America's Road To Fame

Chapter 311: Destruction

The time soon came to October 20th.

This day is the time William Chen experienced in the eyes of the future, but unlike that scene, the current Atlan Island is empty.

He still remembered that in the eyes of the future, the earthquake seemed to occur at noon, and at that time he saw a tsunami in the air. Therefore, on the morning of October 17th, the helicopter on the Poseidon was inspecting the entire Atlanta Island and after confirming that there were no more people on the island, William Chen asked the Eclipse and the Poseidon to start heading towards Atlanta. Far away from the island.

Why did you leave so early? Because seismologists and geologists from many countries came to Atlanta during this time, and William Chen also took the opportunity to ask them a lot of questions. He has basically learned about volcanic eruptions and earthquakes. Have a basic understanding.

Then, based on what he sees in the eyes of the future, it is conceivable to imagine how big a small island of 30 square kilometers can be - 30 square kilometers. It is about the size of 40 Forbidden City or 10 Yuanmingyuan, which is slightly larger than that of the Macao Administrative Region. Smaller, the land area of ​​the Macao Administrative Region is about a little more than 32 square kilometers. This area can be expanded by a dozen times to about 500 square kilometers.

That is to say, the area of ​​the Macau Administrative Region is almost expanded to one-third the size of HK.

So, how big is the earthquake and tsunami caused by such a volcanic eruption?

Chen William only knew that in his previous life, the increase in land area caused by the eruption of Tonga\'s submarine volcano was far smaller than this scale, and it was called a once-in-a-millennium scale, and the resulting tsunami even affected Oceania and other countries. Asia.

Therefore, under this scale of disaster, William Chen naturally put safety first and evacuated early. So on the 17th, two large ships, including the Eclipse and the Poseidon, set off from Atlanta to Guam on the grounds of refueling, training by the way, and being able to conduct friendly visits.

On October 19, when William Chen commanded to close the short positions against the euro, they had already traveled two-thirds of the way, and they would be able to arrive in Guam the next day.

Guam is located in the western Pacific Ocean, the southernmost tip of the Mariana Islands, with a total area of ​​549 square kilometers. It is an "unofficial territory" of the United States.

Informal territory means that Guam enjoys the treatment of American nationals in many aspects. For example, people born in Guam have the right to choose American citizens. Their local government has been seeking to fully join the United States. The main reason is to develop the local economy. They intend to turn Guam into America\'s offshore offshore financial center, but only if they become part of America.

Otherwise, if there is no strong state behind it, this kind of tax haven is not so easy to do. For example, the former Republic of Palu also had this idea. As a result, the bank was sanctioned and finally closed.

The most famous of Guam is probably the U.S. military base. The United States has two main military bases in Guam, the Apra Naval Base and Anderson Air Force Base. These military bases occupy about 1/3 of the island\'s area. .

After arriving in Guam, the Eclipse docked at a civilian port, while the Poseidon frigate went to the Apra Naval Base for a "visit". Anyway, they were all acquaintances, and most of them were originally U.S. troops stationed here.

By noon on October 20, everyone in the hotel in Guam felt a jolt.

William Chen\'s guard came in immediately and was about to **** him out of the hotel, but William Chen was already mentally prepared for this. He shook his head at the guard and Roger, Erica and the others, and walked to the window. , looked at the people downstairs who ran out of the hotel in a panic, and said to them:

"Go and confirm, where is the epicenter of this earthquake.

He paused, looked at Roger and said:

"Using your connections, see if you can call up a satellite map of America above Atlanta. I want to confirm the situation there."

After he finished the command, the tremor here disappeared. Chen William looked at the sea in the distance. He knew very well that the current Atlanta Island should have fallen into a terrifying scene of destruction.

This is indeed the case. In the moment just now, the entire Atlanta Island began to shake. The surrounding sea water was like boiling, and countless water bubbles gushed out from the bottom of the sea.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise. On the island of Atlanta, the fire broke out, and a burst of black smoke gushed out, as if countless bombs had been dropped, and the sea continued to explode. The highest water column directly exceeded ten. Dom.

