America's Road To Fame

Chapter 22: Stabilize the military

So on this morning, William Chen, Alicia, Nielsen, and his acquisition team came to the newspaper office of the New York Observer. William Chen will complete the acquisition of the newspaper with Alicia.

As William Chen\'s lawyer, Alicia will confirm that there are no loopholes in the purchase contract. Nielsen and his team will conduct a final audit of the entire newspaper\'s financial situation before the acquisition.

As the former boss of The New York Observer, Robert De Niro has no deep affection for the newspaper. After all, he is neither the founder of the newspaper, nor has he owned the newspaper for more than two years.

And although this newspaper had helped him in his previous election campaign, it did not help him win that election. On the contrary, it caused him a lot of losses in the past two years. In the end, the price of the newspaper was also higher than what he bought. , with a loss of $1 million. Therefore, his current mentality is to use the most suitable price to throw this burden away.

So in his office, William Chen and he didn\'t have too many conversations about the newspaper. The conversation between the two was mainly general, including small talk about Hollywood, economy, society, and various aspects.

After Alicia confirmed that there was no problem with the contract, William Chen also got a reply from Nielsen. The financial aspects of the newspaper were the same as what they had learned before, and there was not much difference. At this point, the formal handover can take place.

After William Chen and Robert De Niro signed the contract, William Chen handed a check for $7 million to each other.

After seeing the check, Robert De Niro snapped his fingers, took the check, and said to William Chen: "William, this newspaper will be yours in the future, I hope it will develop better with you, I I will continue to be a loyal reader of this newspaper."

After speaking about this scene, he left the newspaper office with his entourage. Now, William Chen has officially become the new boss of the New York Observer.

"Mr. William, the employees in the newspaper are in a relatively unstable mood now. They have no intention of working and are discussing it outside. Do you need to say something to them?"

The one who told him this was Allen, the editor-in-chief of the Times, who was recruited by Robert De Niro after Capra left the New York Observer. According to information, he previously worked for a fashion and entertainment magazine. , it can also be seen that Robert De Niro\'s idea at that time was indeed to transform the newspaper in this direction.

When William Chen heard this, he looked at his watch and said, "Wait a little longer, Mr. Allen, I still need to wait for someone else."

After a few minutes, William Chen\'s cell phone rang, and after seeing the caller information displayed above, he immediately connected: "Are you here already? Okay, I\'ll pick you up right away."

"Now let\'s go out and talk to everyone." William Chen finished talking to Allen, and walked out of the office with the people in the room. At the door of the newspaper, William Chen received the person he was waiting for - Kaplan, the former editor-in-chief of the New York Observer.

William Chen naturally knew that everyone in the newspaper would be in a state of panic. After all, since Kaplan resigned and left here two months ago, the newspaper has been in turmoil. Many people left the newspaper because they could not see hope.

This morning, as William Chen and his party appeared in the newspaper, everyone could guess the purpose of their visit today.

Moreover, William Chen is so famous that almost everyone who sees him can recognize who he is. In addition to his previous reputation, it exacerbates everyone\'s doubts. Therefore, not only the employees of the newspaper, but also some people this morning The reporters who went out to collect and edit all received news and returned to the newspaper office, waiting for further news to judge the future of their job.

Perhaps, in the face of such a huge loss, the new boss will reduce the operating cost of the newspaper by laying off staff, but he does not know who those unlucky ones will be. Faced with this unknown, everyone will be worried, hoping that he is not the one who was laid off. \'s unlucky bastard.

At this time it was noon. When William Chen followed Kaplan, along with Alan, who had a slightly embarrassed face, and Alicia and Nelson\'s team, after this group of people returned to the newspaper again, William Chen faced all the facial expressions. The disturbed employees clapped their palms to get their attention, and said loudly:

"Please be quiet first, let me say a few words. First of all, let me introduce myself. I am William Chen and your new boss. Maybe many of you know me before and have heard many rumors about me. Media people, as a member of the "New York Observer", a newspaper that once had glory and glory, hope to keep in mind the purpose of our newspaper, which is to be objective and neutral. Therefore, no matter what your impression of me before, I hope that in the future, I will get along with you. In the middle, everyone can come to know me objectively and without prejudice.”

Seeing that when he introduced himself, some people had playful expressions on their faces, but after he finished speaking, everyone\'s expressions became serious. William Chen continued:

"Mr. Kaplan behind me, everyone should know him. He is the oldest and most prestigious editor in our newspaper. Two months ago, due to different ideas, Mr. Kaplan resigned from the New York Observer. The post of editor-in-chief. Today, after I bought this newspaper, I invited him back. I did so, in addition to the personal ability and integrity of Mr. Kaplan, which I admired very much, and also wanted to tell everyone, Starting today, I hope we can reclaim the ethos of objectivity and neutrality that our newspaper has begun to lose."

