America's Road To Fame

Chapter 293: Multi-party participation

Although the conditions for William Chen\'s acquisition of the Palu Republic have passed their referendum almost unanimously, this does not mean that he can successfully complete the acquisition of the country\'s land and sovereignty. In fact, this is just the beginning. , I still have to be busy.

On the one hand, Erica, on behalf of William Chen, brought the team to discuss the details of the purchase terms with Palu. On the other hand, William Chen, together with his team in the United States, was called to the White House and Capitol Hill and began to acquire him Negotiate with the Republic of Palu.

It can be said that this negotiation process is even more difficult than the process of his acquisition of the Palu Republic.

Because normally, if Chen William acquired the Palu Republic, then as the owner of the new country, he would definitely not continue to retain the American nationality. In this case, he would voluntarily withdraw his citizenship.

According to the laws of the United States, a "refund tax" is required for withdrawal of citizenship, and with Chen William\'s net worth, the refund tax he needs to pay will be an astronomical figure, at least 40% of the total market value of all his properties.

And there is another one, that is, after he acquires Palu, can he inherit Palu\'s international identity, not only continue to remain in the United Nations, but also be recognized by the international community including the United States and other five permanent countries?

Among them, the support of the United States is a hurdle that he has never been able to bypass.

Therefore, if we can achieve a satisfactory result for both parties in this negotiation, we need his think tank to strike a perfect balance between William Chen\'s core demands and the interests that can be relinquished, and it can be recognized by the American government. , the difficulty of this matter is no less than his running for the commander-in-chief of the United States

The lobbying required, the strategies required, and the trade-offs required can be said to be indescribably huge and complex.

Just like various issues in the past, in the United States at this time, there are various voices, some supporting and some opposing, regarding Chen William\'s acquisition of the Palu Republic.

In the more mainstream opinion, supporters believe that although there is no precedent for individuals to acquire a country, the United States has repeatedly expanded its territorial area by purchasing the territory of other countries in history, and if the country is regarded as a special "company" , then as an American citizen, you naturally have the right to buy it.

And some international relations experts have also suggested that the state should support this kind of private acquisition of the state. Although Palu does not have a large geographical strategic position because of its small land area, it is located at the junction of Oceania and Asia. It is not far from Machus Island, which was an important military base of the US military during World War II. Therefore, if William Chen can really buy this country, even if he will lose his American citizenship, the country he owns will be naturally close to the United States, and it will be a very important partner country for the United States in this region.

Opponents believe that buying a country is too child\'s play. Once William Chen buys Palu, it is very likely that his wealth will be transferred to this country. On the one hand, there is a suspicion of tax avoidance, and the Republic of Palu is a tax haven. , and may even help the wealthy in the United States have more ways to avoid taxes or launder money through it.

On the other hand, William Chen\'s Meta Group currently owns companies, including Internet, entertainment media and investment businesses. Many of its subsidiaries are very important industries in the United States. Once he buys Palu, the United States is likely to Losing a large amount of wealth is very unfavorable for the country, especially now in the recovery period after the subprime mortgage crisis. It can be said that this gradually improving economic situation is easily hit to a certain extent.

For people in other countries in the world, they mainly look at this matter with the mentality of eating melons. After all, Palu is only a small country with only 30 square kilometers and a population of only 120 million. It may be a Fortune 500 company. Each is larger than its size.

Therefore, the reason why this matter attracts so much attention is that although it is small, it is a country after all. This kind of purchase of a country by an individual without precedent also makes everyone wonder what the final result will be. .

While negotiating with the United States, Chen William is also discussing with relevant officials of the United Nations on how the Republic of Palu will integrate into the international community after William Chen\'s investment and take over, and become a normal country recognized by the international order, which has continued in the United Nations. status to negotiate.

In short, during this period of time, most of his energy was devoted to it. Even when Meta (Asia) Entertainment Media Company completed the acquisition of Shanda Literature, he just asked briefly. Most of them were Meta (Asia) companies. ) Entertainment Media CEO Zhang Zhao is in charge.

At this time, Wen Ziren has completed the formation of the "Extreme Game" crew with the help of Huace Film and Television, including Fan Yongshui, Sasaki Nozomi, Quan Zhixian, and all the leading actors and all actors have already arrived.

They have already started to go to the Republic of Palu. According to the shooting plan, while the people of Palu are still on the island, they can make cameo appearances in part of the group. On the island, there are also a group of local people who will curiously watch them get off the boat.

There are not many exterior scenes in Palu in the entire "Extreme Game", that is, the initial arrival of the island and the eventual departure of the only survivor from the island, and most of the rest are indoor scenes.

So filming in Palu will be completed very soon.

Erica\'s team also set out the details of the acquisition with Palu, including:

Chen William will acquire the land and state rights of the Republic of Palu for 4 billion US dollars. Among these funds, 3 billion US dollars will be compensation for national relocation.

After the signing of the contract, all citizens of the Republic of Palu need to complete the relocation within one month in order to receive the full $3 billion in funds. Beyond this time, 2% of the total cost will be deducted for each day of delay..

The remaining $1 billion is a mutual fund that will be paid to all Palu nationals, which will be paid after all nationals have been relocated and the Republic of Palu has been handed over.

Through this sale of the country, all the citizens of the former Republic of Palu will become a huge group of rich people, so Australia is also very active. They sent special personnel to form a receiving agency and reached a relationship with the Republic of Palu. Subsequent contracts.

They will accept all Palu nationals and give them Australian citizenship, and even in order to attract Palu people to come to Australia with this huge amount of money, they even promise that they will set aside an area to allow the Palu people to establish a small towns, and given certain rights of self-government.

Of course, the premise is that local laws and regulations must be followed.

In fact, It is not only Australia that has ideas for Palu, a group of tens of thousands of rich people, Papua New Guinea, which is closer to them, and even New Zealand have threw an olive branch to them.

It\'s just that Papua New Guinea\'s economy really has no advantage, and it is not in the eyes of former local tyrants such as Palu. As for New Zealand, it is not as competitive as Australia. Therefore, the Papua government finally chose Australia\'s conditions and prepared to contract in the contract. After the signing, the whole country will be relocated to Australia, where they will continue to live in a new identity - Australian.

Now everything is ready here, just wait for Chen William to come over and sign the contract in person.

On behalf of William Chen, Erica reached an agreement with the Australian envoy. After taking over the national status of the Republic of Palu, the new country will continue to maintain friendly relations with the Australian side and cooperate in various fields.

Moreover, the Australian foreign debt owed by the Republic of Palu will also be borne by the new country and a new repayment agreement will be signed with the Australian side.

This series of guarantees also reassured Australia and welcomed William Chen\'s new country.

At this time, William Chen\'s negotiation with the American government finally reached a consensus and had a final result.