Atlan Island seemed to crack open, and countless hot magma poured out, which was immediately covered by thick black smoke mixed with white.

At this time, a strange scene appeared on the sea. Countless dark red magma with bright colors directly ignored the sea water and rushed up frantically. In an instant, the sea water was evaporated by the continuous magma of thousands of degrees of high temperature, and the white The water vapor is getting thicker.

These magma rushing out from the depths of the earth are endless, and they have been filling up the sea around Atlanta Island. At this moment, there is only this non-stop rumbling sound between the sky and the earth. Through the smoke blown to the heights by the wind, you can faintly see that in the original location of Atlanta Island, a magma is continuously accumulating, gradually forming a mountain peak.

At this time, if you look down from space, you can clearly see that in the light blue ocean of the South Pacific, a bulge appeared, and then spread around, just like a boulder was thrown into a sticky swamp. .

Soon, the people Chen William sent to inquire came back one after another, and the news came back through various channels.

Erica contacted the American Earthquake Network and obtained data from their calculations. The epicenter of the earthquake was located near Atlanta Island in the South Pacific, and it was initially predicted to be an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.6 on the Richter scale.

And Roger obtained the reconnaissance satellite pictures that just passed over the South Pacific through the American military. After comparison, it was determined that the earthquake really occurred in the location of Atlanta Island, and he could see the scene of the volcanic eruption there, but it was a big one. Parts of the area are covered in thick smoke

After getting this information, William Chen immediately asked Erica to prepare and release the official statement of the Republic of Atlanta to the world. Roger continued to pay attention to the situation of Atlanta Island. He understood that this time the volcanic eruption , it is estimated that it will last for a long time

The volcanic eruption of Atlan Island this time has different earthquake sensations in many countries in the South Pacific, so soon, the news began to spread around the world.

This includes the official statement issued by the interim president Erica of the Republic of Atlanta to take over the government to many media around the world on the Eclipse.

The content of this statement mainly includes the following aspects:

First, the main members of the government who are currently taking over have continued to pay attention to the volcanic eruption on Atlan Island in Guam. Before leaving, it has been confirmed many times that no one is stranded on the island.

Second, after confirming that the situation is safe, the takeover government will arrive at Atlanta Island for the first time to investigate and confirm the specific situation of the geological disaster.

Third, before this volcanic eruption, the Atlanta government has issued an early warning to surrounding countries. Given the intensity of this volcanic and the accompanying earthquake, it is likely to cause a severe tsunami Therefore, the Atlanta government continued to issue early warnings to the South Pacific and surrounding countries, hoping to prevent subsequent tsunami disasters.

At the same time, the earthquake departments of various countries have also released the monitoring results of their seismic network in response to this situation. It has been basically determined that this is an earthquake disaster caused by a volcanic eruption in the South Pacific. The epicenter is located in Atlanta, and the epicenter is about At 10 kilometers underground, the revised magnitude was 8.0 on the Richter scale.

Due to the continuous reports from various media, satellite pictures of the Atlan volcano eruption have also begun to spread on the Internet. After seeing it, many people are amazed at the intensity of this volcanic eruption and earthquake. Even in space, it can be clearly seen see the situation at that time.

When I think of the fact that the Atlanta government asked the Palu people to return some of the funds, I couldn\'t help but sigh. At that time, I thought they were just looking for trouble. It turned out that such a big disaster would really break out.

Fortunately, because of the advance warning, everyone on Atlanta was evacuated in time, and there should be no casualties. There are many people who have put it forward. In fact, the most fortunate people are the Palu people. It is precisely because they sold the entire country and moved to Australia that they avoided such a big natural disaster today. Otherwise, if this natural disaster broke out, they would still On the island, based on the scene we see now, I am afraid no one will be spared.

After this view was put forward, it was immediately recognized by most people. It really looks like this. It seems that Chen William actually saved more than 10,000 Palu people, and each of them received huge compensation. , the luckiest people in the world