When William Chen said this, all the employees showed joy, and everyone couldn\'t help but applaud.

When the applause stopped, William Chen continued: "Today is my first day as a newspaper owner. Here, one is that I want to get to know you, and the other is that I want to say three things."

"First of all, it is the issue that everyone is most concerned about. Although our newspaper is still suffering serious losses - this may be known to everyone. But I am here to make a guarantee that I will not make layoffs because of losses, everyone, and those who have left before. Employees are the valuable wealth of the newspaper, as long as everyone can continue to work hard for the newspaper, everyone\'s income will only increase."

When everyone heard Chen William\'s statement, they couldn\'t help looking at each other excitedly, and their worries about the future were also swept away.

"The second thing is that not only will I not lay off staff due to losses, but in the future, I will also invest in the newspaper to expand the scale of its employees. I talked with Mr. Kaplan about the future planning of the newspaper. My goal is to, Develop our "New York Observer" from a regional newspaper to a national and even world newspaper, so that all capable employees will have more opportunities, and we will not disappoint those who have contributed to the newspaper. I hope everyone can Keep up the good work and support me and the editor-in-chief."

"One last thing." William Chen walked over to Jenny, Robert De Niro\'s secretary, who was in her thirties, a slightly fat woman with a kind face, and said to her, "Ms. Jenny, please help me here. Everyone ordered an afternoon tea, then handed the bill to me, and I treated it privately."

As soon as Chen William\'s words fell, the employees in the hall cheered. Some people began to shout: "Long live the boss", and there were even female employees\' shouts of "Boss, I love you". Chen William was helpless because of his appearance. He gained his first fans in the newspaper.

"Okay, I\'ve said everything I want to say. I hope we can develop the newspaper together in the future. Now I invite our editor-in-chief, Mr. Kaplan, to speak to everyone." William Chen gestured to Kaplan after he finished speaking. Then he walked over to the former editor-in-chief Allen with an embarrassed expression, and said softly to him, "Mr. Allen, would you like to come and talk to me?"

Allen glanced at the excited employees and Kaplan who had returned to the newspaper, then nodded, followed behind William Chen and walked into the office.

After Chen William left, Kaplan said to everyone: "I hope everyone can continue to support my work in the future, and continue to adhere to our creed of objectivity and neutrality. Well, let\'s start working quickly, I will deduct anyone who is lazy if I see it. money."

Hearing his words, everyone smiled and returned to their posts and started to work. After Chen William comforted them, they were relieved and no longer worried about the future.

"Mr. Allen, you should have seen it. I invited Mr. Kaplan back to continue to be the editor-in-chief." In the office, William Chen said to Allen.

"Yes, I understand, Mr. William, I will pack up and leave." Allen said a little lonely.

"Wait, I haven\'t finished my words yet, Mr. Allen." William Chen stopped him and said:

"I have read your profile, UU Reading You were the editor-in-chief of a fashion and entertainment magazine before, so you were recruited by Robert De Niro, right? I chatted with Mr. Kaplan before. I have been to the development plan of the future newspaper. One of the most important points is to prepare to increase the investment in the online edition of the "New York Observer". After that, we will increase the technical personnel and editorial strength of the network, revise our website, and Distinguish the content of the electronic version of the newspaper from the paper version.”

"Our electronic newspapers will be more inclined to the preferences of young people, including areas that young people are more interested in, such as sports, digital technology, entertainment and fashion, and more, and less serious content. More welcome way to present, such as more use of pictures instead of words, and the content of words is more colloquial. Therefore, there is a need for a network editor who can better grasp the hobbies of young people. I think you are a very suitable candidate, I don’t know. What is Mr. Allen\'s intentions? The web editor is responsible for managing the content of the web edition and is only accountable to Mr. Kaplan, and your compensation will not change."

"Thank you, Mr. William, I\'m willing to try it." Hearing Chen William\'s idea, Allen\'s eyes lit up, and he immediately agreed.

To make this decision, William Chen also thought carefully. He has also read the "New York Observer" after Robert De Niro\'s revision before. In terms of content alone, the effect of entertainment is still remarkable.

It\'s just that paper newspapers are no longer the trend of young people, so if Allen is in charge of the online edition of the New York Observer in the future, it should be considered to be the best use of everyone.

And given the opportunity, Chen William will set the style of the online version with him in the early stage. If he finds out later that he is incompetent, it is not too late to resign.