America's Road To Fame

Chapter 310: South 10 word army

Latest website: The reason why William Chen asked Erica to make this request to Palu on behalf of the takeover government of the Republic of Atlanta is because he knew what would happen after this natural disaster, and the area of ​​Atlanta would increase by more than ten times, to about 500 square kilometers.

So what if Palu repents at that time and wants to pay more, or sees that the island has increased in size and there is no danger of being submerged by the sea, and has to move back, what should we do?

Even if there was an agreement at the time, if so many people were really acting like rogues, even if the Atlanta side finally suppressed them, it would be a big trouble. What\'s more, wouldn\'t there be someone behind them to achieve any benefits?

Therefore, William Chen now asks Atlanta to overturn the agreement on the grounds of possible geological disasters.

Originally, the prediction of this kind of geological disaster would not be so 100% certain, and in the face of this situation, unless the Palu people\'s brains are broken, or they are really born the Virgin, will they really agree to this request for a refund.

Then the basis they can find, and they can think of it, is nothing more than asking to respect the agreement, to have the spirit of the contract, and to be trustworthy...

And the Australian side, who has a stake in it, will also stand on Palu\'s side and make a similar request to the Republic of Atlanta.

Well, you win, we respect the agreement and have the spirit of the contract.

When that happens, uh, what to say?


At that time, if the Palu people were still clamoring to overturn the agreement and forcibly return, then there would be no one on their side in the entire world.

So Atlan took over the government\'s request for the Palu people to refund the money, and finally, under the coordination of all relevant parties, Atlan "respected the agreement" ended.

But even so, the Atlanta took over the government still issued a disaster warning to the surrounding countries and regions, and notified the people on the island of Atlanta to start evacuating, leaving only some equipment for testing.

However, those experts were really interested in these geological conditions on Atlanta Island. They were not afraid of death and strongly hoped to stay for observation and research. Chen William knew that geological disasters would definitely occur, and it was definitely impossible to agree to them to stay. In the end, Either way, he finally persuaded them to leave.

In the end, in addition to the necessary testing equipment left behind, the Eclipse and the Perry-class frigate nominally listed by the Southern Crusade remained around Atlanta for continuous observation.

Yes, the Southern Crusade has been established and will be employed by the Republic of Atlanta as a mercenary to maintain national security.

Among the list recommended by Roger, Chen William selected the deputy commander of the Southern Crusade and the captain of the frigate.

Atlanta bought the USS Gary Perry-class frigate (USSGaryFFG-51) for $50 million, and drove directly from the Guam base with complete weapons.

Now this frigate, named Poseidon, is under the command of the Southern Crusade, but at present, apart from the captain, the members of the Southern Crusade only account for about one-third of the officers and soldiers of the entire ship. It also includes the former Gary soldiers who came with the ship to join the Southern Crusade.

The remaining crew members are currently temporarily employed by the Southern Crusade in the name of training. Roger has continued to hire personnel, striving to complete the independent control of the warship by the Southern Crusade as soon as possible.

The commander of the Southern Crusade was William Chen, the deputy commander was Bruno Butch, and the captain of the Poseidon was Cameron Lalu, both of whom were selected by William Chen through the magic mirror system.

At present, William Chen and some members of the Republic of Atlanta who took over the government are on the Eclipse. This huge super yacht has become the temporary office of the Republic of Atlanta.

On the top flagpole of the yacht, the flag of the Republic of Atlanta is hanging.

In one of the rooms, there is a temporary data center composed of several servers. Chen William\'s magic mirror system is currently running in this room, and is connected to the global Internet through satellite signals.

The setting of the magic mirror system is very complicated, and Chen William also thought about it for a long time before setting it up successfully.

This is because although this system can obtain relevant scores through the identity information of the other party, when it is installed, it can only permanently select the score in one direction, and cannot get all the scores displayed.

Because it is a one-time installation and use, Chen William needs to choose and choose the score he finally gets.

Just like each person\'s data, it can include the set object, such as the Republic of Atlanta, to get the corresponding values ​​- loyalty value, ability value, potential value, etc., but how to choose among them?

Loyalty is very important, but if you only have loyalty, then you may get a group of blind followers; and if you only have ability, then it may cause more harm to the country under selfishness.

Therefore, after thinking about it, Chen William finally chose to get the contribution value, no matter what, whether it is selfish, loyal, or capable and potential, only those who can make a greater contribution to the Republic of Atlanta are all get them to join in.

People who can be rated as high contributors, if not particularly loyal, at least are not those who would betray the country and cause too much damage.

The contribution value displayed by the magic mirror system when the other party applies for naturalization is based on the system\'s inference that after the other party joins the Republic of Atlanta, it will contribute to the country, and this value will continue to be improved in the future. behavior in .

Therefore, a person with a high initial value may not necessarily continue to get a high score in the future, and perhaps what kind of experience they will have that will lead to a change, resulting in dissent and reducing the contribution value.

And a person whose initial value is not particularly high may also change, thereby making more contributions to the country, resulting in an increase in the contribution value.

Therefore, this magic mirror system is very useful for continuously judging the usefulness of the other party to the country.

After setting up this magic mirror system, Chen William first used it to check the contribution points of several people who have joined the Republic of Atlanta.

Erica\'s contribution value is 90 points, which is already very high; Roger\'s, 85 points, not bad. What surprised him was that Alicia, who took over the government\'s law minister, scored 88 points, which seemed to have great potential.

Therefore, William Chen was able to select the deputy commander of the Southern Crusade and the captain of the Poseidon from the people recommended by Roger through the scoring of the magic mirror system.

At present, the magic mirror system is only running in the data center of the Eclipse, and the external interface has not yet been opened. It is also because of the current situation that Atlanta Island has not yet allowed immigration.

Therefore, Abu\'s Eclipse really helped a lot. From October 15th, they began to evacuate the island\'s personnel. On the 16th, only some members who took over the government were left in Japan. On the Eclipse, everyone else has moved away from here.

The Poseidon frigate surrounds Atlan Island on one side, patrolling the surrounding waters and training. There are anti-submarine helicopters on the ship, and they will take off and land from time to time to patrol the island.

The Eclipse is large enough and well-equipped, so that everyone will not be bored whether it is work or entertainment.

The attitude of the Republic of Atlanta makes many people feel that it is a bit exaggerated and too cautious. There have not been many so-called earthquakes or volcanic eruptions near this place before, so they feel that they are a little suspicious.

On October 19, as in the eyes of the future, as William Chen heard from the TV news, in the foreign exchange market, the price of the euro against the dollar fell below the 2005 October 19. After the monthly low of 1.1641, it continued to decline and fell below 1.16.

And Chen William also began to close the short position of the euro contract in his offshore account.

Before the sovereign debt crisis broke out in Greece, William Chen lent $1 billion from Future Bank and mortgaged his shares in two installments, lent a total of $5 billion, and invested the $6 billion in shorting the euro.

Therefore, when the exchange rate of the euro against the U.S. dollar fell from 1.4766 when he first shorted the euro to a minimum of 1.16, a drop of more than 21%. When Chen William closed all his positions, the $60 he invested has become more than 1.16. 18.6 billion US dollars, after repaying the future bank and mortgage stock loans, Chen William\'s offshore account still has as much as 12.6 billion US dollars of funds left.

And these funds are completely tax-free, but these funds are not so easy to enter the American market. However, William Chen didn\'t care about this at all. Originally, these funds were not prepared to return to the American system.

And it is worth mentioning that after William Chen returned the $1 billion to Future Bank, the amount he could borrow there doubled directly to $2 billion.