The closest point is almost 25 kilometers, but after the volcanic eruption, due to the expansion of the area of ​​Atlanta Island, the distance between the two islands is only 10 kilometers...

According to international law, the territorial sea of ​​a country is parallel to the coastline, and its width is no more than 12 nautical miles from the baseline of the territorial sea. And 12 nautical miles is almost 22.22 kilometers, so in the direction of Love Island, the territorial waters and exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Atlanta will be squeezed.

William Chen looked at the map of the Hemi Islands that Erica handed over. The Hemi Islands consisted of five large and small islands, with a total area of ​​about 37 square kilometers. The largest island is Love Island, with a size of 20 square kilometers, followed by building blocks. The island is about 10 square kilometers, and then there is the Loire Island, which is only 6 square kilometers. The remaining two islands are even smaller, and they can be called islands and reefs.

The distance between the islands of the Hemi Islands is not far, from more than 100 meters to a few hundred meters, but in fact, because of the natural environment, the entire Hemi Islands has no permanent residents, only one on the island of building blocks. The small supply point is for the fishermen of the Majus province to go out to fish.

"Go to those experts and investigate the geological structure and hydrological environment of each island in the Hermione Islands."

"Investigate the Hermione Islands? But they belong to Papua New Guinea..."

Hearing William Chen\'s request, Erica asked suspiciously.

"We can try to buy the archipelago if it\'s appropriate."

Just when he saw this map of the Hemi Islands just now, William Chen had such an idea.

The first is that if the Hemi Islands are bought, then the territorial sea and exclusive economic zone of the Republic of Atlanta can be greatly expanded, and will no longer be squeezed by Papua New Guinea\'s territorial waters because it is too close to the Hemi Islands.

And although several islands in the Hemi Islands are not suitable for human habitation, the key is that they are closer to Atlanta Island. Love Island is only 10 kilometers away from them, so the original Atlanta Island is not a big situation. If you buy the Hemi Islands, you can let them realize some functions and become the satellite islands of Atlanta.

This is why William Chen asked Erica to go to experts to investigate the geological and hydrological environment of the archipelago.

When he got the results of the investigation, Chen William was even more sure of his thoughts. It was like Love Island, which was 20 square kilometers, accounting for two-thirds of the previous Atlanta Island. Although the natural environment was not good, it was completely You can build an airport, it\'s not a waste.

Moreover, according to the geological survey results of experts, the conditions of Love Island are completely enough to build an airport, and it is only necessary to strengthen the surrounding of the island.

Build a large airport on Love Island, and then connect it with the main island of Atlanta with a sea-crossing bridge, then it can assume the role of the aviation hub of Atlanta. Moreover, the ten-kilometer sea-crossing bridge, and according to the results of nearby hydrological surveys, after the Atlan volcano erupted, at least half of the seabed was raised, resulting in shallower sea water.

In fact, the seabed of Atlanta Island and the Hemi Islands are now connected together, and they belong to the same seabed structure. Therefore, the construction of the bridge between the two is not particularly difficult.

After buying the Hemi Islands, its other two slightly larger islands can also be useful. The distance between Love Island and Lego Island and Loire Island is closer, but a few hundred meters, after connecting them to each other , A small naval base can be established on the island of blocks to park the Poseidon as a base for the Southern Crusade naval forces.

As for Loire Island, after seeing the tender for the natural gas power station on Atlan Island, the Russian side said that in fact, with the conditions of Atlan Island, there is no need for a floating nuclear power station at all, and a small nuclear power station can be built directly. Cooling a nuclear reactor is also very convenient by the sea.

According to their required power generation capacity of 50 megawatts, two sets of 25 megawatt nuclear reactors can be installed, or just like their floating nuclear power plant, two sets of 35 megawatt nuclear reactors can be installed directly. If so much electricity is temporarily unavailable, It can be built in two phases.

Just like the smallest nuclear power plant in Russia at present, the Bilibino nuclear power plant has four EGP-6 nuclear reactors installed with an installed capacity of 48 megawatts. It is the smallest nuclear power plant in the world and the nuclear power plant with the highest latitude in the northern hemisphere.

Therefore, William Chen planned to build a small nuclear power plant on the Loire Island, which covers an area of ​​about 6 square kilometers, after buying the Hemi Islands. According to the configuration of two sets of 35 MW nuclear reactors, a 35 MW first phase of the project will be built first. of reactors, enough for the current use of Atlanta.

Power can be transmitted to the main island of Atlanta and the two satellite islands of Love and Building Blocks through submarine cables. Because the distance is not far, there is no need to consider the loss of power.

Moreover, building a nuclear power plant on the island of Loire can also relieve the fears of the people, and it is also a very good choice for cooling down on the island.

Therefore, under these considerations, William Chen determined the goal of the Republic of Atlanta to purchase the Hemi Islands from Papua New Guinea.

And now is also a better time to buy the island, because among the tsunami caused by the eruption of the Atlan volcano and the earthquake, the worst hit is Papua New Guinea, because this country is the closest to Atlan Island, whether it is a horse like a horse. The island-heavy region of Russell, as well as the coastal areas of PNG, were severely damaged by the tsunami, causing economic losses in excess of US$10 billion.

Know that Papua New Guinea is one of the less developed countries in the world. The economy is mainly agricultural, which accounts for 32% of Papua New Guinea\'s economy. Their country\'s gross national product last year was only 10.6 billion US dollars, so the tsunami this time has dealt a huge blow to their country\'s economy.

Therefore, Papua New Guinea is also the main country for this international aid. Of course, as the country that bears the brunt of the disaster, Atlanta can be said to be completely destroyed. Therefore, during this time, Atlanta, represented by Erica, took over the government, the most important thing One of its tasks is to seek assistance from countries around the world, especially developed countries.

It\'s just that although the Republic of Atlanta was at the center of the disaster, its original size was not large, and because all the citizens of the former Palu Republic have moved away, they themselves currently have very few citizens, so the degree of disaster suffered is greatly reduced. It\'s not as good as PNG.

According to the feedback received so far, the creditor countries of the Republic of Atlanta, including Australia and New Zealand, have stated that in order to help the Republic of Atlanta, they have proposed to relieve some of their debts. Reduced to around $200 million.

At the same time, they will also send to help the Republic of Atlanta in post-disaster reconstruction.

The United States also stated that it will assist the Republic of Atlanta with some materials, including desalination equipment, some construction equipment and other materials.

The Japanese side has dispatched engineering personnel to aid the construction of two high-rise residences for the Republic of Atlanta for the resettlement of construction personnel during the reconstruction period.

Hua Guo also said that it would help the Republic of Atlanta to build a natural gas power station with an installed capacity of 30 megawatts.

In this way, some of the projects that Atlanta has tendered at the beginning can be crossed out from the list.

Back to Papua New Guinea, when Erica understood the significance of the Hemi Islands to the Republic of Atlanta under the explanation of Chen William, she also began to move her mind. Now Papua New Guinea\'s economic situation is not good, and Hemi Islands The Mi Islands itself is uninhabitable and is purely a desert island.

As for having 6, it is inconspicuous in it, and the only meaning to them may be to show it on the map, and the other is to be able to add a small fishing area, so if you pay for it at this time, the PNG side may agree. Sex is still great.

Therefore, the takeover government of the Republic of Atlanta first sent personnel, in the name of a friendly visit, to the capital of PNG and their largest city, Port Moresby.

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