America's Road To Fame

Chapter 294: solution

After William Chen launched various influences and efforts from various parties, he finally worked with the American government on how to complete the transformation from American citizens to the owners of the new country, and after he bought the Republic of Palu, the new country and the American relationship, reached a solution

This solution mainly consists of two parts.

The first part of the exit amnesty clause states:

1. The American government will pardon Chen William\'s "refund tax" for withdrawing his American citizenship.

2. William Chen will use the offshore fund, the Atlan Fund, as the main body of the acquisition of the Republic of Palu.

3. William Chen obtained a loan of US$10 billion from a bank consortium consisting of five banks, including Morgan Stanley, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citi and Goldman Sachs, by mortgaging part of the shares of the Meta Group, and injected it into the Atlan Fund, which was used for par The Republic of Lu undertakes the acquisition, as well as the subsequent construction.

4. William Chen will donate the assets of all individuals, including Meta Group, whose main business scope is the American market, together with the debts attached thereto, to the Caitlin Foundation to enjoy tax relief.

5. Of the funds that the Caitlin Foundation needs to use for charity in accordance with the law, no more than 30% of the funds are allowed to be used in the new country owned by William Chen, and no less than 30% of the funds are allowed to be used in the United States.

The second part is the "Memorandum of Partnership Construction between America and the Kingdom of Atlanta", referred to as "Memorandum of America and Asia", which includes:

1. The Kingdom of Atlanta will use the U.S. dollar as the only legal currency, and will work closely with relevant institutions in the United States to combat tax evasion, money laundering and other financial crimes.

2. The United States will support the normalization process of the Kingdom of Atlanta, and in the event of a riot in the Kingdom of Atlanta and its sovereignty being violated by other countries or organizations, the United States has the obligation to send troops to ensure its safety under the premise of the government of the Kingdom of Atlanta asking for help. .

3. In order to support the normalization of the Kingdom of Atlanta, the United States grants a limited-time tax exemption to American citizens who are naturalized in the Kingdom of Atlanta.

Within 5 years, American citizens who have acquired the nationality of the Kingdom of Atlanta must continue to pay taxes in accordance with American law for five years after joining the nationality of Atlanta, and can be exempted from the refund tax. During this period, citizens enjoy the same rights as American citizens.

4. America and Atlanta will cooperate in many fields.

These plans were reached after William Chen\'s vigorous lobbying. In the withdrawal amnesty clause, although William Chen\'s high tax refund was exempted, he required him to donate most of his assets to the Caitlin Foundation.

Although after this, the control of these enterprises is still in the hands of William Chen, but because of the nature of the Caitlin Foundation, it is equivalent to listing the company, and the business behavior of the company will be more transparent. Precautions for transfer.

We don\'t care about operating rights anyway, but these investments must remain in the United States.

Therefore, William Chen needs to adjust his assets. Among all his assets, the American part of Meta Group, including Meta Future Building, his shares in Paris\' Hilton-Chen Fashion Group, and Troupe The holdings of Meta investment companies such as the Group, Netflix, and Tesla will all be transferred to the Caitlin Foundation.

This also includes Meta investment company Zhongtianshu Fund, and $15 billion invested in US stocks.

The previous financing of Meta Group in Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley will be used as debt, together with the $10 billion loan injected into the Atlanta Fund this time, all of which will be attributed to the Caitlin Foundation, making the assets of this foundation rapidly swelled by tens of billions of dollars US dollars, but also took on more than $20 billion in debt.

Beginning next year, the Caitlin Foundation will need to spend 5% of its funds for charitable purposes.

However, he also won that no more than 30% of these charitable funds can be used for non-profit construction in the Kingdom of Atlanta (formerly the Republic of Palu), and at least 30% must be spent in the United States.

