America's Road To Fame

Chapter 312: new atlan

The Atlan volcano erupted on October 20, which lasted for three days. However, experts analyzed that thanks to the type of volcanic eruption, it was mainly a rare fissure eruption, so the subsequent impact on the surrounding environment will be lower.

The type of volcanic eruption depends on the composition, volatile content, temperature and viscosity of the magma, the characteristics of the ascending channel of the underground magma, and the tectonic environment in which the magma is ejected.

Specifically, such as basalt magma, the content of silica is low, the volatile content is relatively small, the temperature of the magma is high, and the viscosity is small, so the magma has high fluidity, and the volcanic eruption is relatively quiet, mostly the eruption of magma, which can be Formation of large lava terraces and shield volcanoes.

The rhyolite and andesite magmas are rich in silica and volatile components, and their temperature is low, the viscosity is high, and the fluidity is poor, so the volcanic eruption is violent, the explosion sound is loud, and a large amount of volcanic ash and volcanic bombs are ejected, often forming Tall pyroclastic cones, accompanied by pyroclastic flows and glowing clouds, often cause severe disasters.

After detection, the Atlan volcano eruption this time is a fractured eruption of basaltic magma accompanied by a little central eruption.

In this type of eruption, the magma overflows the surface through long and narrow linear deep faults in the crust. Generally, there are few explosions. The outflow is mainly basic basalt lava, which condenses to form a lava quilt with a relatively stable thickness and a large coverage area.

At present, fissure eruptions are very common in mid-ocean ridges. Iceland, which is located on the mid-Atlantic ridge, has visible fissure eruptions, so this type of eruption is also called "Icelandic".

However, some central eruption features also appeared in this Atlan volcanic eruption, which is likely to be a mixture of the two methods, resulting from a rare severe crustal extrusion.

In the central eruption, the magma is ejected to the surface along a certain tubular channel, and the lava covers a small area, which is the most important type of modern volcanic activity.

Therefore, if this volcanic eruption is completely a central eruption, especially if the most powerful form of volcanic eruption is a Plinian volcanic eruption, then during the eruption, the strong explosion can spray volcanic ash to the advection of more than 45 kilometers. Layers high in the sky, and with the movement of the atmosphere, cover the volcanic ash over a wide area.

In that case, because the volcanic ash is all over the stratosphere, it is difficult to continue to fall, not only will it block the sunlight, affecting the vegetation growth around Atlanta, but also in the nearby climate, once it rains, the rain will be acidic. When the volcanic ash is brought down, it will form acid rain, which is very corrosive.

And the central eruption, because it is more explosive, the tsunami formed is also very violent. For example, if it occurs in Atlanta, not only the relatively close Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and the surrounding archipelagic countries will be greatly affected, but also the tsunami will be greatly affected. Even reaching further distant places such as Australia, New Zealand, Malaysia, Lijiapo, etc., will maintain a strong destructive power, and even Guam, where Chen William is now, will form a tsunami of at least one or two meters to the beach.

This is why the volcano erupted in Atlan at first, and seeing that scene made all the surrounding countries feel like enemies.

But it is precisely because the volcanic eruption on Atlanta Island this time is mainly a fissure eruption, and there are not many central eruptions. When the subsequent tsunami arrived in Guam, it only caused a wave about 15cm high.

However, Papua New Guinea, which is close by, still suffered a lot of damage, especially the Majus province, which is the closest to Atlan Island.

Even the naval base built by the US military there during World War II was damaged beyond recognition by the tsunami.

The ones that suffered the most casualties were the refugee camps on Machus Island. Australia accepts about 12,000 refugees every year, but there are also many refugees from war-torn countries such as the Middle East who go to Australia for asylum through smugglers. These refugees are regarded by Australia as illegal refugees and are taken by their coast guard forces. After being detained, some of them are sent to refugee detention facilities they have paid for overseas, and they are not allowed to enter Australia.

The two most well-known Australian detention centers for overseas refugees are in the Republic of Palu and on Machus Island in Papua New Guinea, which rely on helping Australia detain refugees for additional income.

However, after the Atlan Fund bought the island of Palu, according to the agreement, the refugees on the island were transferred to the island of Matus. This has led to the fact that there are currently more than 1,000 refugees detained on Majus Island.

Because the freedom of refugees will be restricted to prevent them from escaping to Australia again, and the conditions in the refugee detention center will not be very good, so during the tsunami attack, the refugees on Marcus Island were not transferred in time, at least some 600 people were included in the casualty list, accounting for as much as 30% of the total number of casualties in the province of Machus (not only including the island of Machus, but also many nearby islands), and this incident also caused the Australian government to be recently accused of domestic violence. Human rights groups outside the country and opposition parties slammed it wildly.

There are even a minority of MPs calling on Australia to bring those people back and stop causing this humanitarian catastrophe.

Of course, none of this has anything to do with William Chen at the moment. When the tsunami arrived in Guam and weakened to the point where it did not cause any damage, it was already five days after the volcanic eruption on Atlanta Island.

Now that the most dangerous time has passed, in order to explore the current situation of Atlan, the Eclipse and Poseidon will start their journey to Atlan after sufficient supplies.

They have also learned the current general situation of Atlanta Island through satellite photos. The eruption of the volcano has lasted for more than three days. At present, there are still sporadic smoke shrouding Atlanta Island, but they can already see the general outline of the island. .

This has surprised countless people, because the current Atlan Island, due to the accumulation of volcanic lava, has greatly expanded its area. Compared with the satellite photos before the eruption, the area of ​​Atlan Island has expanded by more than a dozen. Times, this is also the reason why Atlanta, including Erica, took over the government eager to set off. They need to complete the exploration of Atlanta as soon as possible.

Being able to start now is also due to this volcanic eruption, which is mainly a relatively quiet fissure eruption, and the gas and volcanic ash brought out are not so much. Even if the eruption is completed, it will take at least ten days to get close, otherwise the residual toxic gas will cause great damage and even death.

This time, in addition to the Eclipse and the Poseidon, there is also a supply ship temporarily hired by them belonging to the Guam Naval Base. In addition to the daily supplies on the ship, they also have a supply ship during this time. Some materials purchased include simple barracks, tents, generators, gas detectors, communications and other equipment.

Obviously, after this volcanic eruption, the original Atlan Island has been completely covered by the rocks cooled by the magma, and UUkanshu has become a barren land, and they now need to be on top of this blank, The first and foremost of rebuilding is to complete the stationing and form a preliminary order.

Three days later, on October 28, the fleet arrived at Atlanta again, and what appeared in front of them was an unfamiliar black-gray island.

In order to ensure safety, the convoy stopped a few nautical miles from Atlanta, and the Poseidon began to circumnavigate the island, making patrols and expelling nearby inquiring ships in the name of safety.

The helicopter took off from the Poseidon, with gas detection equipment, and flew to New Atlanta for exploration.

When the helicopter approached the island, through the camera on it, you can see that the island is really barren. All the rocks that come into your eyes are large rocks after the magma has cooled, and some places are even smoking white smoke. This is normal. Thousands of degrees of magma, in the inner area, will still maintain some temperature in some places.

When the gas detector showed that everything was normal and there was no toxicity alarm, the helicopter found a relatively flat place and landed slowly.

Two members of the Southern Crusade in gas masks disembarked from the helicopter. They explored the island and boarded a high ground. They assembled the flagpole they were carrying and planted the flag of the Republic of Atlanta on it. , thus completing the declaration of sovereignty over this new Atlan Island.

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