America's Road To Fame

Chapter 292: referendum

Seeing this situation, and even seeing citizens gathered in front of the government building, hoping to get the latest news, Palu knew that this matter could not go on like this.

So very soon, they announced the specific terms of Chen William to all the citizens - a small country is also good, there are a total of 12,000 citizens, and the loudspeaker alone is enough to inform

And the Palu government has decided that it will hold a referendum three days later, that is, on July 23, to sell Palu at a price of 4 billion US dollars, accept Chen William\'s acquisition plan, and vote.

All people with Palu citizenship can vote publicly. If more than 75% of the votes agree, then the result will have legal effect. Palu will announce the acceptance of Chen William’s conditions and sign a sale agreement with him to sell all Palu The land, as well as the name of the country, were all sold, and the Palu nationals migrated collectively to live in other countries.

At this time, the news that the fourth richest man in the world, just after his 22nd birthday, and the wedding of the century with socialite Ivanta, William Chen, was ready to buy the country of Palu Republic at a price of 4 billion US dollars. everywhere.

At first, everyone didn\'t believe it, and lamented that now the news has begun to make up stories, and it is so outrageous.

After all, so far, there has never been a case of an individual buying an entire country. There is no precedent at all.

But the speed of the media is very fast, and Netflix deliberately opened a special channel called "The Birth of a Nation", and began to upload relevant news and record videos almost in real time.

The New York Times Group, a subsidiary of Meta Entertainment Media, has also opened a special page in its newspapers to track reports.

With the official announcement of the Republic of Palu, the referendum on William Chen\'s overall acquisition of the country is about to be held, and the accuracy of this news has been confirmed.

All of a sudden, the eyes of the whole world are on this small, small country that usually has no sense of existence.

After all, when ordinary people are imagining, they may have stories of sitting on countless wealth, buying a country, and becoming a king, but when this happens in reality... It\'s really exciting. !

At the same time, some media began to talk to Washington, asking what the White House thought about William Chen\'s purchase of a country.

William Chen knew from the beginning that his purchase of Palu would not be just between him and the Republic of Palu. It would involve many aspects, and all relevant countries would be involved.

So after he made an offer for the Republic of Palu, his think tank team, as well as the lobbying team he hired, began to work, including public opinion and lobbying for Washington.

The lobbying funds for the first phase alone amounted to as much as $10 million, and its effects are slowly beginning to show.

Regarding the reporter\'s concerns, a White House spokesman said that they have followed the news of William Chen\'s acquisition of the Republic of Palu, but the matter is still unconclusive.

Moreover, there is no precedent for private individuals, especially citizens of the United States, to acquire a country and become the owner of the country, but it is not impossible in legal terms, so the government will continue to pay attention to the progress of the event.

When this matter advances at an appropriate time, in order to ensure the stability of the international order and set an example for similar events in the future, the United States will exercise its international responsibilities and engage in dialogue with both sides of the incident to ensure an outcome acceptable to all parties.

Similarly, the Secretary-General of the United Nations issued a response to this incident, saying:

As a member of the United Nations, the Republic of Palu should abide by relevant international regulations and practices; at the same time, the United Nations will also respect the choice of the Palu people. Since there is no relevant precedent before, the United Nations will continue to monitor the progress of the matter and seek the most ideal way to resolve this incident within the framework of international law and the United Nations Charter.

Australia, which has previously cooperated with the Republic of Palu in many aspects, and is the largest creditor of the Republic of Palu, also expressed a similar attitude. They expressed their responsibility to maintain the peace and stability of the countries in Oceania, and would also respect the choice of the Palu people.

Therefore, when the Republic of Palu is about to hold a referendum, this small country suddenly welcomed foreign guests including the United Nations Special Coordination Group - a multi-national observer including the five permanent members, as well as the special envoy of the American general and the special envoy of Australia.

The national media and Netflix\'s filming team also arrived in the Republic of Palu to report on their referendum.

Perhaps since the founding of the country, Palu has never received such global attention. For a while, the people of this country are a little uncomfortable.

However, they were inherently optimistic—or they would not be so big-hearted that they would sell the country in exchange for money, so they quickly got used to it. Instead, many of them took the initiative to accept interviews with reporters.

By the morning of July 23, each of the 14 districts of Palu has set up polling stations for the referendum, and citizens will go to vote with their ID cards.

Since this matter concerns the interests of everyone, and even this is likely to be the last time they vote as citizens of the Republic of Palu, the enthusiasm of the people to vote is very high, and almost everyone walks out of their homes and votes enthusiastically. Anyway In fact, not many of them actually go to work.

And whether it is the special coordination group of the United Nations or the special envoys from the United States and Australia, they all watched this vote, and they will also monitor the counting of votes to ensure the fairness of the referendum result, which truly reflects all the will of the people.

The media reporters also reported on the voting situation that day. From the interviews they conducted with the Palu nationals who had finished voting, it can be seen that almost all the interviewees expressed that they voted in favor. It seems that the result It\'s obvious.

12,000 people, including less than 8,000 adults, are divided into 14 voting points, each of which has at least three voting channels, so this time the referendum went very fast. Someone went to vote.

The Palu government, through various means, still opened the polling place until 5 o\'clock in the afternoon after notification.

Next, Palu\'s public officials worked unprecedented overtime to count the results of the vote under the supervision of national observers in the United Nations Special Coordination Group, as well as special envoys from the United States and Australia.

The results show that among the 7,769 citizens of the Republic of Palu who are over 18 years old and have the right to vote, 7,522 people participated in the vote, and the turnout rate reached an unprecedented 96.8%. In the end, 7,361 votes in favor, 129 abstention votes, and negative votes were obtained. 32 votes.

The affirmative votes accounted for 97.86% of the voting population and 94.75% of the legal votes, all exceeding the 75% requirement stipulated by law. Therefore, in the end, the President of the Republic of Palu announced the results of this referendum and agreed with William Chen one by one. The conditions for the acquisition of the Republic of Palu The result of the referendum is legal and valid and has legal effect.

Therefore, the Palu side will immediately begin to sign the next agreement with Chen William on the acquisition of the Palu Republic, which also means that the Palu Republic has legally determined that it will sell its land and sovereignty to Chen William.

Although the result has been basically confirmed, reporters from various countries are still waiting for the final result outside the government building of the Republic of Palu. After all, this result can determine whether this unprecedented private acquisition of national sovereignty can be achieved, and regardless of the result, this It\'s time to make history!

When the President of the Republic of Palu announced the results, all the reporters couldn\'t help applauding, and everyone was a little excited. They became witnesses of history and witnessed the process of the first private acquisition of a country in human history.

And this whole process was completed under their spectators, and it can be determined that the whole process is indeed a true reflection of the public opinion of the Republic of Palu.

Immediately, the results of the referendum in the Republic of Palu were announced. The acquisition conditions proposed by William Chen for the Republic of Palu were confirmed to pass. As the Internet spread all over the world, it was received by people all over the world who paid attention to this matter, causing a sensation. !