In this way, William Chen cut out the assets that he continued to directly hold from the original Meta Group, including investments in Asia and Europe: Meta (Asia) Investment Company and its China AMC Future Capital Venture Fund, Meta (Asia) Entertainment and Media Company and in The shares in TC Business Management Company, as well as Manchester United Club and Manchester United Brand Management Company, will be separated from Meta Group to form a future group headquartered in Modu.

After solving the problem of William Chen\'s assets in the United States and allowing him to complete the withdrawal of his American identity, the threshold for him to buy the Republic of Palu no longer exists.

On this basis, the "Memorandum of America and Asia" was also reached.

In order to prevent Atlanta from becoming a new tax haven like the previous Palu Republic, in the "Memorandum of America and Asia", Atlanta will cooperate with the United States in financial crimes, which will in fact integrate Atlanta into the United States financial system.

In return for using the U.S. dollar as French currency, the United States will also protect the national security of the Kingdom of Atlanta. With the size of Atlanta at this time, there is no basis for issuing its own legal currency, so it is also the best choice to continue to use the US dollar as the legal currency.

Of course, the U.S. military protection of Atlanta is not free. Atlanta is already very close to the U.S. military base in Guam, the most important U.S. military base in the Asia-Pacific. fee.

Finally, the "Memorandum of America and Asia" for the exemption of American citizens to naturalize the kingdom of Atlanta is also conducive to Atlanta\'s attraction of local talents.

This exemption clause is equivalent to a five-year de facto "dual citizenship" for American nationals who naturalized the Kingdom of Atlanta as a buffer.

The greatest significance of the "Memorandum of America and Asia" is that through this document, the position of the United States to support the Kingdom of Atlanta is established, which also ensures that after William Chen completes the purchase of the Republic of Palu, it can establish a real sense of "nation

So after clearing this biggest obstacle, William Chen took the Gulfstream G550 to Palu and met the president and senior officials of the Palu Republic at this time.

After all, the details of the purchase contract have been perfected at this time, so the two parties signed an agreement on the purchase of all the sovereignty of the Republic of Palu by the Atlan Fund under the witness of representatives of the United Nations, the United States, Australia and other organizations and countries.

This also means that the Republic of Palu will become the past tense from today, and a new country will be born from this.

Reporters around the world and the Netflix filming team recorded this historical moment. The photo of William Chen shaking hands with the President of the Republic of Palu after signing the contract also appeared on the headlines of almost all media around the world that day.

In the press conference held later, in response to the reporters\' questions about the new national system based on the purchase of the Palu Republic, and when the application for nationality will be opened, Chen William said, The specific content and policies are being specified, and consultations with the international community represented by the United Nations will also be required, and will be announced after the final result.

At present, the conversion process from the Republic of Palu to the new country has started. The first thing that needs to be done is the relocation of the original Palu nationals. The deadline for this work is August 28, which is one month later.

During this period, the team organized by the Atlas Fund will assist the people of Palu to complete this relocation, and cooperate with the United States and Australia to ensure the orderly and safe process of this relocation.

At present, the Atlan Fund has received US$10 billion from the American Bank Group. According to the agreement with Palu, it will first pay US$500 million after the signing of the contract for the funds allocated in advance for the relocation and resettlement of Palu people.

Until all Palu people are relocated and the island is vacated, the remaining $2.5 billion in compensation will be paid.

As for the $1 billion of Palu Mutual Fund, it will need to be finally paid after the final handover process.

The Palu side is very agile. Anyway, the country has been sold. The most important thing now is to get the money as soon as possible, so they issued regulations to the citizens, dividing the time into two parts, and the first half of the month was completed and the relocation was completed. In Australia, if you can get all the compensation in full, and the relocation is completed in the second half of the month, you can only get 80% of the compensation. As for those who have not moved out within a month, you will lose all the compensation, and these deducted compensation The funds will go into the Palu Mutual Fund.

Driven by such interests, the few people who originally voted against and did not want to leave their homeland, under the pressure of their families, could only choose to follow everyone to speed up the relocation.